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UNPA & NDA Worsted in their Own Game
by All Right on Jul 23, 2008 03:31 PM

The analysis of cross-voting indicated that 6 SP MPs switched to BSP and 1 Congress MPs switched over to the BJP.

These cross-voting started 10 days ago with Mayawati and BJP parading their defectors. BJP tried poaching more Congress MPs like Jalappa, whose son is already a BJP MLA in Karnataka. Congress was supposed to lose as many as 4 MPs to the BJP and the SP was being targeted by UNPA for a vertical split. Meanwhile Mayawati-Karat poached JDS and RLD who together had another 6 MPS from the UPA. These defectors were also paraded in news channels.

The best form of defense was offense and the UPA-SP retaliated in kind to not only stem the tide but to put both the
UNPA and NDA on the defensive.

So Mayawati, Karat and Advani maybe crying crocidile tears now. They have been worsted in their own game. Losers

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