Only BJP have guts to sign this deal.If BJP can Make Nuclear India then BJP can Sign Nuclear deal and put India in ahead of the world.Congress will lose this change and BJP will Gain in Future.Karat and Company will Le DUBEGI congress Ko.
RE:BJP Only Trusted and Action Taker Party
by Ramelton Pandya on Jun 20, 2008 08:31 PM Permalink
Chodo yaar. Jab power mein the tab kya ukhada tha jo ab ukhadenge.
Go and get people of the caliber of Dr Singh and Chidanbaram and may be then you cna talk. Tab tak lathi leke ghumte raho
RE:BJP Only Trusted and Action Taker Party
by sameer bhosale on Jun 20, 2008 08:48 PM Permalink
The people of caliberof Dr.Singh and Chidambaram? One a puppet spineless PM and another a taxcollector!
RE:BJP Only Trusted and Action Taker Party
by Shyam Sen on Jun 20, 2008 09:02 PM Permalink
You are absolutely right ! The sooner these two gentleman goes the better for the vast majority aam aadmi of the country.
deal 123!!!!!!!!!!!! i am for the deal, but How many indians really know about "what the deal is " only 1%. How many politicians know about the deal only 25 %,75% of them are aginst (or in favour) of it only bcoz of our political compulsion ... THe same BJP which conducted the nuclear test is against it,just bcoz the credit will go to congress, had the congress been at its(BJP) PLACE it too would have acted in the same manner........ .so the big question is "ARE WE THE WORLD'S LARGEST DEMOCRACY".. the irony of the fact is the govt will fall (thnx to left ideal ideology)and perhaps very few indian will really know why it has fallen.
RE:lests hamer out the deal on the behalf of all indians!!!but do indians know about the deal
by secret on Jun 20, 2008 08:21 PM Permalink
Ashutosh, you bring some importnat questions there. I have read the circunscribed draft of 123 that is there in the Parliamantary procedure website..
BJP is NOT against a deal with US..but is opposed to a deal in its current form. which is very different to the Left position of NO deal with US..
Coming to the deal itself, the overall implication of the deal will definitely serve the Energy security needs of India but it does have major concerns for anyone who has pride over the sovergnity of India.
key issues are 1. Non-proliferation as proposed by US blind sights the major proliferation in the region - China and pakistan. Seriously limiting India's ability to be on par with China. This despite the self-imposed restraints India alread has.
2. Strategic restraninst - limits India's ability to have a credible detternance and mission-ready arsenals.
3. Limits on Fissile material production..
i mean what do they take us for..?? its NOT without reason US is waiting in the wings for this long to have this deal...!!
it serves them better than it does India..we will unwitingly become a Israle of the gulf instead of letting them bleed as they do now in Iraq for their venturesome military excesses..
RE:RE:RE:lests hamer out the deal on the behalf of all indians!!!but do indians know about the deal
by ravinandanprakash agrawal on Jun 20, 2008 08:33 PM Permalink
nahin bhai...people don\'t know about it because they have been deliberately not told. why do you think such big newspapers nd channels aren\'t even holding any debates? apki adalat ye wo kuch bhi nahin hai..Mr. Singh wants India to walk on US, walmart etc.. Rest of the parties can see that Indian shop keeprs and farmers are the real players and Ambanis can not replace them. Its a fight of conviction not a political fight..
