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Government must amend constitution to have reservations till 85% of all registered marriages are Inter-Caste.
by usa on Jun 06, 2008 12:17 PM  Permalink 

Till then,
You must Vote for candidates from your Caste only.

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by VIJAYA KUMAR BUDDHIRAJU on Jun 03, 2008 12:42 AM  Permalink 

Why is this request from Karuna. For ages TN practices over 80% reservation any way is't it? Court can only give a judgment-implementors are the politicians any way. Is this an attempt to show that supreme court is a demon and he is the angel?

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U converted chistrian, think N act as CM
by rsiddu on Jun 02, 2008 06:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

U Blaedy thoughtless, utter nonsense politician, so called by ur chamacha followers Mr.Karunanidhi,

On what basis you said reservation should not on economic front,

U mean One community of society should be deprived so that there never be a social equality in India,

U, mean u will keep playing caste politics by extending the virus of reservation in one one part of society and fool the people on caste card and enjoy power whole life,

U mean always one community should b4e deprived and other upgraded so that always India should lay as under developed and bleady crunch minded people like will get opportunity to get in power,

U mean, poverty and hence social imbalance should increase even after 100 yrs of Independence,

U mean, let this innocent Indian (major Hindus) should be again divided on caste basis that again some foreigner will role.

U mean keep u will be playing caste card forever and today one community and tomorrow another community, only further division, no development no, change in Indian society and Hence country a whole



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RE:U converted chistrian, think N act as CM
by rsiddu on Jun 02, 2008 06:08 PM  Permalink
U mean u never allow India to be developed country and hence Indians, coz people like and other dirty politicians will not be having place any part of INDIA, when people of India will start thinking on reality and stress on work and ability rather than reservation.

Dear Mr.Karunanidhi, u r a person who is having great brain with lot of thinking ability, so i suggest so i suggest people like you should try to create social justice, should try to bring the policies for betterment whole a lot of society (i.e. all caste and creeds). People like you should think of over all development of society n should not even think one particular thing.

Its shame on you and your thinking being a chief minister of a state who quoted reservation not for betterment of poor section of society.

You are wrong in your thinking and act, so please correct your self, hence forth in future think as a CM of one state of India not as ORDENARY CONVERTED CHISTRIAN WHO DREAMS HOE TO CONVERT HINDU TO CHRISTEN.

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kick out such casteist element in next loksabha polls
by ashish shekhar on Jun 02, 2008 05:10 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

No logic in the world can justify reservation to rich and powerful people just becoz they belong to a particular caste.
Lets kick such seperatist leaders who are determined to divide the society. Vote for Jago party and save india from these communal and casteist elements. Visit jagoDOTin

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RE:kick out such casteist element in next loksabha polls
by west on Jun 02, 2008 05:22 PM  Permalink
he's a shameless idiot. who's going to listen to him?

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Truth is always truth !
by The lord on Jun 02, 2008 05:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I have seen on T.V. that most of medical students shown banner in which they mentioned the term “Youth for equality”. I don’t understand , how can we bring equality in our society to just cut off the reservation. Those people’s are only the follower not thinkers. If those students and other’s who are against the reservation, if they have guts and truly want some equality in the society, its very simple cut the surname with your name. Its hard to identify people belonging to Dalit cast. I am sure it will lead equality and there will be no need of reservation. But I am also sure that nobody likes it as we all are liar & not able to face Truth. And also I can say that the fight is not against the inequality, its just about self benefit. Come on Yaar, if the God, Mahatma and even Sant were failed to bring the equality in society, how can we ? So please stop talking about equality. Let the Dalits enjoys with reservation.

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RE:Truth is always truth !
by ralph nader on Jun 02, 2008 05:14 PM  Permalink
your name aptly suggests why you want resevations!!!

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RE:Truth is always truth !
by tamil on Jun 02, 2008 05:11 PM  Permalink
Really a nice comment...

