Pakistan is going ahead with nuclear deal with China for their Kahuta plant...the emnemies of India & base for terrorism in the world..
This deal of paki is never opposed by Karat & co... in fact they support the deal as they are traitors..
Yechury & Karat never won even a municipal election and plotted to throw out the vetran leader Jyoti Basu from Politbureau of CPM ..
These fellows have befooled the gullible Bongs & showed finger like Greg Chappel to Somnath Da when he wanted to contest vice President post...CPM is power by Bengal but all plum position are hijacked by rootless fellows like Yechury & Karat...
What a great fooling to bongs !!!!the so called intellectuals
Wake up India& wake up bengal before it is too late ,,
If PM wants to quit, he should better quit his office over Inflation issue as being one of the top economists, he could not take timely action to prevent it.
Well i would fully support PM, i am in saudi arab and company in which i work they are the highest oil exporter in this world, here oil is only 5rs litre, eventhough inflation is going like skyrocketing here, everything is getting costly here day by day. So we all should understand that the PM did his level best to curb in inflation, We should support him not to critise. We as educated people without knowing the real causes should not blame him. Wherever the left has ruled they have not developed their own states, (millions of keralites are here) WB is moreor less everyday closed bcause of strikes. NDA is keeping mum (as usual politician), they couls not have done anything better than PM. So lets say "our PM is one of the honest and intelligent guy in politics" so pls support him.
Very intelligent.... pity your kind of intelligence was not around when a BJP government was thrown out in the Delhi state just because the price of ONE item - namely Onion rose sharply...
RE:oil prices
by James bond on Jun 20, 2008 02:24 PM Permalink
who says they were thrown out for onions, they were thrown out because they did not keep their promise to build the mandir.
Pakistan is going ahead with nuclear deal with China for their Kahuta plant...the emnemies of India & base for terrorism in the world..
This is never opposed by Karat & co... in fact they support the deal as they are traitors..
Yechury & Karat never won even a municipal election and plotted to throw out the vetran leader Jyoti Basu from Politbureau of CPM ..
These fellows have befooled the gullible Bongs & showed finger like Greg Chappel to Somnath Da when he wanted to contest vice President post...CPM is power by Bengal but all plum position are hijacked by rootless fellows like Yechury & Karat...
What a great fooling to bongs !!!!the so called intellectuals
Wake up India& wake up bengal before it is too late ,,
RE:Yechury & Karat like traitors should be made naked & exposed of their eveil design!!
by raj on Jun 20, 2008 02:55 PM Permalink
china has signed 123 agreement with usa, and they have nuclear energy from bsg. they have broken the NPT and aupplied arms to pak. but chian doesnt want ndia to sign 123 so that india doesnt have energy. commies in india are sick.
when china attacked india in the 60s, commies in india celebrated. sick flastards!
RE:Weekest Prime Minister
by sushil on Jun 20, 2008 02:41 PM Permalink
How do u know that he spend 150 crores on family travel...r u from his family or u were planning travel for him...that u r so sure about this 150 crores...
The strange behaviour of the Indian PM is rather astonishing. For a man of his stature, and that too a well-known and respected economist, to hold his party and the coalition government at ransom and threaten an already severely inflated economy with the whooping cost of a possible general election only because he will loose face internationally, and in particular with his friend Bush, if the Nuclear deal is not allowed to pass by the coalition partners, is absolutely ridiculous, irresponsible and selfish on the part of the PM. Whatever be the merits of his case he is expected to behave in a manner worthy of the office he holds. I hope he realises that and rectifies his adamant stand before it has disastrous consequences for the India's overall stability, but especially for its precarious economy.
This is not the right time to quit. Let the Power brokers play their role by withdrawing the support. Let the people of India understand them completely till the last nail is driven to the coffin of these so called communists and socialists. If Dr. Singh resigns now, it will be taken as an opportunist step. People understand inspite of non-copoperation within and outside, he played his role reasonably well. If he leaves at this point of time (when India is facing global economic turbulance), It won't be justified to his professional skill. Within leftout tenuure in his office, people of India will expect him to act on economic front with his professional skill keeping aside any sentimental outbreak. People of India are watching activities of these brokers (who only enjoy authority without responsibility contradicting their own doctrin). They can participate as speaker of the House to master the house but can not take responsibility as cabinet minister. They talk of "third front" before election and participate in the alliance (by supporting from outside) to enjoy the power of government. I mean, playing as chairman of different committees. They will oppose computerisation, they will oppose english language in the primary education level at the first place but accept subsequently and promote them next by saying "no no, it was a mistake." So quiting PM's position for this reason does not make sense, who knows may be after the election they will say "it was a mistake and Ind
Mr. Singh is an respected person - how long can he remain with all these power hungru corrupt people.Any party in his place would have raised inflation to 22%.I personally feel he is the last most humble and most educated PM of India.After this it will Mayawati , Mulayam and Lalu raj.People who are so called secular and think tanks would not have even voices even.India will turn into another Taliban!!
RE:Manmohan is Great and Honest!
by Donald Duck on Jun 20, 2008 03:09 PM Permalink
i am no supporter of BJP, but why do you keep quiet when hindus are being murderer?
may be in your SIMI terminology, killing a hindu is not termed a murder...
there had been hindu murders for decades, not BJP is becoming a vehicle for countering it.
RE:Manmohan is Great and Honest!
by bawlachintu on Jun 20, 2008 02:11 PM Permalink
i agree at least he is not a killer like the hindu extermist groups like BJP, Bajrang, SS whom we shamefully vote and elect
RE:Manmohan is Great and Honest!
by Debanjan Das on Jun 20, 2008 02:19 PM Permalink
Neither like SIMI,and the different stupid odd names the Muslim Extremist keep themselves to keep them floating on news.Please don't compare any religion with ISLAM it is the shittiest religion in the world .It awks.
RE:Manmohan is Great and Honest!
by All Right on Jun 20, 2008 03:30 PM Permalink
Well said. I think we might get along in this subject as I am with you....:)