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Going for too long
by shiva on Mar 05, 2008 06:25 AM  Permalink 

The best way forward is to be upfront with US. This deal or no deal seems to boomrang to the headlines every week.

All things considered, let us make a decision. Keep the national interest at heart and all should get the facts right and pursue the course as one.

Energy security is of utmost importance. We are dependent on Middle East oil for 70% of our needs. Oil is becoming a political weapon. It is over triple digits and EU Commissioner has said it can even double, as there are no other viable options at the moment.

The alternates are trying to raise their heads. Bio fuels from palm oil creates more environmental destruction, also the sky high raw material prices of over $1,000/ton. Jatropha is a better alternative, but the progress is slow. We can also learn from Brazil, where the cars switch between petrol or fuel from sugarcane.

But, there is a silver lining in the horizon. We should seize the initiative. Solar can be the white horse. Now they are three times more expensive. Newer technology can make the polluting oil a sunset industry and the energy from the sun, a sun rise one, the ever renewable sun God sent gift. Let the govt give tax breaks and our private companies can do the rest. There will be a meeting point soon. The oil price rises while the solar energy becomes cheaper. The twain shall meet soon and then both will reduce. Goodbye to polluting oil!

The nuclear deal can really be in the back burner. There is light down the tunnel!

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Life in India versus USA
by Nandu on Mar 05, 2008 04:35 AM  Permalink 

In India, there was a neighbours kid who practically grew up in our house. He had dinner at our place...we had cable TV (first in our street )..he would be watching TV and some days he would just fall asleep and we would tuck a pillow and cover him with a blanket.

The first day I was in the USA (Texas), I was advised by my cousin who received me to not to wander around into neighbors property or knock on the door. He said I have to take appointment before visiting them else I could get shot for trespassing.

Scared the bejeesus out of me.

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I believe in India and I believe in everything Indian
by amol on Mar 04, 2008 11:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I travel the world and I see Indians everywhere leading the world. Be it British companies or American or Middle Eastern ..Indians Indians Indians everywhere..

It may sound arrogant but Indians are the most well rounded people in every sense. That is the reason why we have risen against all odds in merely but 60 years.

Give India another 10 years and it will overtake America. The British know India has already over taken them. SO now they are finding ways to entrap India in deals to control its progress. India must not fall. India must not be fooled. India must not be misled.

We are a people who will rise no matter what. We are a people who will come up agsint all odds. Nuclear deal or no nuclear deal we will survive as we have done a thousand times before and we will better our lot.

The first thing we as Indians must never do is be divided on this issue. Even if someone opposes your view do not forget that he is Indian and your own blood. Do not treat him as an enemy. For that will be the beginning of the end. We must stay together and listen to each other and we will get to the truth.

Don't forget the freedom we have was fought for by great souls like Nehru and Gandhi and Bhagat Singh and Bose and thousands of others...
Now Pranab Mukherjee and Manmohan Singh and Ronen Sen and the caucus of people who have started seeing the American point of view are ignoring the fundamental point being made by the opposers of the deal....which is that India would become s

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RE:I believe in India and I believe in everything Indian
by Minto on Mar 05, 2008 03:57 AM  Permalink
With 60 percent illiteracy and 70% of its population with earning 25 cent per day. we have made temendous progress indeed. In another ten years we will overtake USA. This is prophetic.

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RE:I believe in India and I believe in everything Indian
by Nandu on Mar 05, 2008 04:56 AM  Permalink
Just for facts - India can sustain an 8 per cent growth rate till 2020 and will overtake UK as the world's fifth-largest economy. UK economy $1.9 trillion, USA economy $16 trillion. How can Indian economy overtake it in mere 10 years ?

An average person in the UK makes $40,000 and enjoys all the essentials like water, housing, education, medicines for free!! these are not even basic, they consider providing broadband connections to the entire population as a basic human right!! please compare living standards like for like, not just mallyas and ambanis raking in the moolah.