RE:RE:lests hamer out the deal on the behalf of all indians!!!but do indians know about the deal
by Sadhan Pande on Jun 20, 2008 08:36 PM Permalink
For the first time,Dr singh is striving to act indepenedently & asserting his position as Prime Minister.It is a welcome sign & should have been ealier too to avoid all crticism by the oppositions and hs antagonosts.Politics donot suit to temperment of Dr Singh who is basically an ecnomist and academician fit to fiddle only a secondary role-certainly not leadership.It is a good riddence for himself that he would be getting freed himself from all the shackles of these dirty politics and would once again be a free bird to concentrate on matters of his taste and pursue activities of his interest.There s a point in what he says.As an outstanding economist of interntional repute he has to keep up his own image enjoyed world wide and he need not sacrifice it for the sake of continuance for the residual period of his term.These left paties are never to be believed and are the most opportunists.Dr Singh need not care for such cats on the wall.Of all things, upholding self respect & satisfying ones own self is very important.Dr Singh, though aware of this simple truth,has been living hands tied out of his sheer loyalty to Congress party which forcibly inducted him into politics-certainly much against his inner conscience. Meekness and politeness are his weaknesses which have becme the subject matter for all his critics.For him political positions are not important.In fact,he would be much peaceful & happy if he quits politics and switches back to his original field of intelligentia.
RE:Dr Singh is right
by RAVINDRA SITARAM on Jun 20, 2008 08:25 PM Permalink
No doubt Dr.Manmohan Singh is the most qualified politician in the entire world today. But putting papers at the crucial juncture is not in the fitness of things. Probably politics is the only profession where you can quit when it does not suit you and re-entre when it suits you.
Unlike in the USA, in our country, the citizen are not taken into confidence when embarking on a major decision, these are not debated and public opinion is not gathered. Atleast these issues have to be discussed in the cabinet meetings and only after reaching consensus the government should proceed further. These things were not done by Dr.Singh and party and hence the present situation.
Even now it is not too late, in the interest of the nation, all political parties should put their heads down and work for the betterment of our country.
RE:Dr Singh is right
by mallaiah anchoori on Jun 20, 2008 09:29 PM Permalink
Sitaramji!Dr singh is stressed out a lot and getting sandwiched between his high command & his urge to satisfy his own self on one hand & criticism by opposition parties which holds some water atleast,on the other hand.He is thoroughly confused and appears to have been making an introspection as to why at all he came to plitics against his very conscience and half heartedly.As you said,undoubtedly,he is the most qualified politician in the entire world,but Indian politics have no place for such well mannered people without manueovoring and manipulative bilities.Here,in India politics,as the proverb says,politics is the resort of a scoundrel.It is not a fit field for people like Dr Singh who,like Narsimha Rao who too was like Dr Singh only,cannot adapt him self to the present day manipulative politics and fit in that grue.Unfortunately or fortunately for that matter,Dr Singh could not imbie this from his political mentor-Rao.I agree with you that this is not the right time for him putting down the papers.Opposition parties will surely wildly publicise it as an act of cowardice and admittance of his incompetence.Sitaramji!Kindly donot be under the impression that Dr Singh is a power monger to re-enter politics when he feels it is convenient to him.Except for his weakness of being faithful to Congress,he is a virtuous man with least priority for pomp or positions. Yes, it would have been better had he obtained consensus before proceeding in the matter,but will it be possible?
I am an Indian in China doing Export bsuiness from here.I can see China is coming up day by day.He is becoming stronger and stronger.I wish my India also adopt good policy in domestic and international level and become stong.I hope Karat and Co can understand need of India,Need of Energy and help India to click this NUclear Deal and get enough amount of Energy which can overtake Energy crises.This Moment if India have Nuclear deal means india have Power.Oil prices will go up to 250USD in Next Year.Than india will be in deep trouble.Hop Karat G,M C,B C Can understand India.
RE:advani shall not become PM
by sameer bhosale on Jun 20, 2008 08:56 PM Permalink
Whom do you want as PM-Gilani,Shahabuddin,Abu Azmi,Dawood Or yourself?
RE:PM wants to quit over nuclear deal
by eagle on Jun 20, 2008 07:58 PM Permalink
yeah all you can see is her. you cant see how the country has developed or how middle class have come up. How lower class are coming up.
RE:RE:PM wants to quit over nuclear deal
by ravinandanprakash agrawal on Jun 20, 2008 08:38 PM Permalink
country has developed? you must be in US... Read newspapers..inflation is about 11..
