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what sort of inian this sickis , he wants his prestige above all, news also came on rediff at 12 o clock
by northern on Jun 20, 2008 12:02 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

what sort of indian this sick is , he wants his prestige above all, news also came on rediff at 12 o clock

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RE:what sort of inian this sickis , he wants his prestige above all, news also came on rediff at 12 o clock
by Palo on Jun 20, 2008 12:11 AM  Permalink
This shows your "sick" mentality. Do you know that the famous 12 O'clock attacks by Sikh warriors saved your female ancestors from Muslim rulers so that you were born Hindu?

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RE:what sort of inian this sickis , he wants his prestige above all, news also came on rediff at 12 o clock
by Kevin Koshy on Jun 20, 2008 12:20 AM  Permalink
Well said !

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RE:what sort of inian this sickis , he wants his prestige above all, news also came on rediff at 12 o clock
by Vishal Sharma on Jun 20, 2008 12:22 AM  Permalink
Whats the diff between Sikhs and Hindus? All Sikhs are ultimately Hindus only. Each family used to give a son from the family to join the clan of the warriors (Singh) to defend the land from the Islamic barbarians from the west and Central Asia. Over time, an entire army of Lions (Singhs) stood and became a religion. Now some of the descendents say that they Sikhs and not Hindus, and they say Onkar and not Omkar. Whats the bloody difference? Its almost like the Maggie Tomato Ketchup? Whats the difference? Hindus & Sikhs are basically one and the same, arent they? I f**kn see so many Sikhs praying at Hindus temples and see so many Hindus praying at Gurudwaras? So whats the difference?

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RE:what sort of inian this sickis , he wants his prestige above all, news also came on rediff at 12 o clock
by vidurbda on Jun 20, 2008 04:35 AM  Permalink
true kaha hai diffence but only you guys bring it when u whne u say thing like this
"news also came on rediff at 12 o clock"

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PM wants to resign
by murty on Jun 20, 2008 12:00 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Resignation from the PM is a week stance on the new political development on the neuclear issue.Let his Govt sign the deal and then resign,even if it is secretly to be done.Then call for dissolution of parliament.Iam sure the future generations will remember him,for his astute economic vision in taking the country,in to world's economic power,and Instrumental in increasing the economic position of millians of indians.I again reiterate that any party expecting to come power in all elections is incorrect.As long as you are in power do best to your country and slowly fade out into history.That's best option to PM.

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RE:PM wants to resign
by Sastry on Jun 20, 2008 12:35 AM  Permalink
Who ever is thinking that our PM is strong. So unbecoming of the great community he belongs.

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by adeel ahmad on Jun 20, 2008 12:00 AM  Permalink 

Did MMS take permission from Sonia Gandhi or on her instruction he is saying so?

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This is all Bullshit!!! He Doesn't have the guts!!!!!
by Sanjai Singh on Jun 19, 2008 11:58 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is All bull shit and another gimmick to fool people.

Those who have to resign, resign quickly and without telling the whole world like their own Steel minister Akhilesh Das resigned.

Congress still believes in playing old dirty tricks of 1970's 80's of Indira Gandhi times and think that they can misled people by doing stupid acts like this.

The indian PM is the weakest PM of all times. He can't take a decision like this. How come a man who can't take a decision of hanging Afzal can take a decision of resigning from power hungry party and its old wicked leaders.

If he has to go ahead with nuclear deal then he should take a bold decision and face the music, at the most the his goverment will fall down. Elections are due in near future anyway.

But this way using media to put up a propoganda is a trick to hold left parties at random to support them.

Whichever way left decides, but this act of Congress and its PM has shown once again that he is a puppet and can't take bold decisions whether it means country welfare or it own partty's welfare.

People in India can now see through your acts...........

Mr. Manmohan Singh please resign today



Do us all a a favour. This country and its people will be grateful to you if you will resign.

