PM Singh is a Responsible person and he will do only for Interest in Nations and all alliances must keep faith on him. He is the Only PM who visited Arunachal Pradesh recently to give strong message to dirty and shameless china. No PM got time to visit Arunachal in last 12 years. He is Strong from Inside and knows Left parties blackmailing game
RE:PM Is Brave Man and Left must Respect Him
by Bharat Kr on Jun 20, 2008 04:18 PM Permalink
Nice joke. Wake up and try to be real intelligent. He visted Arunachal, its no deal. He is merely a Personal Manager of Italian woman's empire. I can visit every corner of the nation and world. How does it matters?
why u r resigning PM? there are still politicians who are in the age group of 86, who completed his birthday recently and completed 2 years of his tenure as CM and seems like he will complete another 3 years and then only he will expire. Those peoples are still in politics and why not u? dont resign for these kind of small issues.. dogs will bark by looking at sun but the sun doesnt mind..
RE:RE:why u r resigning PM?
by intelligent on Jun 20, 2008 03:42 PM Permalink
Left is asking him to become slave of china. Allow chinese Incusrions and keep quite. China will cut India in Few pieces. Left wants govt to handover sikkim and Arunachal were No PM will tolerate this. JAI HIND
RE:why u r resigning PM?
by Albert Adibadla on Jun 20, 2008 03:54 PM Permalink
RE:why u r resigning PM?
by Rajendra Banerjee on Jun 20, 2008 04:25 PM Permalink
Go run forward and fall on his feet with tears in your eyes, begging him not to resign. He is awaiting your prayer. Statisics shows a foreign minister never makes a good PM. MMS has simply verified statstics. He is only good at playing a poodle of the uneducated Italian lady. He has disgraced the high post of PM by making himself a cheap sub-servient order bearer.
RE:why u r resigning PM?
by R Balasubramanian on Jun 20, 2008 03:51 PM Permalink
this is only a gimmick. There is a jolly ritual in south indian brahmin marriage where the groom will undergo a ritual called Kashi Yatra when he will go out of the marriage hall in apprehension only to be stopped by the brides father assuring him of giving him his daughter to lead a happy and confident life and that, he is also there in addition to his parents to take care of his adversaries, if any, arises in future. Likewise, Manmohan Singh's threatening is also humurous and childish. All these politicians are jackels. If he has guts let him put down his paper showing the genuine reason as to he feels let down by the Indian parliament, in particular by communist in the international forum, for the decision taken by him in the real interest of the country and people has not been received in the right perspective by the communist. Then we will accept his real intention.
RE:Indian needs him for some more time
by Sastry on Jun 20, 2008 04:10 PM Permalink
I don't find anything good i him except his loyalty to Her Majesty's Voice. What did the country get except his "Minority First" slogan and his teams' efforts to fabricate the society.
I don't know Why PM wants to resign by highlighting the Nuclear Deal.!!! When there are real issue's to resign like INFLATION. Chinese Incursion of indian teritory at sikkim, Arunachal. Bangladeshis virtual teritory expansion till Kolkatta, Assam!!!.
Atleast there should be some realistic issue to resign!!
RE:Wana Resign :-) what a reason!!!
by gaurav singh on Jun 20, 2008 03:55 PM Permalink
look at bigger picture my friend inflation is due to oil prices .nuke energy cud reduce dependenceon oil and hence will bring down inflation .i guess u might hv heard of electric &hybrid cars.
RE:Wana Resign :-) what a reason!!!
by rana on Jun 20, 2008 07:42 PM Permalink
So Nuke is the only bigger pic for you. Inflation and incursions mean nothing?? that to for the economist PM and his champ FM??
If Nuke deal is signed: there will be no more R&D for the alternative Nuke fuel in India.!!!. that will again be a dependency on the Nuke Suppliers like oil supliers these days.
Nuke energy is not going to solve the problem but it will definitly be the cause of our dependencies on US/AUS/BRITS/FRNC etc.
And they are not like gulf countries who have some dependencies on India .!!!
Left parties, especially CPM, has made it a practice to oppose anything that take the country to progress. They forcefully opposed when tractors were introduced in early 70s. Then they opposed introduction of Computers. They opposed taking loans from World Bank. They opposed industrialisation by private partnership. But, now-a-days they are going for such things in West Bengal and Kerala. They opposed these earlier on the plea that it will spread imperialism of America..a bogey they always raise and there are lot of people in India to believe them..that is the pity. Congress should take a firm decision to go ahead with the nuck deal so that India will be benefitted from it immensely. It is time to show CPM and its allies that beggers can be choosers.
deal must for india in light of soaring oil prices as oil is not going to last another 60 years .we need power for various infrastructure project & to attract investment we cant afford to lose our position as other countries like russia are more than willing to take our position.