Karunakaran and company has taken a leaf out of Deve Gowda's book where son and father are pretending to be at loggerheads when they want to be in power by hoook or by crook. Who else to partner than NCP which is the ashram run by the master Pawar.
RE:Lessons from K'taka
by Sahadevan KK on Jan 05, 2008 10:59 AM Permalink
50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.
In northern states, people are governing, who has sufficient money. Those who hard work, they will be side-tracked. A good govt. must be installed who can change our system. Read more about, indian2007a.googlepages.com
Karunakaran, a senior politician, had to go to All India Congress Committee Secretary Mohsina Kidwai's residence to meet her and had to take permission to hold a rally from Sonia Gandhi [Images], Oommen Chandy and Ramesh Chennithala, Muraleedharan said.
Once Mr.Pawar Said Mrs. Sonia is Forigner and She should be kept away. But When he smell Congress is going to rule he forgot everything and become Agricultural Minister and put his head down at SOnia's Feet.
Mr.Pawar people must learn from you the Ground realities and do the best.
RE:Congress ignorant of ground realities: Pawar
by gakkad on Jan 05, 2008 08:39 AM Permalink
Public memory is short. But Dawood and pawar climbed up using each other's shoulder. One of the reason he created problem for Sudhakar rao naik is because naik was sending dawood's politic hench man like pappu kalani to jail. Perhaps the masses have forgoten but Dawood's sharp shooter Anil Sharma escaped in Pawar's helicopter when Pawar was defence minister. Pawar preteded to media that he helped anil sharma because anil sharma was a tax paying citizen who needed to go to delhi for family emergency, being a helpful hand he helped a common citizen and did not know he was a criminal. What a pathetic story that a wanted criminal goes scot free. His chamcha Bhujbal was involved in stamp paper scam. Bhujbal resigned conveniently as dy. chief minister, so that he can dedicate full time to absolve himself. You don't know Sharad pawar mr. nirgude, don't be a blind believer. Do you want to know the latest Mr. Nirgude may be in future you will read in newspaper. ut here is the inside story right now his benami company is IMPORTING WHEAT at higher price than what is market price. Wait and watch
RE:Congress ignorant of ground realities: Pawar
by galilio on Jan 05, 2008 12:06 PM Permalink
sharat pawar is more dangerous than sonia antonia.pawar is involved in huge corrupt practices in import of wheat/raw sugar from brazil through his benami firm and multinational cos operations which he allowed them to operate in local wholesale trading and stocking.this pushed up prices for common man in all commodities.prices of dhall is rs 50 per kg becouse,pawar allowed nafed to buy from his contact corrupt firms in singapore at cheaper rate and make the difference and allowing nafed to sell locally at prices below the purchase prices.govt lose,public pay more,pawar makes good money.this half mouthed corrupt man must be thrown out in arabian sea.when prices of myanmar pulses were at usd 300-380 pmt before 2 years, now it is quoted at usd 600-650 pmt becouse of pawar policy of making money through singapore firms for import of pulses by nafed/stc.pawar cancelled stc contract booked at usd 280 pmt for wheat with a multinational firm closer to him and re booked with the same co at usd 328 pmt for 5 millions tonnes.he is cunning fox with wide elastic mouth to swallow money of tax payers and govt funds.NCP has no policy but to fool public and pawar will do anything for money and power and will lick with rahuls venensula lady foot also to stick in power.
RE:Congress ignorant of ground realities: Pawar
by gakkad on Jan 05, 2008 08:46 AM Permalink
pawar who only played pocket billiards, is now chairman of BCCI. Why because when he saw a 400 crore cash cow his mouth started drooling.
If anybody wants good of INDIA, then according to me this 3 parties come together, i.e BJP NCP SHIVSENA . This condition is similar to joining hands of INDIA RUSSIA CHINA.
And only one voice for PM i.e Mr. Narendra Modiiiiiiiiiiii
On one hand he is critsising BJP as comunal & asking 3rd front to join hands , on other hand he shakes hand with Shiv sena , see his recent photgraph with Bal thakre .We elite class know your game Mr.Pawar , whom you are fooling?
