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50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.
by Sahadevan KK on Jan 05, 2008 10:58 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.

In northern states, people are governing, who has sufficient money. Those who hard work, they will be side-tracked. A good govt. must be installed who can change our system. Read more about, indian2007a.googlepages.com

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RE:50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.
by Mayadhar Moharana on Jan 05, 2008 11:26 AM  Permalink
Sahadevan KK ,
You have been continiously venting venom against Gujrat Govt. If you have a little self respect, you should have committed suicide by this time. But you are very big nuisance.

Anyway, if you are so proud of communists of Kerla, why people kick you out in every alternate election but welcome BJP in Gujrat consecutively for 3 times?

Analyse, get answar and drown yourself today in Arbian Sea.

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RE:50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.
by Ramanath Babu on Jan 05, 2008 01:06 PM  Permalink

I refrain myself from abusing anybody as far as possible. However in your case, I don't think it is a crime to call you idiot.

KR Narayanan passed out his MA literature degree from the University of Trivancore much before independence (It was University of Trivancore at that time, no University of Kerala or University of Calicut. Then how come the so-called education bill of Marxist played any part in his education? Narayanan was a brilliant student who passed out all his examinations in first class.

Even otherwise, all those Keralites whom made a name for themsleves had achieved their goal after leaving Kerala. Kerala has never been condusive for growth of an indivduals personality, the main reasons being dirty politics, especially that of CPIM and other left parties. Even today Kerala is suriving on the money that is being remitted by Keralites staying outside the state, be it Delhi, Mumbai, middle-east or Europe. And all those people are self-made without much assistance from their home state. Yet they love that land and people, except the ones like Sahadevan.

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RE:RE:50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.
by Ramanath Babu on Jan 05, 2008 01:15 PM  Permalink

it is not a crime to call

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RE:RE:RE:50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.
by MANISH MITTAL on Jan 05, 2008 03:07 PM  Permalink
Mr Babu Your reply is one of the best reply ever i have seen on this foyum by anyone

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RE:50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.
by rajesh on Jan 05, 2008 01:18 PM  Permalink
Mr. Ramanath : Very decently worded comments.

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RE:50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.
by rajesh on Jan 05, 2008 01:01 PM  Permalink
Sahadevan : You take pride in Educating Kerala ?. Funny!. If so, then why your govt. in West Bengal could not achieve such feat even after 30 years in power ?.You also claim that KRN and Justice Balakrishnan have reached the high posts because of reservation ?. If so, you think they did not have merit & reached there because of reservation ?. In that case what's so great about it ?. Anybody can become anything if they do not need any merit or credentials - like Sonia, Rahul etc. their only qualification being that the are from Nehru family. Your penchant for airing nonsense never diminishes... BTW, throw some light on your left govt. sponsored massacre in Nandigram, Corruption of Commie ministers in Kerala, Shabarimala visit of your beloved Kerala CM, Moiney for Question by your MLA in Kolkotta etc.....

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RE:50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.
by candidreview on Jan 05, 2008 11:31 AM  Permalink
Both late K.R. Narayanan went to school went to school before independence. He came up because he worked hard not because of reservation. Self determination is important than giving reservation to unqualified candidates

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RE:50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.
by its me on Jan 05, 2008 11:13 AM  Permalink
Now begger kerala eating away hard earn hindu income

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RE:RE:RE:50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.
by Tamal Das on Jan 05, 2008 11:29 AM  Permalink
Accoring to Com Subash Chkroborty "95% CPM are illliterate and 4% are half literate"
They are going through brain wash session in various LCs that why they made funny, baseless, irrelevent remarks

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RE:50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.
by sunder on Jan 05, 2008 02:20 PM  Permalink
And what about balance 1%? They are busy shining the shoes of Chinese and russians.

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RE:50 years back Kerala got a Left govt. We got free education for all. Total reseration is above 50%. K.R. Narayanan, Justice Balakrishnan like people reached highest post of our country, because the special environment.
by Tamal Das on Jan 05, 2008 11:28 AM  Permalink
Accoring to Com Subash Chkroborty "95% CPM are illliterate and 4% are half literate"
They are going through brain wash session in various LCs that why they made funny, baseless, irrelevent remarks

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Communal Parties
by Patrick on Jan 05, 2008 10:02 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am not particularly concerned that people call BJP a communal party. But it gets me on the floor laughing that some how, aligning with the muslim league makes you a secular party. I even read two days back that the Indian Union Muslim league snapped ties with ADMK because they were getting closer to BJP and will now join the secular DMK who has an alliance with TMMK ( where MM stands for Muslim Makkal). I dont understand the fairness of this

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RE:Communal Parties
by Patrick on Jan 05, 2008 10:09 AM  Permalink
and you guessed right. It is same DMK that said ram was a drunk, never existed and called hindus as theives at an iftaar party. not a soul in that gathering of IUML members protested. It is a fact. Google it if you want.

