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RE:why u r resigning PM?
by R Balasubramanian on Jun 20, 2008 03:51 PM

this is only a gimmick. There is a jolly ritual in south indian brahmin marriage where the groom will undergo a ritual called Kashi Yatra when he will go out of the marriage hall in apprehension only to be stopped by the brides father assuring him of giving him his daughter to lead a happy and confident life and that, he is also there in addition to his parents to take care of his adversaries, if any, arises in future.
Likewise, Manmohan Singh's threatening is also humurous and childish. All these politicians are jackels. If he has guts let him put down his paper showing the genuine reason as to he feels let down by the Indian parliament, in particular by communist in the international forum, for the decision taken by him in the real interest of the country and people has not been received in the right perspective by the communist.
Then we will accept his real intention.

Balasubramanian - Bangalore

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal