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by Rakesh Sharma on Jul 23, 2008 03:54 PM  Permalink

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Rajdeep Sardesai is a liar
by Suresh on Jul 23, 2008 03:43 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Now details are emerging that Rajedeep Sardesai of CNN IBN has not handed over the unedited tapes of the sting operation to the Speaker. He claimed that he was on his way to hand over the tapes to the speaker. Obviously, he has not reached Parliament. The Congress bosses and Amar Singh must have paid him crores and bought him out.

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RE:Rajdeep Sardesai is a liar
by MONICA SHARMA on Jul 23, 2008 06:47 PM  Permalink
If congress was so good at buying naa they wouldnt have come to a stange of no confidence motion being passed against them they would have pain the leftists and carried on!

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RE:Rajdeep Sardesai is a liar
by Shyam on Jul 23, 2008 04:20 PM  Permalink
Rajdeep Sardesai is a hardcore anti BJP and pro Congress fellow. How do you expect him to do anything against Congies?

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RE:Rajdeep Sardesai is a liar
by pakaya on Jul 23, 2008 08:07 PM  Permalink
Who said Rajdeep Sardesai is a hardcore anti BJP and pro Congress fellow? It means you don't watch his programs, he is a loyal & hard worker & supporter of BJP, When Adwaniji told him to do some favour to through UPA out and make him PM, Sardesai immediately said he has the proof, but 'Satyamev Jayate'. Wait and watch for some time you will Sardedesai in Tighar Jail along with those three BJP puppet MPs.

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Nuclear Deal
by Balakrishnan Iyer on Jul 23, 2008 03:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is an irony that Shiv Sena Chief Shri Balasajeb Thakeray issued whip to his party MPS to vote against the Confidence Motion. At a time when Maharashtra is reeling under severe Power Cuts, it is imperative that power generation needs to be improved since conventional generating units have failed to meet the demand. For once we thought the Shiv Sena will come to the succor of Maharashtra by voting in support of the Nuclear Deal. It seems that the double standard of the Sena is apparent as they went against their own allies when Pratibha Patil, a Maharashtrian was to be chosen as the President Of the Country. Alas Politics is like a weather cock, quite unpredictable.

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RE:Nuclear Deal
by manish m tawde on Jul 23, 2008 05:16 PM  Permalink
yes we need power but dont blaim a single party like Shiv Sena. Deal is ok but i still have doubt about good intensions behind this deal. Congress must be getting some money from Bush to push this deal with their own rules which allows entry of other agencies in our country. Why CHINA is not signing this deal? US is doing this just for its own interest as it doesnt want to grow CHINA big on them.

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RE:Admit Sahadevan KK to Mad hospital
by YASAR IMRAN on Jul 23, 2008 03:43 PM  Permalink
Better pls. bring him in Agra Psychiatric Hospital so that mental specialist can him electric shock in his mid to come-out of Communist Saga. Kindly help him. I was also searching for Sahadevan KK since morning.

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Rahul Gandhi
by Suraj on Jul 23, 2008 03:33 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

He is the most 'CHIMPOO' politician ever produced by india

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RE:Rahul Gandhi
by Rukmesh Singh on Jul 23, 2008 04:29 PM  Permalink
idiot.. if some1 defects from congress to bjp/shiv sena, that would be patriotic, and if some1 left bjp/shiv sena, he/she becomes chimpoo ? God bless you ..

jai hind

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RE:Rahul Gandhi
by a h s on Jul 23, 2008 04:09 PM  Permalink
I think you are a chimpoo calling him a POLITICIAN !!

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UNPA & NDA Worsted in their Own Game
by All Right on Jul 23, 2008 03:31 PM  Permalink 

The analysis of cross-voting indicated that 6 SP MPs switched to BSP and 1 Congress MPs switched over to the BJP.

These cross-voting started 10 days ago with Mayawati and BJP parading their defectors. BJP tried poaching more Congress MPs like Jalappa, whose son is already a BJP MLA in Karnataka. Congress was supposed to lose as many as 4 MPs to the BJP and the SP was being targeted by UNPA for a vertical split. Meanwhile Mayawati-Karat poached JDS and RLD who together had another 6 MPS from the UPA. These defectors were also paraded in news channels.

The best form of defense was offense and the UPA-SP retaliated in kind to not only stem the tide but to put both the
UNPA and NDA on the defensive.

So Mayawati, Karat and Advani maybe crying crocidile tears now. They have been worsted in their own game. Losers

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A very good man
by crystal Ng on Jul 23, 2008 03:29 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

he is a good man who stuck to his principles- unlike the scoundreals of the sena who said the deal was good for India but voted against it with the BJP and Left traitors

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RE:A very good man
by Ninth Wonder on Jul 23, 2008 03:30 PM  Permalink
This is a drama staged by Congress & communists. In last four years they have ruined this country. In next year election they would be slapped on the face by peoples of India for ruining life of common peoples, hence communists and congress set all this drama of proposing and opposing Nuclear deal to divert the attention of peoples from main topics like inflation, suicide of farmers,etc.

Congress and communists are the most hypocrats & morally corrupt peoples. I request to my fellow Indians to kick out them in forthcoming election.

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RE:A very good man
by jibin joseph on Jul 23, 2008 03:36 PM  Permalink
Don't worry ..your BJP can not come to power next time..Advani can day dream

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RE:A very good man
by umesh poddar on Jul 23, 2008 10:43 PM  Permalink
U defy wrong peoples and if anybody say something simply blame him as BJP follower. involsent mind can do more than it.

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RE:A very good man
by thebedazzled on Jul 23, 2008 03:51 PM  Permalink
it's unfortunate that for everything that went to congress as a defeat, Sonia was blamed. It was said she is managing the show from behind.
Today MMS has slapped everyone in their cheeks and ba11s. So, this credit is not being given to Sonia. why? Why suddenly people are quite abt Sonia? U know why? Becoz they dont want to admit that they lost to Sonia...They are ashamed. MMS has managed to sail thru the whole episode with flying colors. Even my villager dad knows that BJP is crying foul after thumping defeat at the hand of mayawati and UNPA. BJP saved itself by letting govt survive. So they did not do any favor to MMS. It was their need.

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Hurry up Indian Share Market will go further 1000 points up after and reached 16000 mark after UPA Win.
by raj on Jul 23, 2008 03:28 PM  Permalink 

Hurry up Indian Share Market will go further 1000 points up after and reached 16000 mark after UPA Win.
Buy as many as Shares today INDIAN share market will reach to its record level after congress WIN.



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Paid writers, Congress ka Chamcha, Bush's agent. Karat will emerge as a strongest leader in next election.
by Sahadevan KK on Jul 23, 2008 03:27 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Paid writers, Congress ka Chamcha, Bush's agent. Karat will emerge as a strongest leader in next election.

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RE:Paid writers, Congress ka Chamcha, Bush's agent. Karat will emerge as a strongest leader in next election.
by Nilesh Mahadik on Jul 23, 2008 03:37 PM  Permalink

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RE:Paid writers, Congress ka Chamcha, Bush's agent. Karat will emerge as a strongest leader in next election.
by Manu Kale on Jul 23, 2008 03:34 PM  Permalink
KArat is 0 Carat!!

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RE:Paid writers, Congress ka Chamcha, Bush's agent. Karat will emerge as a strongest leader in next election.
by Manoj on Jul 23, 2008 04:09 PM  Permalink
Sahadevan relief fund will be formulated soon by rediif readers. It will include a free oneway ticket to China for Sahadevan

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RE:Paid writers, Congress ka Chamcha, Bush's agent. Karat will emerge as a strongest leader in next election.
by ravinder khatana on Jul 23, 2008 03:36 PM  Permalink
Communist aur left ko tere sath India se bahar bhej dena chahiye....

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RE:Paid writers, Congress ka Chamcha, Bush's agent. Karat will emerge as a strongest leader in next election.
by nityanand sharma on Jul 23, 2008 03:37 PM  Permalink
Aa gaya Karat k left Testi.....

Without loyalty of nation u cant get anything. OK

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RE:Paid writers, Congress ka Chamcha, Bush's agent. Karat will emerge as a strongest leader in next election.
by Job KK on Jul 23, 2008 03:32 PM  Permalink
It means you are the only paid writer in Rediff. How much you got from Karat?

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RE:Paid writers, Congress ka Chamcha, Bush's agent. Karat will emerge as a strongest leader in next election.
by KALA BHAINS on Jul 23, 2008 04:02 PM  Permalink
Sahadevan KK
This Forum is not for Left supporters. You should not expect that also. You know the background of REDIFF. Also most of the public who visit this site is anti-Left without understanding that only the Leftists fight for their rights. In yesterday's drama in Parliament, all the Left MPs were present. All of them voted according to their party's decision. None of the MP could be bought. These people do not appreciate honesty of the Left MPs. Last four years, they supported the govt. Did they extract any extra benefit for that? So better you leave this Forum for the people who do not know what is good for them and the country.

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RE:Paid writers, Congress ka Chamcha, Bush's agent. Karat will emerge as a strongest leader in next election.
by Amrish on Jul 23, 2008 03:41 PM  Permalink
sahadevan paaji

am from kerala and we promise you that we will hands down take the pants down of the left in the next loksabha election.

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RE:Paid writers, Congress ka Chamcha, Bush's agent. Karat will emerge as a strongest leader in next election.
by Suraj on Jul 23, 2008 03:34 PM  Permalink
Sahadevan I am great fan of your jokes...



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RE:Paid writers, Congress ka Chamcha, Bush's agent. Karat will emerge as a strongest leader in next election.
by Manoj on Jul 23, 2008 03:35 PM  Permalink
“Winners have simply formed the habit of doing things losers don't like to do”. And you are a loser Dear Sahadevan

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