God bless congress and it's leaders

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by Anand sodo on Jun 19, 2008 11:57 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

MMS,cannot resign,atleast this is what he has proved in the past four years. It is required that a qualified PM like him should resign in the interest of the nation as well as his party(for he will have proved a point and his party can continue to rule too, if required by their vote bank politics)BUT alas he has proved that he is afterall tail wagging beaurocrat, bent below his belt to please his masters?!!!!

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by Chawat Manoos on Jun 20, 2008 12:04 AM  Permalink
correction....... to please his mistress :) :)

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Modified N-deal in 2009, under BJP-NDA govt.
by Bharat Kr on Jun 19, 2008 11:56 PM  Permalink 

This is the only viable and apt solutions. Those patriots support the deal at its present unequal form, are doing just they hate communists. This is not a true reason. Communists are inherently anti-US, nuclear deal is not the only issue. Communists asking govt to stop defence relation with Israel. But, we have to see the greater interest of India. If tommorrow China or Pakistan tests nuclear weapons, what India will do if we are binded under Indo-US deal? Not many Indian scientists and intellectuals support the deal at it present form. If this deal is not signed by the Congress-UPA govt, that does not mean deal is dead. In todays scenario, US needs India more than India needs US. I am sure, only BJP-led govt can come up with a revised deal with position of strength. Congress govt under Manmohan Singh is a weak structure, they somehow wantted to get the deal and earn millions as kickbacks like Bofors scandal.

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I think manmohan has seen the promo of Sing is King!!!
by avijit ganguly on Jun 19, 2008 11:56 PM  Permalink 

Thats why he suddenly got excited!!!

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Go Puppet Go, Enough is Enough
by Bharat Kr on Jun 19, 2008 11:55 PM  Permalink 

Congress party's India is competing with Mugabe's Zimbabwe. Puppet Singh now want to go.Go, please go NOW. Mugabe created record in Guinees Book of World Record with over 500000% (five lakhs) inflation. India's Congress-UPA-Left govt competing to defeat Mugabe. We are sure, they will. It is a matter of time. Soon, Congress-UPA-Left govt will celebrate mass Bharat Ratna and Jewels of Italy award programs. Sonia's dear friend fugitive Quottrochi would the Guest of Honor, and secular Afzal Guru as Chief Guest. Congress monarchy and loot raj will destroy the nation. Its time, we citizens arise and save the nation.

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Kick out the Commies
by Six Sigma on Jun 19, 2008 11:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Down with the Traitorous Communists!!
Bloody China backers...saale jis thaali se khaate hain usi thaali mein cheed karne chale hain!!

Bastiches want deals with China and not US..tell the fkking communists about the indo china war when those chinky mofos invaded when we were offfreing our hands in friendship.

DOWN with the communists....kick them outta the country..them and their impotent leader Yechury!!

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RE:Kick out the Commies
by raju on Jun 20, 2008 12:04 AM  Permalink
six sigma u go and suck the shit of ur president bush.Dont tell us to do the same thing.India is better without USA.

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RE:RE:Kick out the Commies
by Raj Gaurav on Jun 20, 2008 12:10 AM  Permalink
Anothe traitor Raju!!! U a spy for the commies or the chinese??? fukcing the only dicck who prefers china over usa is a fool who's living in a dream world!! the CHINESE STAKE CLAIM TO 40000SQ KM OF INDIAN TERRITORY YOU MORON!!!
USA wants india as part of the Nuclear elite...not even its "ALLY" Pakistan shares that honor.

Go stuff yourself!!!


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Dr.Singh's gutts.....
by Madhusudhana Rajagopalan on Jun 19, 2008 11:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is heartening to know that Mr.Singh, has shown some guts... at least now. Hats off !

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RE:Dr.Singh's gutts.....
by Six Sigma on Jun 19, 2008 11:55 PM  Permalink
Yea..he shouldnt take this bullshit the commies have been throwing since they formed the govt.

I hate the communists..they're not part of democracy and should be delisted as a party!!!

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