F the money can buy the lawmakers (MPs) --the law executers are small fry comparatively to be bought out at less amount, including IB and CBI and judges, with promises of powerful positions.
In the next year the current power bearers will rob the Indian treasury 10 folds over. So it is a wise investment.
ALL the BS in the present environment for nuclear deal is nothing more than political and money kickbacks and extremely shortsighted for India' welfare. The NEXT US government would have fought it more aggressively to look better than Bush's term. BE it Obama or McCain. $100 Billion is on the table.
A strategic alignment with USA is natural, it had to happen, regardless of Indira's fallout with Nixon/Kissinger. Congress had NO reason to be dictated terms by USA.
AS a PM I would have USA support India's seat as a permanent seat on UN security council, member of nuclear weapon state, and last but least equal member of G8 plus.
BUT alas you and me are stuck with corrupt politicians from Nehru downwards. They will sell their mother for money and power so to sell out Bharat Mata is NOT a surprise.
A revolution is not far away once the literacy level rises. Which it will. The NRIs are going to play a very important in this.
The NRIs MUST be allowed to vote. Dual citizen will allow this. NOT a PIO card to pay exhortation's fees just to visit India.
NRIs and their relatives and professional associates talk the same talk but unfortunately stay away from the "dirty" pol
Mr.patil ur action is right and does not matter what other people say about ur remaining absent.ur action has saved the deal and govt.which is more crucial.TUMCHA MANALA VATALE TE TUMHI KELE,ur action is great and courageous.It is necessary for u to save the nation when it is needed and u did it courageously thanks dr.a.v.bhuleshkar
Thakarey - I used to respect this guy till few years ago. In my opinion after Thakarey demise the ShivSena will be finished. Because later on his son and nephew will turn into complete Goons and will fall to encounter.
2. Mayawati - I don't care about her caste, but she is proven untrust worthy and very (ridiculusly) money oriented, hence I would like to see her dead.
3. MM Singh - I respect him as an individual, but can't stand him being sidelined by Sonia cotorie. Rather then targeting Sonia it would be a good idea to eliminate her cotorie like A. Patel, Soni xxx etc
4. Sonia - She may be a very good human being, but I can't and won't accept a foreigner to be leader of India.
5. SP - Lesser the said the better it is. It would be a good idea to demonstrate during Amitabh's world tour.
6. BJP - I hate BJP for a. Not taking advantage of Kargil opportunity and hold Vajapayee responsible for the deaths of 1000s of soldiers. b. Kandahar fiasco.
7. Congress - I hate Congress - for minority appeasement, article 360 and being pro-terrorist
RE:In essense
by Loan Shark on Jul 23, 2008 09:22 PM Permalink
so, who do ya want? I mean you hate congress, BJP, SP, Thakare, Mayawati .. so, who is left?
You didn't write about Laloo, Jayalalitha, Karat etc. ... so is that where you want your next PM to come from?
whether you accept it or not, Sonia is our leader and she is no longer a foreigner. BJP waalahs have nothng, absolutely nothing on her, except for her foreign origin. They bring out the same issue every time and then some BJP wallahs will ridicule her for working as a waitress.
RE:In essense
by Jay kumar on Jul 23, 2008 10:35 PM Permalink
Loan , Even assuming you are correct in saying Sonia is no longer a foreigner, she is in politics only because she has the surname Gandhi attached to her. Congress sychophants just know how to use the name Gandhi...I hate congress but i dont hate Manmohan Singh as PM but i do mind Sonia as our PM. She has no credentials as PM
If a Whip is Issued and the Member acts against it, Which if is Proved, The Member will be stripped off his Membership of the House by the Speaker.
But, WHY At all should a Vote be allowed to be Cast by the Member When the WHIP is given So much importance by the Constitution ?
Instead the Constitution should Say that ONLY the Whip has the Right to Vote as per the Decision of his party And His Vote in the House Equals all the Votes of All his Party Members.
The People who elect a Member Vote Seeing the Party manifesto or Listening to the Promises of the Party Leaders. Why Should a Member be allowed to Sell his Membership of the House, In International Markets - including on Issues related to the Sovereignity, Economics and Security of India ???
Any Member Who wants go against the Party Line should be given only one Option of Resigning from his Membership before the Voting Ends.
This Kind of Law/Amendment Will End the GREAT INDIAN BAZAAR of Democracy.
RE:Riduculous Constitution! - - - Supports Sell Outs
by Loan Shark on Jul 23, 2008 09:26 PM Permalink
I think that this is undemocratic. A representative should be able to vote his/her conscience and not have to tow the party line.
