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RE:U converted chistrian, think N act as CM
by rsiddu on Jun 02, 2008 06:08 PM

U mean u never allow India to be developed country and hence Indians, coz people like and other dirty politicians will not be having place any part of INDIA, when people of India will start thinking on reality and stress on work and ability rather than reservation.

Dear Mr.Karunanidhi, u r a person who is having great brain with lot of thinking ability, so i suggest so i suggest people like you should try to create social justice, should try to bring the policies for betterment whole a lot of society (i.e. all caste and creeds). People like you should think of over all development of society n should not even think one particular thing.

Its shame on you and your thinking being a chief minister of a state who quoted reservation not for betterment of poor section of society.

You are wrong in your thinking and act, so please correct your self, hence forth in future think as a CM of one state of India not as ORDENARY CONVERTED CHISTRIAN WHO DREAMS HOE TO CONVERT HINDU TO CHRISTEN.

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