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Srilanka army lies and their lies continues for ever.
by UnitedHindu on Mar 09, 2008 05:52 PM  Permalink 

Srilanka lied to the whole world that Prabakaran is injured. Then it told he is severly ill. Srilanka never allow media or any UN representatives inside TamilELLAM,hence it can lie anything to the world. Pitty thing is indian media that has very good experience in reporting also printed and published the false news given by srilankan army.

One more lie from srilankan army is,everyday srilankan army reports that it killed 20-50 ltte cadres.If one take this into account, today LTTE should have vanished. For the last 6 months srilanka is saying it is fighting with ltte and achieving victories,but srilanka army couldnt conquere a single centimetere from tamil ellam territories controlled by ltte.
In contrast, ltte is celebrating only after its victories. Just 26 ltte soldiers in a matter of one hour destroyed the whole srilankan air base in anuradhapuram. In the history every time srilanka claims for false victory,but always srilanka surrendered to LTTE from KATUNAYAKE military base attack to ELEPHANT pass attack,its srilankan military who surrendered to ltte.

Srilanka can lie today for not ever and ltte will come victorious.

Always in the history men of the land who owns it will win and not the occupiers.

It is been witnessed in Kashmir and we indians won.Is been witnessed in israel and jews won back their land.

Prabakaran left from india to TamilEllam with 10-20 cadres on his hand. Why he has to go there?That was tamils land and it has to be got back to tamil.

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Difference between Terrorists and Militants
by Pradeep Ramachandra on Mar 09, 2008 05:47 PM  Permalink 

The difference is militants works for a cause but terrorists works for no cause. There main aim is to induce fear in people. So we can call all those people who are associated with banned afghanisan and Pakistan organisation as terrorists, but we can not call LTTE workers as Terrorists, we can only call them militant. So please choose the proper word

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RE:ltte & its supporters are a bunch of sooks !
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 05:13 PM  Permalink
How will you clasify the people who find it unacceptable that a genocide of tamils are hapenning at their doorstep?

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by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 05:03 PM  Permalink
You cannot justify a genocide on an entire population.

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by alert on Mar 09, 2008 05:07 PM  Permalink
It is LTTE who have murdered more TAMILS than the army.

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by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on Mar 09, 2008 05:31 PM  Permalink
Mr alert the LTte has not killes more Tamils than the army . oF the 90000 people killed more than 90% are innocent Tamil civilians killed by the Sri Lankan armed forces Police and heavily Sinhala thugs and criminals sent as Sinhlas colonists to teh Tamil NOrth and East especially to the Tamil East . Get your facts correct. Ltee has killed some Tamils but they are not Tamil civilians most are Tamil quislings.

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by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on Mar 09, 2008 05:32 PM  Permalink
soory heavily armed Sinhala thugs and criminals

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by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on Mar 09, 2008 06:06 PM  Permalink
Mr Alert who has been killin gal lthese Tamil politicians, intellectuals and priests both Christian and Hindu for the past few years. Quite a number have been killed murdered assasinated. Strange they have all been very outspoken very concerned about what is happening to the Tamilian population especially the killing kidnapping and ssome released after exhorbitand amounts of ransom was paid. The Australian Televison aired a programme recently regarding this. It showed many Tamils are kidnapped if they have relatives in teh west and ranspm money of around $300000 is demanded. Many have been kidnapped very close to Army checkpoints and paramiltaries closely associated with the government. An ex Tamil paramilitary leader's group who was recently arrested in a western country ws blamed for these. Mnay of these Tami; Politcians Priests and intellectuals were on the verge of making many things public and they all strangely died. what do you think of all these strange and violent deaths Mr Alert. is it terrorism ? Do yo have any idea who is behind all these . We all know it is not the LTTE then who

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by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 05:09 PM  Permalink
Does that mean we should accept the genocide of all the tamils in SL?
Do you real think Indian will accept to be party to a modern genocide?

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by alert on Mar 09, 2008 05:11 PM  Permalink
eliminating the LTTEs and their supporters is not Genocide.

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by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 05:15 PM  Permalink
So eliminating - LTTE and its suppoters who makes most of the tamil population is not genocide?

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by Tataghata Mukherjee on Mar 09, 2008 05:15 PM  Permalink
Srilankan Tamilians are not Indians

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LTTE ban should be lifted
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 04:40 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There is a state organize genocide going on at our doorstep.
This genocide is on SL hindus, just because they were born tamils.
If the western world can highlight the genocide in Kosovo and Drafur- why can we do the same for the Tamils.
We should lift the ban on LTTE, at least let them defend themselves. Or put pressure on SL to stop the genocide- by economical embargo if necessary.

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RE:LTTE ban should be lifted
by alert on Mar 09, 2008 04:56 PM  Permalink
LTTE criminals must pay back for the heinous crimes against tamils like murder of amirthalingam,Padmanabha,Mathya,Uma maheswaran and thousands such.
Unless Prabhakaran who is a proclaimed offender comes out of coward hidings and surrenders to india and face the court procedings there is no way LTTE will survive.

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RE:LTTE ban should be lifted
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 05:01 PM  Permalink
I am referring to the Tamils n SL- arethey all criminal?
There is a genocide on Tamils there- if we cannot do anything to help- the least we can do is let thye Tamils defend themselves from extermination. And there is oly one group that can protect the tamil from extermination is the LTTE. Unless you rea suggesting sendin Indian troops there agian- which cannot happen again.
So the lifting the ban is the only sane solution.

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RE:LTTE ban should be lifted
by alert on Mar 09, 2008 05:04 PM  Permalink
Yes several of them are criminals because they are supporting the murderer Prabhakaran who has murdered thousands of Srilankan Tamils.

