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Great Nation
by Shankar on Jul 29, 2008 12:31 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Each word in the article is worth to be weighed in gold. It is totally true and reflects exact situation in our country. It could not have been said better. If this was told with some Hindu name, it would have rejected straight away.
The entire blame goes to Congress Party and its Italian President who is killing the entire basic structure of our great society. Congress has all along played dirty politics for votes alongwith notorious Laloos and Paswans who has to morals. They have looted this country all along. Left with its loyalty accross borders, together with Britishers have intentionally distorted our history so that every indian has a deep inferiority complex and look towards west for help. Our country has been looted several times and Hindus has just allowed this to happen. Their tolerance is going to destroy the basic fabric and strength of our great nation, if they do not wake up. Only way is to assert our great traditions and customs. Our religions texts are our strengths and we need to respect them. West has nothing to offer except some material gains. In fact India has to give their wisdom to the entire world.

To start with I feel that the sick and corrupt Congress Party has to be thrown out of power. Send the Italian back to Italy. Let Hindus take the lead and all religions will live together with respect for each other. We have allowed everybody to thrive in our holy land. But this should not go to the extent that we are thrown out of our own country.

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RE:Great Nation
by CatchTwentyTwo on Jul 29, 2008 01:19 PM  Permalink
Its ridiculous to think that once you elect BJP to power or have only Hindus live in India that everyone will live in a utopian world.

uh.. sorry my friends... it aint gonna happen.. and I gotta disagree... I will ape the western culture when I want to and I will ape the eastern culture when I want to and I will turn into an ape if I have to and I will be myself when I want to.

All such articles that try and glorify one religion and use such sentimental crap to get hordes of Indians shouting from the top that theirs is the best culture are nothing but meglomaniacal fantasies.

As for the menace of terrorism, it has to be treated from the root and is not a political treaty that can be signed or something a BJP government or a Congress government can wipe out in a year. There can be a parliament attack when BJP is in power but that does not mean that its the BJPs fault and similarly here for the UPA. So, to use these terror attacks to politicize and corrupt more people's minds drives people back to the Babri era when a few Hindus put us all to shame.

Do not lay the blame on someone else. DO not put the blame on some Italian lady or some corrupt politician or some religion etc. Offer solutions if you can.

And for the record, Italians, Americans, Africans, Asians, Australians and the rest of you out there, you are all welcome to India despite all this crap people keep throwing out.

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RE:Great Nation
by tka on Jul 29, 2008 01:33 PM  Permalink
Frankly speaking the article is correct and points to some specific issues.
Repealing of POTA, Buying Votes, Islamic terrorism
Are you saying that all is hunky dory and we should pretty much be apes and ignore all the issues? Yes parliament attack happened during NDA. Afzal guru was caught. What did UPA do? There were less than 10 terror strikes during NDA and over 30 during UPA. Data shows that POTA may not be a bad idea. Why then POTA was repealed? Couldnt UPA have ensured that it was not misused. Why POTA like legislations were passed in UPA states of AP & Mah while gathering dust for 3 years for Guj & Raj? Anyone with commonsense would see that it was repealed for vote bank politics.
Second issue - Buying of votes. Do you even know what the nuclear deal entails. Let me not go into details and surmise that there are enough intellectuals, scientists and industrials who have things to say against the deal in the current form while there are a few who are for it. The point is, for such an important issue, instead of ensuring a sensible broad debate, UPA went ahead hurried pushing the deal and resorted to absolute criminal ways to get their vote. Are you suggesting that is fine. How long will you deny that we are suffering form islamic terrorism?
Idiots like you think you are intelligent and logical but actually you are very dumb and illinformed and and thanks to people like you, India is suffering and will only keep going down to apeworld.

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RE:Great Nation
by Amit Anand on Jul 29, 2008 02:24 PM  Permalink
hey man do not preach guys like catch22 (I guess name reflects the stature) they are the face of oh so wise pseudo-intellect of this country and in true sense they are good for nothing. can be harmful for national interest when hold a chair of responsibilities and are truly hupocrites.
in short have some essence of commeis

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RE:Great Nation
by tka on Jul 29, 2008 02:34 PM  Permalink
HI Amit,

Agree with you and will your advise.


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RE:Great Nation
by CatchTwentyTwo on Jul 31, 2008 01:38 AM  Permalink
1. Nuclear deal:
There are enough "noted" people for and enough people against the deal. I stand for it. Dont care what the others think.

2. How long will you deny that we are suffering form islamic terrorism?
I dont deny it. I also dont deny that there is hindu fundamentalism.

3. Are you saying that all is hunky dory and we should pretty much be apes and ignore all the issues?
No, you can do what you want. I will do what I want. I dont want to blame you for anything.

