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Long live People's struggle!
by Prem Kumar on Mar 11, 2008 08:17 PM

Mr. Sanjeev,

Because of militants presence in the area, 6 large distirct's people cannot be held ransom under this cruel AFSPA. People are the one suffering from both ends - Militants & Armed Forces.

Are they not our Brothers & Sisters? Will you let them suffer & die, in the name of militants presence?

AFSPA is equal to Dictatorship where Army has sweeping power to Kill anyone and no enquiry or investigation. This kind of power even spoils a good mind. When we claim to be World's largest democracy, we promote autocracy in our homeland?

Former Supreme Court Justice Jeevan Reddy did detail study of the situation and recommended that act be REPEALED immediately.

Let us stand for our brothers and sisters in North-east. They have suffered a lot becaue of successive Govt's ignoring them but its time we stand up.

Sharmila did Zindabad!

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Of Sharmila's re-arrest and a struggle