If a Whip is Issued and the Member acts against it, Which if is Proved, The Member will be stripped off his Membership of the House by the Speaker.
But, WHY At all should a Vote be allowed to be Cast by the Member When the WHIP is given So much importance by the Constitution ?
Instead the Constitution should Say that ONLY the Whip has the Right to Vote as per the Decision of his party And His Vote in the House Equals all the Votes of All his Party Members.
The People who elect a Member Vote Seeing the Party manifesto or Listening to the Promises of the Party Leaders. Why Should a Member be allowed to Sell his Membership of the House, In International Markets - including on Issues related to the Sovereignity, Economics and Security of India ???
Any Member Who wants go against the Party Line should be given only one Option of Resigning from his Membership before the Voting Ends.
This Kind of Law/Amendment Will End the GREAT INDIAN BAZAAR of Democracy.