4. Why then POTA was repealed? Couldnt UPA have ensured that it was not misused?
POTA, which came into force in 2002 among other things allowed the detention of suspects for up to 180 days without the filing of charges in court. In Gujarat, POTA is known to have been widely used to target the Muslim minority. Let me know if it makes any sense to target one community of "possibly" innocent people. It is easy to sit in your comfortable homes and preach and say nasty things about Islam and other religions but if you are picked up by a policeman and put in jail for 180 days with no reasons/no justifications/not even a report, then you will know what it means to have POTA. Would you like that to happen to you and your family? Do you want to give the police that kind of power that can be easily misused? There have to be checks and balances, my friend. They are necessary.

The rest of the criticism about a name, about hypocrisy, assumption of intelligence etc. is just not worthy of response

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Hindu Haters!
by JaiHind on Jul 29, 2008 12:31 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

India is becoming a land of Hindu Haters. It is fashionable to call it secularism. From Tamil Nadu to Assam, we are giving allowing our land for illegal foreigners from Bangladesh in the name of secularism. All parties including BJP want only power and money. Why is it that all MPs have crores of Rs in assets?
I have only one word for this - Traitors.
The people cannot go on as if nothing is happenign with their pathetic daily grind. We need to stop and take action. In the end there are more things at stake than just money and power.
Imagine living under Sharia rule in 10 years time. I'm sure even the Muslims in India wont like it.
Let stop blaming each other and take collective action.
And yes lets not hate Hindus.

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RE:Hindu Haters!
by Flamingo on Jul 29, 2008 01:42 PM  Permalink
These terror acts happen due to hate on Muslims.
They doesnot solve the Purpose now Muslims are seen as traitors only because of some vested people.There patriotism will never be seen they are not judged by there actions but by there religion.
This is somewhat tragic.

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RE:Hindu Haters!
by ashwani roy on Jul 29, 2008 02:44 PM  Permalink
What? Muslims and Nationalists? Takiya,Takiya.Kuran,Islam,Ummah,Hadhiths and Mohummad do not believe in any Nationalism but Jihad-Islam-kill nonmuslims always. Muslims divided many countries and Islam created violence and intolrence everywhere. Media houses and persons are afraid of islam and islamist,so do not write this openly.

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Honest depiction - Nice article
by tka on Jul 29, 2008 12:16 PM  Permalink 

As always Francois Gautier has written an unbiased article expressing his views without fear or without trying to be diplomatic. Straight, honest, to the point and correct depiction.

Hope people understand the significance of what is written. Also such analysis of the situation is required from all of us Indian, intellectuals, and politicians.

Also, for many of us who do not know, Gautier is well known for his writing, books on India and has widely travelled in India.

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Dear Francois Gautier: Good article. Keep writing this way, until the average Indian keeps his own selfishness and profits at low priority than India and the Vedic Hinduism
by sridhar gorantla on Jul 29, 2008 12:14 PM  Permalink 

Dear Francois Gautier: Good article. Keep writing this way, until the average Indian keeps his own selfishness and profits at low priority than India and the Vedic Hinduism. Rip the attitude of the common man and that of the politicians left and right, so that more nad more realize the truth that they only talk of patriotism at the mouth, but when it comes to act, only their personal selfishness is of highest priority. THIS ATTITUDE HAS TO GO AWAY.

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by sridhar gorantla on Jul 29, 2008 11:56 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Here is a simple explanation and the core of all religions and some religions only told only partial info since there is no point in telling at those times, to general populations, when they are not ready enough to understand the higher aspects of the world. While mere words cannot explain GOD but only self experiences, here is a small try to explain the phenomenon of the world.

Every individual, in the process of regaining the lost universal counciousness state or the STATE OF GOD or ALL PERVADING DIVINITY, will go through the following stages. The reason why its a regaining of divine state,is because this is what the ORIGINAL state is for every individual,the state of infinite hapiness and bliss and that of universal counciousness,of omnipotence and omnipresence. For some reasons, individual SOULS or specks of counciousnesses self-impose the individuality and limitedness under the influence of EGO (or the "I" feeling):

Body Counciousness-to-MindCounciousness-to-WillPowerCounciousness-to-SoulCounciousness(or realization of self as nothing but a speck of counciousness)-to-Seeing/Identifying Existing Of UniversalCounciousness OR UniversalPower-to-RealizingSelfAsPartOfUniversalCounciousness-to-Final Realization of self as all pervading UNIVERSAL COUNCIOUSNESS with onmipresence,omnipotence & existing with in the creation & beyond creation.



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by sridhar gorantla on Jul 29, 2008 11:57 AM  Permalink
1.Body counciousness or the realization that self is the body (or mere senses). Perceiving the world and acting in the world with this counciousness is the lowest that any one can fall to.

2.Mind counciousness or the realization that self is the mind (or realization of self as the mere mind, still yet one more sense, but is more powerful than mere body senses)at of being more powerful than the bodily senses). Perceiving the world and carrying out actions in the world with this level of realization is a bit better than the previous body level, since Mind is superior than the body or bodily senses. Here is an experiment done recently to prove the control of mind over body: brownDOTeduSLASHAdministrationSLASHNews_BureauSLASH2001-02SLASH01-098DOThtml
I could only give modern scientific proof of the phenomenon up to this level, since modern science is still evolving and as of now, it is limited to material level and to some extent mind leveland not beyond that.

3.Will Power Counciousness or the realization that self is the will power.Perceiving the world and acting in the world with this counciousness is higher state than that of previous 2 states. This is because, in truth, Will power is more powerful than the body or mind.


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by sridhar gorantla on Jul 29, 2008 12:02 PM  Permalink
6.In the intermediate stages of realization of the universalness, the individual perceives that he/she is actually part and parcel of the universalness.

7.In the final stage of enlightment, the person has no individuality at all, and is fully in tune with the universal counciousness irrespective of time and is Omnipotent and omnipresent. This is the state of GOD or referred to as GOD in various scriptures by the saints of all religions across the world who had realized what is GOD.

Most probably, there is a possibility of a person getting access to the highers states of realization, for a brief periods of time, including getting access to the highest universal counciousness either intentionally or unintentionally, but those who can go into and retain the higher states at their will are the really enlightened ones. A simple example of the above phenomenon is the example of a person watching a movie. When the persons counciousness is fully involved in the movie via the bodily senses and the sense of Mind, the person is tuned to the moods of the movie. When a sad scene comes, the person becomes sad, and when a happier moment comes, the person becomes happy and so on. As long as the person forgets that self is different from the movie and lets the movie(which is nothing but a combination of lighter and darker shades of light) illude, due to self imposed restrition to the movie, the person is tuned by the movie.


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by sridhar gorantla on Jul 29, 2008 12:00 PM  Permalink
4.Soul counciousness or realization that self is an ever existing entity. Perceiving the world & acting in the world with this counciousness is higher state than that of previous 3 states.It is in this state,that the person sees self as an ever existing entity & not subjected to the cycle of life and death & is not vulnerable to the material & mind level limiting aspects of the creation like indestructibility by materials etc.This state is more powerful than any individual qualities an individual may have possessed. When a person regains access to this state, even for a split second will be able to start perceiving the next states, that are above the individuality & leading to universalness.

5.When an individual realizes self as a speck of counciousness or Soul after coming out of the outer sheaths(steps 1,2&3) of illusion, then the individual starts perceving that self is not alone in this creation,but starts identifying the existing of an unknown power,A POWER THAT IS MUCH BEYOND THE GRASPING power of the self.This is the initial stage of knowing the universalness.Sometimes,when we have developed an affection towards someone,then we would have a realization that there is no difference between that person and self. This means,a persons counciousness or the sphere of awareness or influence (perception or action) is beyond the individual body or mind or will power.This is the starting point towards realizing or regaining the universal counciousness.


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by sridhar gorantla on Jul 29, 2008 12:03 PM  Permalink
But the moment the person realizes or re-remembers or regains counciousness that this is just a movie, then, the person selectively enjoys the movie scenes and is not forced to be affected by the unwanted scenes. Similar is the world. The more a person lets self fall to the pull of the senses, the more the person is binded to the nature and environment, but the more the person realizes that self is above own body or mind or even will power, to that extent the person gets freed from the nature and its environment. If the person realizes even more further above the soul level, then to that extent the person gets free from the external aspects of the creation, and rises above the illusion of the creation, which again is nothing but the ALL PERVADING GOD's power that ultimately is responsible for the drama of the creation.

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by nalin on Jul 29, 2008 06:23 PM  Permalink
babaji ki jai ho

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Country only as great as its citizens
by Sharad on Jul 29, 2008 11:55 AM  Permalink 

It is the citizens who make the country great. Our citizens are only too willing to be CORRUPT, not fight against the corrupt and unjust practices of politicians, and the bureaucrats. The media is a pathetic onlooker.

Indians do not love their country IN ACTION. They only mouth patriotism. Their CHALTA HAI attitude and NON-PARTICIPATION in COMMUNITY/NATION BUILDING is the cause for the dilution of our country's greatness.

You cannot permanently LIVE IN DENIAL by saying the politicians are corrupt.

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INDIA will succeed at any cost and will set example for coming generations about unity in DIVERSITY living
by sridhar gorantla on Jul 29, 2008 11:52 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This my utmost conviction. No matter how many crooked forces try to persecute India, since it is the place, where humanity is given its life force, due the Magnanimous Vedic Hinduism, that unifies all other religions in their core and commonizes all religions in their core. PLEASE READ MY BELOW EXPLANATION ON WHAT IS GOD that is the true essence of the Vedic Hinduism that was able to produce Lord Jesus Christ or Lord Krishna like saints in every generation, while the rest of the world had only seen 1 or 2 saints of such stature. BELIEVE ME. IF INDIA AND VEDIC HINDUISM DOESNOT SURVIVE, THEN THAT MARKS THE END OF THE WORLD. Why? BECAUSE, VEDIC HINDUISM IS THE ESSENCE OF ALL RELIGIONS IN THEIR TRUE AND ORIGINAL FORMS in their CORE VALUES. EVEN MODERN SCIENCE IS NOW AFFIRMING THAT WHAT VEDIC HINDUISM HAD ESTABLISHED thousands of years back.

BELIEVE ME. Hinduism is being limited to the India and Indian sub-continent, by some racist and ego centered people of other geographycal locations, but VEDIC TEXTS AND GEETHA AND OTHER VEDIC scriptures are never told to a particular group of Humans, but was told with reference to the entire Humanity, since VEDIC TEACHINGS HAD NEVER LIMITED GIVING SOLACE TO SOME CHOOSEN FEW, BUT TO THE ENTIRE HUMANITY AND TO THE ENTIRE CREATION AS WELL.


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RE:INDIA will succeed at any cost and will set example for coming generations about unity in DIVERSITY living
by karthik rao on Jul 29, 2008 11:59 AM  Permalink
well said pal...unfortunately the rest of the world does not seem to affirm. we need another Shri Krishna to see us through this laiyug i guess after all these blasts. i call these terrorists cowards who spare not even the hospitals. even during war the red cross is respected but this proxy war is way too savage and unremorseful. In muslim countries the smallest of crimes is dealt with severely and this is how they repay us with our tolerance.

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RE:INDIA will succeed at any cost and will set example for coming generations about unity in DIVERSITY living
by sridhar gorantla on Jul 29, 2008 12:09 PM  Permalink
We donot need Another Lord Krishna, but we have the Knowledge and Wisdom of Lord Krishna that if we inculcate in us, then, we the common man, will not yield to the worldly pleasures and would not sell our votes for the sake of money or liquor or for the silly caste and other religion and group mentality and then we will be able to make our politicians deliver on what they promised to us and if they failed, we would have made them accountable.

Its a case of recklessness and the case of selfishness by the average Indian like you, me and others that is the cause of this kind of treatment of us in our own country by the animalistic behavor driven Islamic terrorists.



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article by francois gautier
by alliance packing on Jul 29, 2008 11:48 AM  Permalink 

muslim community have never believed in democratic values if i am wrong then name any country with a population of more than 50% muslims having a truly functioning democracy

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by Vikram Sujanani on Jul 29, 2008 01:17 PM  Permalink
Your comment proves that you yourself are lunatic or cheat/imposter

If you have guts make an argument, instead of calling some one words without giving reason

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by Parshuram on Jul 29, 2008 12:38 PM  Permalink
Just like your name suggests, you sound like a "peedit". Go get your head examined and ask the doctor why you can't digest the truth.

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by Shankar on Jul 29, 2008 12:44 PM  Permalink
It is sad state of our society that when we talk of great traditions of our country, we are called as lunatics. These people have to be either removed from our country or they change their attitude. Christian missionaries are creating havoc to our great religion. Our tolerance is such that if anybody points out this issue, they are immdtly snubbed. It is high time that all Hindus gets united. We should remove the Peeda of this country, or Peedika ?

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by sridhar gorantla on Jul 29, 2008 01:07 PM  Permalink
What if the Christian Missinaries find that their Lord Jesus or Issa(which was his original and actual name), by seeing his support, they have so much attitude on rest of the world, that thier LORD JESUS CHRIST was also having Origins of Self-realization in India? If they look and dig deepr with utmost conviction about what happened to the missing days of Lord Jesus Christs early life from the age of 13, they will shut their mouths.

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by Ramesh Purohit on Jul 29, 2008 12:39 PM  Permalink
Your name is justified

Pee kar ke dikha

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by Vinayak on Jul 29, 2008 12:03 PM  Permalink
So if someone talks about Hinduism,Vedas he/she is a lunatic. If he talks about other religions then he is a SECULAR. Stop the crap.

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