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RE:LTTE ban should be lifted
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 05:06 PM  Permalink
So are you suggesting the extermination of an entire race?

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RE:LTTE ban should be lifted
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 05:11 PM  Permalink
How do you exterminate the LTTE- if they are fighting to prevent the genocide of Tamils?
This means if you extermiante the LTTE- by default the Tamils will also be exterminated?
Is that what you mean?

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RE:LTTE ban should be lifted
by alert on Mar 09, 2008 05:08 PM  Permalink
extermination of LTTE ? yes very much...

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LTTE must stop it
by sat on Mar 09, 2008 04:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

LTTE has been waging an ethinic war for no reason...They should stop this bloody war as noone is gaining frm it..Srilankan govt is also to be blamed for breaking the ceasefire...Innocent civilians life is stalke for no reason...SriLankan govt should see that if demands of these tigers could be met within the soverign intergrity of Srilanka...LTTE must justify its action first to gain the sympathy of Indians...

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RE:LTTE must stop it
by alert on Mar 09, 2008 04:57 PM  Permalink
LTTE criminals must pay back for the heinous crimes against tamils like murder of amirthalingam,Padmanabha,Mathya,Uma maheswaran and thousands such.
Unless Prabhakaran who is a proclaimed offender comes out of coward hidings and surrenders to india and face the court procedings there is no way LTTE will survive.

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RE:LTTE must stop it
by amsuman on Mar 09, 2008 05:30 PM  Permalink
i fully agree with u, dr friend

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RE:LTTE must stop it
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on Mar 09, 2008 05:45 PM  Permalink
sat first rad Sri Lankan history and then comment . The LTTE and the etnic war did not start without any reason . This is a result of systamatic discrimination of native Sri lankan and Indian origin Tamils since independence by every Sri lankan government. This discrimination is in language education jobs . ultimatley in trying to dperive the Tamil of their homalnd by delberate large scale colonisation to change the ethnic blance in teh Tamil North and East. One million Tamils of Indian origin were stripped of thier citizenship and were made stateless.soon after independence, after living in Sri Lanka for more than 150 years and contributing to its wealth. The Tamil tried all nonviolent and peaceful methods to gain ther just rights. This was only met with scorn dersioan and systamatic planned violence where thousand of Tamils lost their lives properties. Today there is around a million native Sri LankanTamil living in teh west due to this . You dont find Sinhalas refugees. Many SInhlas do try to claim refugee status stating that thoy ae part tamil and have been victimised for helping Tamils. There are aroound 300000 internally displaced Tamil from the North and East many may not be able to retune to thoer home esppecially in the east . thoer lands have been earmarked for Sinhlas colonisation. Around 90000 civilians have been killed and more than 90% of these are inncent Tamil civilians killed by the Sri Lankan armed forces. If this is not genocide then what is.

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by Pulsar on Mar 09, 2008 04:22 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why is LTTE considered a terrorist organization? Hasn't the Srilankan government also used strong arm tactics and indiscriminate bombings of civilians? If LTTE is terrorist organization, why is Srilankan government not a terrorist state?

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by Murugavel Anniyamman on Mar 09, 2008 04:26 PM  Permalink
Simply because Sri lankan government has only dealt with terrorists with force. And it does not come as a state policy.

Can you claim India to be a terrorist state, because there were attrocities against innocent kashmiri civilians in J&K?

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by mahesh aryamane on Mar 09, 2008 04:28 PM  Permalink
well said MR Murugavel Anniyamman i appreciate your view

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by Dhiman Mohajan on Mar 09, 2008 04:33 PM  Permalink
When Indian Govt. bomb shelled to Civilians in J & K ? Indian Govt. kills only Pakistani and Afghan militants and not any Indians. In Srilanka LTTE consists of Srilankan Tamils only.

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by Pulsar on Mar 09, 2008 04:32 PM  Permalink
First of all, don't bring India into the picture. This is a question about Srilanka. Analogies need to be drawn carefully. And since the context is Srilanka, there is no point in going into a tangential debate about whether the situation in India is same as that of Srilanka.

Having said that - LTTE itself was formed because of oppression of Tamils in Srilanka. Many Tamilians were killed in various parts of Srilanka in the 1980s. Tamils were treated as second class citizens and their culture was stamped upon repeatedly. So what came first is a difficult question to answer.

Moreover, Srilankan government has deliberately used indiscriminate force against civilians. I am not talking about dealing with terrorists here. It is civilians.

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by Irfan on Mar 09, 2008 04:28 PM  Permalink
Why Indian Media always address Tamil Fighters as Tigers whereas they have killed our prime minister if all the muslim fighters are considered terrorists without any high profile and evidently proved attcked.

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by Rajan Daniel on Mar 09, 2008 05:03 PM  Permalink
LTTE/ Tigers' motives aren't against any Indian interests other than one off (terible) incident of (alleged) killing of Rajiv Ghandi. Where as the Alqaeda and some of the Muslim organisations are clearly against the interests of India.

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by Irfan on Mar 09, 2008 06:06 PM  Permalink
Thanks Rajan

World needs people like you.

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by Irfan on Mar 09, 2008 05:25 PM  Permalink
How can you say that "alleged" even after accepted by LTTE and those of ALqaeda as evident not not alleged.

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by mahesh aryamane on Mar 09, 2008 04:31 PM  Permalink
dude irfan
get over religion bias
they both are killing innocents in the name of freedom struggle

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by Irfan on Mar 09, 2008 05:19 PM  Permalink
Let me tell you bro that i am a die hard supporter of tamil ealam freedom but when media calls us terrorist and them tigers it really disturbs me.Well Tamil are asking for their rights for your kind info. and they shall have it Inshallah

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