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Good news PM
by shiv shankar on Jun 20, 2008 09:56 AM  Permalink 

are you leaving to your son'd/daughter's house in US?

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nuke deal
by Dwaraka Nath on Jun 20, 2008 09:55 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

PM should be firm as he has put his stake behind the nuke deal in the interest of the country and its development/growth. PM should also talk to BJP and other opposition to create consensus. Left has for last four years is armtwisting the Government for its petty political gains.

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RE:nuke deal
by Ramesh Venkataram on Jun 20, 2008 10:04 AM  Permalink
The Left are total Azz-Wholez, completely disconnected from Reality. The PM should resign to save his as well as Country's Honour

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Sonia is next PM
by jai indian on Jun 20, 2008 09:54 AM  Permalink 

If MMS resigns next PM candidate is Italy Sonia Gandhi

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PM may resign
by Srinivas vishnu on Jun 20, 2008 09:54 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The communists have shown the sense of responsibility in keeping the government from taking hasty desicions. It is pity that congress had not been open about the deal even now, but reverted to threatening tactics. If it a good decision to go ahead with the US lobby on nuclear deal and cannot be delayed to save the sick Bush administration, It is worth waiting some more time, as time reveals the truth - and uplifts the truth and strengths it.
Satyameva jayate. SO no decisions should be taken in haste towards the end of the term of the present government like they did with the budget and the economy - Good things can wait and succeed the scrutiny of the public opinion. SO the entire deal had to be put before the public - before selling their souls in secrecy to the US.

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RE:PM may resign
by varadarajan balu on Jun 20, 2008 09:58 AM  Permalink
Sir I do respect ur concern over the issue, But do u think the public debate is possible for such an issue in a country like India where 30-40% are illiterates .So u go by the experts opinion andthey have given a clean chit to the deal and said that it will be a win situation for India. I do not think it was a hasty decision because this deal thing was there when NDA was there.

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Hes a man of HONOR
by Rational Thoughts on Jun 20, 2008 09:52 AM  Permalink 

This article by Sheela Bhatt is a bigoted one.She is writing it from the prism of COMMIES...Guys,this fellow our honorable primeminister is doing a good damn job...lets b proud that we had a fellow like this to lead us...rather than communal/fascist stupids.
I agree he had done a great deal of minority pleasement and i think thats played by all political parties in India and thats cheap politics.But this one,the DEAL...its gud 4 us...the cming generations to come...
Any1 have a piece of doubt...go to IBN site and read the interview with Karan thapar and YECHURY/BHARDHAN...you could c how those stupid commies are falling apart when the rite questions been asked..
Let us support this man...a man of honor and determinance...and a man of willpower...lets not humiliate him calling weakest and oppurtunist...hes not that...a man as said cud neva b Mr.ManmohanSingh...History will prove it.

Still...i hate the party CONGRESS!!!!Needless to say BJP..COMMIE and all frigging parties out ther.

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Our PM is great, really
by Satish on Jun 20, 2008 09:51 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Yes, he is. I don't think we ever had a more qualified (check his resume), matured and intelligent PM ever. And his stand on Nuclear Deal shows that he puts national interest over political interests. Hats off to this Man.

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RE:Our PM is great, really
by amrit on Jun 20, 2008 09:57 AM  Permalink
I agree! The best PM in the last 2 decades...

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RE:RE:Our PM is great, really
by Guest on Jun 20, 2008 10:00 AM  Permalink
he is anyway at the end of his tenure? what is the point in growling like a tiger now? Are the people fools?

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RE:Our PM is great, really
by King c on Jun 20, 2008 09:54 AM  Permalink
whats the use of growling like a lion at the fag end of his tenure? whom is he trying to fool? He was sticking to his chair all this while and see where he has brought the country to!

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RE:Our PM is great, really
by Kishore on Jun 20, 2008 09:58 AM  Permalink
Education only does not determine a great leader . If that is the case , India should have the largest amount of entrepreneurs , taking in regards of number of MBA graduates.
He may have degrees , but he is a pathetic leader

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RE:RE:Our PM is great, really
by Guest on Jun 20, 2008 10:00 AM  Permalink
whom is the PM trying to fool? He is anyway at the end of his tenure.

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RE:Our PM is great, really
by Guest on Jun 20, 2008 09:59 AM  Permalink
whom is he trying to fool? He is growling like a lion when he is anyway at the fag end of his tenure as a PM? If he had guts, he should have said this atleast 1 year ago!

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Shud sign the deal
by sunil gupta on Jun 20, 2008 09:50 AM  Permalink 

I strongly believe Hon'ble Prime minister should go ahead and sign the deal,because it is in the national interest and should not allow left parties to take countrymen for granted on there personal political stunts. Every person of the country is aware that how important this deal is for national interest. So please don't allow somebodies personal gain on the risk of countries progress.

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A Long delayed decision
by Dhorabh on Jun 20, 2008 09:49 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The PM doesn't think of resigning over party and governance failures. what has been your progress towards containing price rise and super high inflation? what are your efforts towards eradicating poverty, bringing affordable healthcare to both urban and rural poor. You have repeatedly refused to meet survivors of the Bhopal gas tragedy inspite of their fast after the march to Delhi. There are scores of more issues to highlight which have been wanting for attention.

Dear PM, if you don't want to resign over your governance failures but more on your displeasure towards the nuclear deal - it speaks volumes - resignation is then a long delayed one!

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RE:A Long delayed decision
by amrit on Jun 20, 2008 09:58 AM  Permalink
Yeah I guess we should make you the next PM!

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RE:A Long delayed decision
by ninu kj on Jun 20, 2008 09:58 AM  Permalink
u seems an idi**ot(commi),dont know abc of inflation.

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by hirendra bhattacharjee on Jun 20, 2008 09:48 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

please Mr prime minister go ahead with the deal . these communist leaders are not in any sense patriots. even before the independence of india they supported British, now they are more concerned with the chainese interest then our national one. i think it will be better for u to get the support of BJP , they have given some hint they may support the deal inspite of talking with communist. they bluntly reject any thing what so ever related to AMERICA ......'nonsense'

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by varadarajan balu on Jun 20, 2008 09:51 AM  Permalink
Yes They are ideological idiots...

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