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RE:Truth is always truth !
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 05:15 PM  Permalink
I agree with this..........but dont fry ur politics on reservation..........i am not denying 50% quota

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RE:RE:U converted chistrian, think N act as CM !
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 05:06 PM  Permalink
Modi has developed state by the growth rate of 20% and TN need next 1000 years to get this %..........U know LPG is supplied in major city of GUJ by pipeline and Zero percentage cut of Power ..........Roads are u never seen in chennai.........i know abt roads of TN its poor road i hv ever seen...........even Road of BIHAR AND mp IS BETTER THEN TN

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RE:RE:RE:U converted chistrian, think N act as CM !
by tamil on Jun 02, 2008 05:07 PM  Permalink
pls tell me where i TN ... pls pls atleast in MAP

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RE:RE:RE:RE:U converted chistrian, think N act as CM !
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 05:09 PM  Permalink
u dont know TN then...........quit rediff.....just go to Nursery and get the advantage of reservation provided to u by KN

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Spcial justice
by N Mohan on Jun 02, 2008 04:51 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Rendering social justice to backward classes cannot be through denying social justice to the so-called forward classes.

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RE:Spcial justice
by tamil on Jun 02, 2008 04:54 PM  Permalink
u BJP wallahs dont want to hav muslim or christian SC in SC reservation list ( if some one is Muslim or Christian SC/ST he is considered BC).. wat justice u r talking abt

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RE:Spcial justice
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 04:58 PM  Permalink
hey why to provide them reservation on the name of religion.............do u know our national laws...........just read it before participating on this issue........tie up fast ur lungi.......come standup............about turn........becouse we have practise to manage peoples ......

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RE:Spcial justice
by tamil on Jun 02, 2008 05:06 PM  Permalink
I feel proud whenver u say lungi.. it reminds me of my ancestor wear alteast lungi..

as u ppl r cross breeds.. i dont know either mughal or greeks or .. clothed u..

as ur dresses to mixed on different periods...

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RE:Spcial justice
by iamyourfather on Jun 02, 2008 04:53 PM  Permalink
What is social justice by your definition?

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Reservation quota
by Parthasarathy Krishna on Jun 02, 2008 04:35 PM  Permalink 

Arjun,Mukaa are named as quota kings.Now to make things easier it should be 100% quota given to Mukaa by sonia.. as he is supporting her in the centre. Then he can allot as he wants some time to christ,muslems then all bc,obc,st etc. He knows the ratio and the % of each of the caste and sects..as he is the leader of the most secular party.. and TN is an example of secularism...where the ministrial berth is given on the basis of Nadar,chettiar,thevar,harijan etc. if these are not castes!! and Sonia gives by party in centre for a change?

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I think karunanidhi has to quit nation to settle in SL to know ...........his status there
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 04:26 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Live up dear Karunanidhi

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RE:I think karunanidhi has to quit nation to settle in SL to know ...........his status there
by rasputin on Jun 02, 2008 04:31 PM  Permalink
why should he?he is living in a land where it never been accupied by mogul, iranis,etc.no cross breeds. but you have no idendity except gujarati

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RE:I think karunanidhi has to quit nation to settle in SL to know ...........his status there
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 04:37 PM  Permalink
Dont go behind 1000 years otherwise lungis wear doing housekeeping in our toilet and till today ...........tamil is coming to clean my toilet

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RE:RE:I think karunanidhi has to quit nation to settle in SL to know ...........his status there
by rasputin on Jun 02, 2008 04:40 PM  Permalink

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RE:I think karunanidhi has to quit nation to settle in SL to know ...........his status there
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 04:42 PM  Permalink
i am daily hving s*x with Tamil gilrs .........and hv f-ck 1000 tamilian ........as pass my whole life in chennai

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RE:I think karunanidhi has to quit nation to settle in SL to know ...........his status there
by tamil on Jun 02, 2008 04:43 PM  Permalink
yes u r true to be Modi's disciple.. exposed .. the same reason we dont want to hav u ppl in power..

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RE:I think karunanidhi has to quit nation to settle in SL to know ...........his status there
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 04:40 PM  Permalink
yes and lungis are doing cleaning and housekeeping in their home..........this is buisness mind........otherwise count me any lungi in worlds reachest list......

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RE:I think karunanidhi has to quit nation to settle in SL to know ...........his status there
by tamil on Jun 02, 2008 04:42 PM  Permalink
Modi do u know the CTS head & HCL head

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RE:I think karunanidhi has to quit nation to settle in SL to know ...........his status there
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 04:46 PM  Permalink
one gujarati is capable to manage 1000 lungi .......as they have natural ability of enerpreneur and to lead team.....not just seating at home and tie up lungi 1000 time day

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