Right now, our GDP is better than Hong Kong, Sweden, Singapore, Malaysia etc. So what if surpasses USA in 40 years? But qualities of our life, are they comparable? Let this be an information not be jingoistic. Country's growth should be assessed by a common individual's growth and accessibility.

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RE:I believe in India and I believe in everything Indian
by TheOneAndOnly on Mar 05, 2008 12:59 PM  Permalink

GDP depends on affordability and consumption/spending.

So, GDP will increase for sure. SO, Consider a Rupee Appreciation will certainly happen against the Dollar, Which will push the USA down the list of GDP.

But for the Migrations, USA's population is decreasing and family system collapsing.

As Indian GDP grows, Migrations out of India will decrease which means lesser growth in USA, Australia, NZ, Canada, Europe, etc. Wich will in turn also decrease the migrations of other peoples to USA,etc.

That is why The whole world is eager to suppress india thru this Nuclear Deal. N Deal is not at all good for India.

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RE:I believe in India and I believe in everything Indian
by Sankalp on Mar 05, 2008 02:16 AM  Permalink
Rediff are the spymasters.They spy your computer,sell your details.Some even make email addresses in your name.So beware of the Josefs and Nairs team running rediff.

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Hyde act will matter.
by P Zipk on Mar 04, 2008 11:15 PM  Permalink 

The Hyde act will matter. Hyde never negotiated this act with an intention of treating India as an ally and equal partner. This act tries to make India depend on the whims and moods of the US politicians. This act will be used to beat up India to force side with the US on foreign policy issues.

For most part, it is in India's interest to be on the side of the US, but India should not be subjugated. India should not become a client state like Pakistan.

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Hyde act will not matter
by Minto on Mar 04, 2008 10:48 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hyde act will not matter as long as Indo-US ties are strong. We need to have a very strong India lobby in Washington just like Israel. Americans are already dazzled by India. They depend on India for world class engineering and service indistries. Nothing will be an impedement as long as we give up our hang up about Arabs, Iranians and to some extent Russians. Just say yes, baby. France get more than 70% of electricity from nuclear source. With US technology we can do even better. Just dump the commies and call a snap election.

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RE:Hyde act will not matter
by You yourself on Mar 04, 2008 10:59 PM  Permalink
If you are right about US dependence on India, we don't need any treaties. We can tell them what to do. At least we should be trying to.

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RE:Hyde act will not matter
by TheOneAndOnly on Mar 04, 2008 11:05 PM  Permalink
The Question is What about it When (ever) the ties get weaker ?

For sure there seems to be a strong lobby of USA in Delhi - which is official and working.

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RE:Hyde act will not matter
by Minto on Mar 04, 2008 11:22 PM  Permalink
If we play it right, ties will be strong and remain strong. In USA, you just need to give contribution to presidential candidates, members of senate and congress. Give ample contribution and you will have access to them all the time. NRIs can India can play the role of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) for India. That is the group we need to target.

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RE:Hyde act will not matter
by Minto on Mar 04, 2008 11:25 PM  Permalink
Should be:
NRIs can play the role of AIPAC for India

instead of:
NRIs can India can play the role of AIPAC

Remeber that laws are made for your enemeies in international relations. They are just like weapons. They use it against their enemies only.

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RE:Hyde act will not matter
by TheOneAndOnly on Mar 05, 2008 01:10 PM  Permalink

While we shall be increasing the markets for the USA's defense, nuclear, space, shipping and R&D industries thru this Deal,

If we have to keep on bribing the US Senators, Isn't it a BAD paradigm ??

When russia collapsed AK47s and nuclear material is said to be sold out at throw away prices illegitimately.

If USA goes into recession, It will sell the Fuel with No Strings attached and without Media Attention.

Does any seller sell anything at cost price with out profit ?

Why to unnecessarily perennially Bribe foreigners, after buying things at a premium from the same people ?

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