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Dr Singh is right
by mallaiah anchoori on Jun 20, 2008 08:09 PM

For the first time,Dr singh is striving to act indepenedently & asserting his position as Prime Minister.It is a welcome sign & should have been ealier too to avoid all crticism by the oppositions and hs antagonosts.Politics donot suit to temperment of Dr Singh who is basically an ecnomist and academician fit to fiddle only a secondary role-certainly not leadership.It is a good riddence for himself that he would be getting freed himself from all the shackles of these dirty politics and would once again be a free bird to concentrate on matters of his taste and pursue activities of his interest.There s a point in what he says.As an outstanding economist of interntional repute he has to keep up his own image enjoyed world wide and he need not sacrifice it for the sake of continuance for the residual period of his term.These left paties are never to be believed and are the most opportunists.Dr Singh need not care for such cats on the wall.Of all things, upholding self respect & satisfying ones own self is very important.Dr Singh, though aware of this simple truth,has been living hands tied out of his sheer loyalty to Congress party which forcibly inducted him into politics-certainly much against his inner conscience. Meekness and politeness are his weaknesses which have becme the subject matter for all his critics.For him political positions are not important.In fact,he would be much peaceful & happy if he quits politics and switches back to his original field of intelligentia.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal