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Manmohan Singh and the Nuclear Deal
by Reuben Gabriel on Jun 20, 2008 02:10 PM

The strange behaviour of the Indian PM is rather astonishing. For a man of his stature, and that too a well-known and respected economist, to hold his party and the coalition government at ransom and threaten an already severely inflated economy with the whooping cost of a possible general election only because he will loose face internationally, and in particular with his friend Bush, if the Nuclear deal is not allowed to pass by the coalition partners, is absolutely ridiculous, irresponsible and selfish on the part of the PM. Whatever be the merits of his case he is expected to behave in a manner worthy of the office he holds. I hope he realises that and rectifies his adamant stand before it has disastrous consequences for the India's overall stability, but especially for its precarious economy.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal