Each word in the article is worth to be weighed in gold. It is totally true and reflects exact situation in our country. It could not have been said better. If this was told with some Hindu name, it would have rejected straight away. The entire blame goes to Congress Party and its Italian President who is killing the entire basic structure of our great society. Congress has all along played dirty politics for votes alongwith notorious Laloos and Paswans who has to morals. They have looted this country all along. Left with its loyalty accross borders, together with Britishers have intentionally distorted our history so that every indian has a deep inferiority complex and look towards west for help. Our country has been looted several times and Hindus has just allowed this to happen. Their tolerance is going to destroy the basic fabric and strength of our great nation, if they do not wake up. Only way is to assert our great traditions and customs. Our religions texts are our strengths and we need to respect them. West has nothing to offer except some material gains. In fact India has to give their wisdom to the entire world.
To start with I feel that the sick and corrupt Congress Party has to be thrown out of power. Send the Italian back to Italy. Let Hindus take the lead and all religions will live together with respect for each other. We have allowed everybody to thrive in our holy land. But this should not go to the extent that we are thrown out of our own country.