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Long live People's struggle!
by Prem Kumar on Mar 11, 2008 08:17 PM  Permalink 

Mr. Sanjeev,

Because of militants presence in the area, 6 large distirct's people cannot be held ransom under this cruel AFSPA. People are the one suffering from both ends - Militants & Armed Forces.

Are they not our Brothers & Sisters? Will you let them suffer & die, in the name of militants presence?

AFSPA is equal to Dictatorship where Army has sweeping power to Kill anyone and no enquiry or investigation. This kind of power even spoils a good mind. When we claim to be World's largest democracy, we promote autocracy in our homeland?

Former Supreme Court Justice Jeevan Reddy did detail study of the situation and recommended that act be REPEALED immediately.

Let us stand for our brothers and sisters in North-east. They have suffered a lot becaue of successive Govt's ignoring them but its time we stand up.

Sharmila did Zindabad!

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I whole heartedly support Ms Sharmila Chanu..
by Peter Parker on Mar 11, 2008 04:32 PM  Permalink 

There is no room for a modern society to protect mass murderers even if they belong to the army. If the act promotes rape's, torture etc then it should be repealed or at worst there should be independent enquiries into such incidents.
As far as north-east is concerned, there will be peace in the North-East if the central government considers them as indians and not otherwise. Knowing how these delhi guys treat north-east folks, I am not at all surprised that they want independence.

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Misuse of Gandhivad
by sanjeev kulkarni on Mar 11, 2008 11:06 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is a misuse of Gandhivad.When there was violence Mahatma withdrawl the ANDOLAN. When there is violance by militants then why there is no fast against it?Think why the act is not enforced in WB/TN/Tripura?

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RE:Misuse of Gandhivad
by Prem Kumar on Mar 11, 2008 08:16 PM  Permalink
Mr. Sanjeev,

Because of militants presence in the area, 6 large distirct's people cannot be held ransom under this cruel AFSPA. People are the one suffering from both ends - Militants & Armed Forces.

Are they not our Brothers & Sisters? Will you let them suffer & die, in the name of militants presence?

AFSPA is equal to Dictatorship where Army has sweeping power to Kill anyone and no enquiry or investigation. This kind of power even spoils a good mind. When we claim to be World's largest democracy, we promote autocracy in our homeland?

Former Supreme Court Justice Jeevan Reddy did detail study of the situation and *recommended* that act be ***REPEALED*** immediately.

Let us stand for our brothers and sisters in North-east. They have suffered a lot becaue of successive Govt's ignoring them but its time we stand up.

Sharmila did Zindabad!

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To Mr. R tyagi
by sajansajan on Mar 11, 2008 10:41 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

"Regarding decisive power of Delhi, we have a central government which we elect"
We = People of mainstream.
Do you think states which have 1 or 2 MPs get proper hearing in Delhi?
Imagine Delhi has 5 MPs and the whole stae of Kerala 9. Who will have power?
" It so happened in this case that state government repeatedly failed to achieve peace with its own resources." Delhi government conceded before Supreme Court that it cannot maintain peace if Delhi masterplan is implemented as ordered by court and as ordained by law of land. What did the center do then? Pardoned all law breakers and legalize their illegal act. Why was no AFSPA implemented there? Why this double treatment?

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RE:To Mr. R tyagi
by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 10:51 AM  Permalink
Thanks for starting new thread.

You may remember, government was forced to adhere to the Supreme Court's directions and had to enforce law and order as well, before the law breakers find support in legislators and the validity of the act is still pending before Supreme Court.

The reason behind double treatment is armed struggle. In Delhi situation was brought under control with water cannons, baton charges, etc by local police and paramilitaries itself. But in the present case, people are not protesting unarmed with stone pelting or crude arms. They use advanced weaponry beyond control of local police. You won't be willing to force a constable with a baton to go in front of an insurgent with automatic rifle?

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RE:RE:To Mr. R tyagi
by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 10:54 AM  Permalink
Regarding representation.
It is a serious question, but it has no straight answers too. Only solution can be that elected representatives are responsible and good enough to take a collective view of country and the responsibility to find them among us and get a parliament we deserve rests on our shoulders, as we are the ones supposed to vote.

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Good article.
by veeramreddi venkata srinivas on Mar 11, 2008 10:40 AM  Permalink 

I have read about this great lady sometime back and thanks to rediff for writing this article. I seriously do not understand what problem does the Centre have to repeal the AFSPA act. Time and again justice and peace are restored in societies because of great people like Iroma Sharmila Chanu. We need more people like them.

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who is sharmila
by secondearning on Mar 11, 2008 10:25 AM  Permalink 

who is she and y she is arrested

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Law & Order
by zafar arif on Mar 11, 2008 09:57 AM  Permalink 

the machinery used to maintain law & order, i.e. police, military or whatever, should be made literate about their rights, duties, limits, mode of conduct in public, public's right etc otherwise when these guys in Khaki, who are actually public servants, their existence itself is to serve public and they are definitely not above public and human beings,should conduct themselves in a professional and respectable way, using their senses, if they have it. Otherwise, they can well be termed as :"Gonda's in Khaki".