But, I see that this has the undesired side effect of horse trading ... people being paid to vote. Can that be legalized i.e. paying MP to vote a certain way ... I mean let public know how much an MP makes to vote.
Atleast he delivered and did for what was paid. A man who takes money and votes for government is better and more honest than a man who stoutly defends his government on the floor of the parliament and votes against the same government the next day like what George Fernandes did some year back which let to the resignation of Shri Morarji Desai’s government.
MPs right to cast their Vote should be changed and instead the their respctive Political Parties should vote. So that the back stabing, Poaching and Horse trading can be avoided in future and thus let us save our great democracy.
For Eg. If BJP has 140 Elected MPs in the Parliament and if any such No- Confidence motion comes up the party dicision making body should debate on the subject and decide with majority opinion to whom should they vote. The party should cast the 140 votes on behalf of the members and in no case allow their electected representatives to cast their Votes. In this case, no MPs can change their stand and all will be under the control of their MOTHER PARTY. In brief, no MPs will be above the Party. Moreover, the representatives are elected through their Mother Party symbols and their manifestos. Hence, why they require individual freedom to cast their Vote. Instead the Party should cast the entire Vote collectively against or in favour of the motion. They should be given freedom to work for their Party and serve the people.
This amendment should be done with immediate effect for avoiding these kind of back stabing.
RE:The Parties should cast the Votes collectively on behalf of their Representatives.
by manish m tawde on Jul 23, 2008 05:07 PM Permalink
I AGREE with you. ALL MEDIA including REDIFF, STAR, NDTV, TIMES OF INDIA should run a campaign to approve this ACT. After all an MP gets elected mostly bcos he is from particular party and not bcos of his individulity. HE should not have rights to vote against his own Party. This is not democracy. pls ALL media should carry big news about this.
RE:The Parties should cast the Votes collectively on behalf of their Representatives.
by Hell Boy on Jul 23, 2008 05:32 PM Permalink
I dont beleive that a MP gets elected just because he i from a party, people are not that dumb because people are becoming more sensible now they take a look at what the person is doing for them and then only they vote for them. This is rubbish idea every indiviual should have its say after all this indiviauls together form a party. It will be very wrong to invest the power in a single person because this is how hitlers are born. Take example of left most of their partymen given a chance would have never voted with BJP, thats the difference between communists and other partys. The left parties always have their interests invested in china, even bal thackeray sid that the deal was good for India then why did he choose the Political interest over National interest. Everybody knows how important this deal is for India but just to pull down the government and gain some political mileage peole chose to oppose this deal. The deal might not secure our interst immediately but will for sure secure the energy needs of our future generation who would follow us in next 20 years.
RE:The Parties should cast the Votes collectively on behalf of their Representatives.
by Pradip Parekh on Jul 23, 2008 09:03 PM Permalink
err, pls remove the misconception. this deal is secured. it does not need continuity of this govt for it to remain viable. the next govt can continue with this deal should gandhi govt fall. and this was the position of bjp - that it will renegotiate. is that so hard to figure?
RE:The Parties should cast the Votes collectively on behalf of their Representatives.
by umesh poddar on Jul 23, 2008 10:22 PM Permalink
Mr. Smart all are saying this will secure our energy needs, so u r repeating the same. Do you think over it that we can save trillion dollars by developing our own technology, which will be more reliable and better for our economic interest. By increasing share of nuclear energy 3% to 6% of total productions fools can say that we can secure our energy needs.
by manish m tawde on Jul 23, 2008 05:11 PM Permalink
I THINK U R A CRACKPOT. IF U Dont know about any party then dont say anything. Instead talk about all political parties which are taking and giving bribe. Congress must have given bribe and some people must have taken it. Or else there is no case that congress wud have won so easily. MP shouldnt be allowed to vote against his own party. we vote for the party and not for the individual. How can some one go against his own party. Its not people democracy.
by pakaya on Jul 23, 2008 08:00 PM Permalink
You vote for party is not true, How maharashtrian who earlier supported congress suddenly jumped to Rashtravadi Congress when Pawarji left congress, Sena activites joined MNS bcoz they follow Raj Saheb not Udhay Saheb. Fact is that every one vote either for person or Money/Caste/ Religion etc. no body care about the symbol.
Bud did the MP tell his son where he had put all the money he received? Poor guy! Who will miss him now other than his own wife and children - they too for the money he has received from the Congies!
RE:Hurry up Indian Share Market will go further 1000 points up after and reached 16000 mark after UPA Win.
by manish m tawde on Jul 23, 2008 05:12 PM Permalink
Ya hurry up.but i guess after breaking another 10% levels market will come down sharply again to fell to 12000 levels as US market is still not looking stable. watch out August - September.