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This is all Bullshit!!! He Doesn't have the guts!!!!!
by Sanjai Singh on Jun 19, 2008 11:58 PM

This is All bull shit and another gimmick to fool people.

Those who have to resign, resign quickly and without telling the whole world like their own Steel minister Akhilesh Das resigned.

Congress still believes in playing old dirty tricks of 1970's 80's of Indira Gandhi times and think that they can misled people by doing stupid acts like this.

The indian PM is the weakest PM of all times. He can't take a decision like this. How come a man who can't take a decision of hanging Afzal can take a decision of resigning from power hungry party and its old wicked leaders.

If he has to go ahead with nuclear deal then he should take a bold decision and face the music, at the most the his goverment will fall down. Elections are due in near future anyway.

But this way using media to put up a propoganda is a trick to hold left parties at random to support them.

Whichever way left decides, but this act of Congress and its PM has shown once again that he is a puppet and can't take bold decisions whether it means country welfare or it own partty's welfare.

People in India can now see through your acts...........

Mr. Manmohan Singh please resign today



Do us all a a favour. This country and its people will be grateful to you if you will resign.

God bless congress and it's leaders

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal