I travel the world and I see Indians everywhere leading the world. Be it British companies or American or Middle Eastern ..Indians Indians Indians everywhere..
It may sound arrogant but Indians are the most well rounded people in every sense. That is the reason why we have risen against all odds in merely but 60 years.
Give India another 10 years and it will overtake America. The British know India has already over taken them. SO now they are finding ways to entrap India in deals to control its progress. India must not fall. India must not be fooled. India must not be misled.
We are a people who will rise no matter what. We are a people who will come up agsint all odds. Nuclear deal or no nuclear deal we will survive as we have done a thousand times before and we will better our lot.
The first thing we as Indians must never do is be divided on this issue. Even if someone opposes your view do not forget that he is Indian and your own blood. Do not treat him as an enemy. For that will be the beginning of the end. We must stay together and listen to each other and we will get to the truth.
Don't forget the freedom we have was fought for by great souls like Nehru and Gandhi and Bhagat Singh and Bose and thousands of others... Now Pranab Mukherjee and Manmohan Singh and Ronen Sen and the caucus of people who have started seeing the American point of view are ignoring the fundamental point being made by the opposers of the deal....which is that India would become s