RE:Why there is No Communal Disharmony in Kerala??
by Vinayak Deshpande on Jan 05, 2008 08:48 AM Permalink
yes and there is a huge RSS cadre base in Kerela. That is why there is a communal harmony!
RE:Why there is No Communal Disharmony in Kerala??
by candidreview on Jan 05, 2008 08:42 AM Permalink
More than 50 countries are having problem with muslims. There is no BJP in those countries. Now you decide is BJP a problem or Islam?.
RE:Why there is No Communal Disharmony in Kerala??
by Dharmazi Sundar Shete on Jan 05, 2008 09:38 AM Permalink
if There is no BJP in those countries then there is similar party like BJP.
RE:Why there is No Communal Disharmony in Kerala??
by Sahadevan KK on Jan 05, 2008 09:55 AM Permalink
Mainstream Congress leaders, low level activists nobody today for people. They have no business than America. Inflation, unemployment, loot, rape, killing, everything is going on... In inflation everything gets more valuable except money.
His history shows,he is the man of words,understands real India, farmers,emloyees,business.If he becomes PM,India is bound to make very impressive progress,progress of farmers,the real india. Madhav
RE:RE:Sharad Pawar
by gakkad on Jan 05, 2008 08:18 AM Permalink
He is such a cheap corrupt politician that he will pick up 1 rs. coin out of shit. He back stabbed his mentor shankar rao chavan, who treated him like son. Only reason he started NCP is because he can make money by political horse trading. This is the same reason why Raj Thackeray started his party. In this era of coalition govt. a winning MLA support goes for good amount of money.
RE:RE:RE:Sharad Pawar
by gakkad on Jan 05, 2008 08:29 AM Permalink
Public memory is short. But Dawood and pawar climbed up using each other's shoulder. One of the reason he created problem for Sudhakar rao naik is because naik was sending dawood's politic hench man like pappu kalani to jail. Perhaps the masses have forgoten but Dawood's sharp shooter Anil Sharma escaped in Pawar's helicopter when Pawar was defence minister. Pawar preteded to media that he helped anil sharma because anil sharma was a tax paying citizen who needed to go to delhi for family emergency, being a helpful hand he helped a common citizen and did not know he was a criminal. What a pathetic story that a wanted criminal goes scot free. His chamcha Bhujbal was involved in stamp paper scam. Bhujbal resigned conveniently as dy. chief minister, so that he can dedicate full time to absolve himself. You don't know Sharad pawar mr. nirgude, don't be a blind believer. Do you want to know the latest Mr. Nirgude may be in future you will read in newspaper. ut here is the inside story right now his benami company is IMPORTING WHEAT at higher price than what is market price. Wait and watch
RE:RE:Sharad Pawar
by Vikas Bhatt on Jan 05, 2008 09:17 AM Permalink
With 5000 farmer suicides in Pawar's atrongbelt in Maharashtra's Vidharbha alone in last 3 years and with so much of farm land being looted to sell to the likes of Ambanis in the name of SEZ, how can you say that Mr. Pawar busy doing dalali for millionaire cricketers is the man to save farmers and that he can lead us to progess? What about the imported wheat scam where above market price was paid to import wheat unfit for eating for public distribution system without inviting tenders? Our farmers who demand fair price are caned by police under NCP in Maharashtra and they are not even paid market price for their crops, the same is which imported without verification at 40% more than market rate by so caleld farmer friendly Pawar. What a joke. Mr Nirgude you like Congress and NCp have no sense of reality of understanding of crooked criminal politicians like Pawar who has opened a alcohol factory with Vijay Mallaya and wants wine and alcohol to be available at every grocery store.
Pawar is most corrupt politician of india He saw thrashing win of BJP in Gujrat and himachal so He is fearing from his future once he missed from Maharastra what he will do thats why he is including himself with idiot like lefts. You can understand man how much pawar is feared from the BJP becoz he is also loosing ground in maharastra.... ha ha ha talking about all parties vs BJP esa hi to ho raha hai aaj tak isme nayi kon si baat hai but its new that mind of voter is changing bcause they dont believe in pseudosecularist..... Jai Hind.... long live BJP .....vijayi bhav!!!!
