This article by Sheela Bhatt is a bigoted one.She is writing it from the prism of COMMIES...Guys,this fellow our honorable primeminister is doing a good damn job...lets b proud that we had a fellow like this to lead us...rather than communal/fascist stupids. I agree he had done a great deal of minority pleasement and i think thats played by all political parties in India and thats cheap politics.But this one,the DEAL...its gud 4 us...the cming generations to come... Any1 have a piece of doubt...go to IBN site and read the interview with Karan thapar and YECHURY/ could c how those stupid commies are falling apart when the rite questions been asked.. Let us support this man...a man of honor and determinance...and a man of willpower...lets not humiliate him calling weakest and oppurtunist...hes not that...a man as said cud neva b Mr.ManmohanSingh...History will prove it.
Still...i hate the party CONGRESS!!!!Needless to say BJP..COMMIE and all frigging parties out ther.