Srilanka lied to the whole world that Prabakaran is injured. Then it told he is severly ill. Srilanka never allow media or any UN representatives inside TamilELLAM,hence it can lie anything to the world. Pitty thing is indian media that has very good experience in reporting also printed and published the false news given by srilankan army.
One more lie from srilankan army is,everyday srilankan army reports that it killed 20-50 ltte cadres.If one take this into account, today LTTE should have vanished. For the last 6 months srilanka is saying it is fighting with ltte and achieving victories,but srilanka army couldnt conquere a single centimetere from tamil ellam territories controlled by ltte. In contrast, ltte is celebrating only after its victories. Just 26 ltte soldiers in a matter of one hour destroyed the whole srilankan air base in anuradhapuram. In the history every time srilanka claims for false victory,but always srilanka surrendered to LTTE from KATUNAYAKE military base attack to ELEPHANT pass attack,its srilankan military who surrendered to ltte.
Srilanka can lie today for not ever and ltte will come victorious.
Always in the history men of the land who owns it will win and not the occupiers.
It is been witnessed in Kashmir and we indians won.Is been witnessed in israel and jews won back their land.
Prabakaran left from india to TamilEllam with 10-20 cadres on his hand. Why he has to go there?That was tamils land and it has to be got back to tamil.