RE:PM wants to quit over nuclear deal
by gakkad on Jun 20, 2008 08:38 PM Permalink
And eagle thinks this is all because of Sonia. Mr. Eagle from you need to come closer to land, don't keep flying high up in air
RE:PM wants to quit over nuclear deal
by sameer bhosale on Jun 20, 2008 08:59 PM Permalink
eagle,pl. note that Sonia and her UPA allies will destroy social peace and fragment this country in near future with their divisive policies and votebank politics.
Congress In already having a Bad image Due to may reasons
But Left parties are the worst Educated people to come together to throw out left parties out of Indian
They are just always against West .West has contributed everything to this world .
Even the Car the Prakash karat is using Is invented by a western guy
Even the bulb which is his house given by Thomans Edision (My hero)
Even the Microphone what he talks to the fountain pen ,to his mobile To his even his underwear
Let him come to street wearing a langoti and on a bullock cark if Left are so much Anti west He should not even allowed Talk him English
All the left should be pit and spit in it till they get drowned in that .If west is imperial they have earned that status by their caliber .Youngsetrs should at least Not get demotivated bt Left You know what ? Left parties always get the Votes of the Underprivileged section of the society even if it In kerala or in WB .Once they come to power They do some silly things to make that Section happy life some Releasing presoners from Jails like in Kerala ..Give small discounts to purchase Rice ,hen etc .They try to hamper the educations system wherever they come because once people get educated they wont get their vote .They are real cancer for the India
Hate Praksh karat
Hate Pinaraiyi Vijayan
Hate Brinda karak
Hate Red
They love China More than India ..They wont talk about China Intrusions
by Sam Mohan on Jun 20, 2008 07:49 PM Permalink
He may Love diffrent parties We shopuld all come togather to Hate communist !! RED
It should be an uncondional hatred He we procalim now ...Slowley we can build up a movement we can build up a movement as what Devagowda faced in Karnataka ..RED are tghe worst !!!!!!!!!!
by ps subramanian on Jun 20, 2008 07:53 PM Permalink
I agree with Sam Mohan. The left is a jaundiced, peevish group which loves to continue to be pulling India back from progress and development. Why only Karat ? Even Sitaram Yechuri wears western dresses, watches, carries a mobile, drives in a car, and so on. Hypocrites. Whevener it happens that China walks into Sikkim and other Indian territory, the left is mute.
It is better that Manmohan Singh resigns and shakes of the left once and for all.
by Biswapriya Purkayastha on Jun 20, 2008 08:29 PM Permalink
I see that you have no idea of anything at all. Are you in favour of India again becoming a British colony? Your illiterate rant would indicate that.
Manohan Singh is scum, the dregs of the earth, a traitor.
PM is trying a copy-cat like Saint Sonia acts. This actually a stage drama of the congress to awake the memory of the people during the coming election 'remeber people what soniaji did and manmohanji followed and vote for doom' bingo ! This PM is a spinless scary cat. If he has guts he should teach the terror left long back the right lesson. On the eve of national election all the UPA staging drama to cheat the people. People don't fall pray to UPA gimmicks !!! Love Live our great country INDIA
Thanks to diplomatic and political skills of President Bush and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, we have a deal which could lift India into the Trillion-dollar club, faster. They both have worked hard. Ten years from now when electricity supply situation in India’s households, industry and farms is significantly better, we have to thank them both.
RE:Thanks to PM
by secret on Jun 20, 2008 07:40 PM Permalink
the deal in its current form is not only lop-sided but is also unduly favorable to US. while a deal is definitely important in the long-term interests of has to be re-negotiated with due cognisance to India's standing in the world. We are not a Puppet state...though the PM gives that impression when he's before Madame..!!
RE:Thanks to PM
by secret on Jun 20, 2008 07:48 PM Permalink
this just US trying to play the lame-duck a very common negotiation tactic...understand that US call ill-afford to ignore India with a growing might of China and relatively unstable Pakistan- Afghanistan-gulf is in no position to say no to India's demands..!
we definitely need the deal but not in its current form.