RE:Pawar also feared from BJP winning
by jimmy joseph on Jan 05, 2008 07:47 AM Permalink
pawar could have been the prime minister had he not left the congress. i am not sure if his claim that NCP is an important party in national and regional politics will help him claim the number 1 position in the country anymore.
Besides, in gujrat BJP won only because there hasnt been any strong opposition leader or a party against Narendra Modi. If not for Modi, BJP wouldnt have stood a chance of winning in Gujrat. If Modi moves to the center, BJP is bound to lose ground in gujrat.
As for Himachal, the anti-incumbency factor seems to have worked against the Congress among various other factors. I am not so sure about the issues in Himachal hence cant comment much!
RE:Pawar also feared from BJP winning
by tanmay tripathy on Jan 05, 2008 08:36 AM Permalink
When Modi won u said There is no strong leader in opposition. when in himachal bjp own u said anti-incumbency factor. yaar kuch to saram kar. aapne word ko contradict kyun karta hai. just try to help yr self . don believe any political party.
RE:RE:Pawar also feared from BJP winning
by Vikas Bhatt on Jan 05, 2008 09:23 AM Permalink
BJP won purely because of all round development and 5 year communal peace and stability that came after 2002 elections. In HP, anti incumbancy is not the only reason. Congress failed in Governance, and was found unable to provide development, employment and was totally involved purely in corruption. So people voted for a change. Maharashtra too is seeing absolute corruption and builder raj under Cong-NCP and lives of daily working middle class has been made hell in Mumbai. Cong will lose big time here in 2009. Conng is only interested in nehtu Gandhi family welfare and has no idea how to run this country anymore. Time to bury Cong has come once and for all as long as they stay in power they will keep flaming Hindu Muslim tensions by pamperingexcessively to muslims for votebanks and will only strengthen the cause of hindutva by keeping company of Hindu bashers like Left and DMK
they are whipping a dead horse. communal forces vs. secularism is a contrived thingy, a non-issue. it is obvious now to everybody that politicians seek their future by creating conflicts among people they seek to rule, not serve.
RE:why indian secularist politicians can not serve india
by Chandra Prakash on Jan 05, 2008 06:00 AM Permalink
Politics is business, not service, my dear !
RE:why indian secularist politicians can not serve india
by viswanatha seshadri on Jan 05, 2008 09:31 AM Permalink
"politicians seek their future by creating conflicts among people they seek to rule, not serve."
RE:why indian secularist politicians can not serve india
by Aquarius on Jan 05, 2008 06:41 AM Permalink
Communal forces vs secularism war was started the day L K Advani started his rath yatra and divided the country on communal lines. The country was just settling down and the partition riots wounds were being healed when ,for the sake of votes advani split the country again. why blame congress or anybody else now?
RE:why indian secularist politicians can not serve india
by Vishwamitra Singh on Jan 05, 2008 07:08 AM Permalink
Dear friend read the history of communal riots in India. You will understand that it is not the BJP but Muslim rulers who created communal divide Congress and Muslim league perpetuated it because it served them well.
RE:why indian secularist politicians can not serve india
by nitin sinha on Jan 05, 2008 07:18 AM Permalink
can you then explain why there were no riots during the ruling of ChandraBabu Naidu in AP and Modi in Gujrat (for last five years)..the momement Congress cam to power in AP there has been riots and bombings...it is dead sure that Congress is soft on terorrism...
What a irony, a president of 6 year old local NCP party and most corrupt richest politician in country, giving advice to a 100 years old national party. Its because of pawar and his corrupt leaders in Maharashtra, the state has been thrown to 6th position in list of leading states.
RE:Most corrupt politician
by Chandra Prakash on Jan 05, 2008 05:41 AM Permalink
See the fate of Congress today ! Pawar like man is advicing such a big and old party. But than Congress alone is responsible for this. It has reduced itself to a useless village party. Let's not blame Pawar. Now his voice is bigger than Manmohan, the front doll.
RE:Most corrupt politician
by Aquarius on Jan 05, 2008 06:44 AM Permalink
When great bjp was ruling the country we all saw how even small time leaders in their coalition were making ridiculous demands detrimental to the country and bjp was fulfilling it .