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give peace a chance!
by sushila hari on Mar 11, 2008 09:41 AM  Permalink 

i wonder how the current govt would have treated the greatest apostle of peace Bapuji! Even peace is nowadays FOUGHT fot!

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Every Indian who believes in Humanity should support Sharmila
by ram vikas on Mar 11, 2008 09:30 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is really pathetic the way this lady is being treated by the Indian state. She is fighting for a noble cause of getting her fellow citizens live in peace. It is more than seven years since she has taken food. She is protesting by sacrifising her own interest. How many of us could do that? She was so honest to admit that her own body is the only tool through which she is protesting. Has Indian state become so insensitive to listen only voilent measures? I think Indian state to address to the Sharmila's demand. I do not know what is AFPSA but it is understandable that common people are being negatively affected. The state should honor its citizens by indulging into dialogue and should not resort to the monologue of draconian laws.

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RE:Every Indian who believes in Humanity should support Sharmila
by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 09:43 AM  Permalink
She is doing the best she can for what she believes is right.

Government is doing what it believes is best for the society at large in region, in view of armed insurgencies which threaten law and order.

And it is not a question of addressing an individuals demand, nor should it be. It simply is that what she is demanding goes against the government's view of situation. And till the situation is conducive, government must not be under any pressure to influence its decision.

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RE:Every Indian who believes in Humanity should support Sharmila
by sajansajan on Mar 11, 2008 10:16 AM  Permalink
"Government is doing what it believes is best for the society at large in region" In a democracy the right to decide whats good for society lies with the people of the region and not Delhi. If Delhi did whats good for every region, regional tendencies would have not increased with every passing year. Till yesterday it was J&K and north east (blamed on Muslims/Pakistan and Christians/China resepectively.) Then you had Naxals and now Raj Thakery. Time to wake up and Delhi shouldnt decide becoz Dehi decides whats good for Delhi not the regions.

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RE:Every Indian who believes in Humanity should support Sharmila
by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 10:26 AM  Permalink
Very correct, But I didn't used Delhi.
The fact that development is uneven has a lot to do with diversity that we have in all walks of life all over India, and the more uneven it gets the more regional tendencies are fueled.
Regarding decisive power of Delhi, we have a central government which we elect, just as state government, to take care of issues that may not be handled by state government. It so happened in this case that state government repeatedly failed to achieve peace with its own resources. Moreover, possibility of complicity of local politicians (My personal belief is they are alike everywhere) forced center to take matter in its own hand, as it now concerns the integrity of country at large and involves armed insurgencies beyond reach and means of state government.

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RE:Every Indian who believes in Humanity should support Sharmila
by sajansajan on Mar 11, 2008 10:40 AM  Permalink
"Regarding decisive power of Delhi, we have a central government which we elect"
We = People of mainstream.
Do you think states which have 1 or 2 MPs get proper hearing in Delhi?
Imagine Delhi has 5 MPs and the whole stae of Kerala 9. Who will have power?
" It so happened in this case that state government repeatedly failed to achieve peace with its own resources." Delhi government conceded before Supreme Court that it cannot maintain peace if Delhi masterplan is implemented as ordered by court and as ordained by law of land. What did the center do then? Pardoned all law breakers and legalize their illegal act. Why was no AFSPA implemented there? Why this double treatment?

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RE:Every Indian who believes in Humanity should support Sharmila
by sajansajan on Mar 11, 2008 10:58 AM  Permalink
"The reason behind double treatment is armed struggle.". you are playing with words. We all know there is armed struggle becoz there is double treatment. The armed struggle did not exist in 1947. It is a result of repeated governments treating non-mainstream states as colonies doing nothing for their development. If you give an honest thought even you know that Delhi people get away with every shit while even basic rights of marginal people are grossly violated. That is the reason that the number of regional movements has consistently increased.

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RE:Every Indian who believes in Humanity should support Sharmila
by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 11:11 AM  Permalink
Here, there is an important point. Don't expect things to change overnight. The regions were not equally developed then. We were not an economically strong country. We had suffered some major defeats politically and geographically. There were major issues.
You won't expect government to make all regions equal before moving any forward. The pace of change was also different.
If people resort to violence to make their point known then it is neither correct nor helpful and not democratic. Economies and development do not go hand in hand with violence. The result is what we have today.

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RE:Every Indian who believes in Humanity should support Sharmila
by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 10:48 AM  Permalink
You may remember, government was forced to adhere to the Supreme Court's directions and had to enforce law and order as well, before the law breakers find support in legislators and the validity of the act is still pending before Supreme Court.

The reason behind double treatment is armed struggle. In Delhi situation was brought under control with water cannons, baton charges, etc by local police and paramilitaries itself. But in the present case, people are not protesting unarmed with stone pelting or crude arms. They use advanced weaponry beyond control of local police. You won't be willing to force a constable with a baton to go in front of an insurgent with automatic rifle?

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RE:Every Indian who believes in Humanity should support Sharmila
by SANDEEP SINGH on Mar 11, 2008 09:47 AM  Permalink
Brother, u better know about the act, current situation in north east and then comment !!!
By the way, why doesnt she ask ULFA, NSCN etc for peace,after all they are chiefly responsible for disturbences.
Every day Indian solidiers die at hands of these terrorists, i guess they are too human beings !!

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