And BTW, every party that gets elected to the government loses touch with the needs of people in less than a month after election

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No Future!!
by Tataghata Mukherjee on Jan 05, 2008 09:59 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Parties Like NCP,BSP,etc have No Future.MAybe due to coalition Politics,they can bargain & get some Ministerial berth in the Cabinet,otherwise nothing.
NCP is a Personality Driven Party.Once Sharad Pawar is Gone,Who is there to lead the Party..
Who is Next after Mayawati?

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RE:No Future!!
by rajesh on Jan 05, 2008 01:20 PM  Permalink
More than asking who is after Mayawati, we should ask what is after mayawati ?. If at anything be left for ohters to have!. She is a guzzler of money and land..

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Mainstream Congress leaders, low level activists nobody today for people. They have no business than America. Inflation, unemployment, loot, rape, killing, everything is going on... In inflation everything gets more valuable except money.
by Sahadevan KK on Jan 05, 2008 09:55 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Mainstream Congress leaders, low level activists nobody today for people. They have no business than America. Inflation, unemployment, loot, rape, killing, everything is going on... In inflation everything gets more valuable except money.

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RE:Mainstream Congress leaders, low level activists nobody today for people. They have no business than America. Inflation, unemployment, loot, rape, killing, everything is going on... In inflation everything gets more valuable except money.
by rajesh on Jan 05, 2008 01:13 PM  Permalink
Sahadevan : But then your comrades are supporting Congress - why ? What is your commies doing in WB and Kerala to contain inflation ?. Your Buddhadev is falling on the feet of imperialist Americans to invest in West bengal - please advice him to behave properly... what happend to your Yechury, Karat Bardan etc. after Gujarat elecions ?. What happend to their threats of pulling the govt. down ?.

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RE:Mainstream Congress leaders, low level activists nobody today for people. They have no business than America. Inflation, unemployment, loot, rape, killing, everything is going on... In inflation everything gets more valuable except money.
by Tamal Das on Jan 05, 2008 11:31 AM  Permalink
Accoring to Com Subash Chkroborty "95% CPM are illliterate and 4% are half literate"
They are going through brain wash session in various LCs that why they made funny, baseless, irrelevent remarks

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by sonia maneka on Jan 05, 2008 09:52 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

NCP is a baseless party. All political parties are formed on certain ideology except NCP which had only one ideolgoy of opposing Sonia. But that ideology is also kept at bay. Now this political party will slowly and certainly merge with congress party. The same low quality politics played by his mentor Y.B. Chavan.

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by galilio on Jan 05, 2008 11:38 AM  Permalink
sarath pawar is a corrupt man with no policy.he allowed multinational firms in wholesale trading
in india besides in importing of wheat and took big money.pawar also supported sugar lobby in import of raw sugar killing farmers in maharashtra.similarly sarath pawar cancelled contract of wheat by stc at usd 280 pmt and
re-enterted a fresh contract at usd 328 pmt again for 5 million tonnes bigger quantity.where
are the price differences?.pawar allowed commodities exchanges on forward future trading to make big money along with corrupt chidrambara
finance minister to trade on paper to make big money in paper trading of wheat/pulses.
now prices of wheat/dhall increased locally is due to corrupt pawar and chidrambaram.upa are the bunch of looters in respective department.
PMK chief ram das says he will not allign with BJP again due to its communal policy.last time he supported BJP but could not earn money becouse NDA govt never obliged to its partners
corrupt practices.sonia/manmohan do not care for
tax payers money of indians becouse of their souls are in europe/usa always.

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pawar'statement on Congress ignorancy
by Dinesh Pai on Jan 05, 2008 09:50 AM  Permalink 

Instead of giving statement about Congress ignorancy Pawar should merge his party with the Congress and make it stronger If Pawar is so concerned about the growth of BJP then that is the only solution or if he feels that Congress cannot fight the BJP then he should quit the ministry and make his party NCP stronger which is not possible as Congress is still the largest party

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Rabid Anti Congressism!!
by Contractor on Jan 05, 2008 09:21 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I cannot understand rabid anti congressism. Not that I am a fan of the congress party in its current avataar. A leader who cannot own responsible for a defeat in Gujarat & passes the blame down on the cadres is no leader at all.
But is the option good? BJP
- Walked/Bussed all the way to Lahore, when Pakis were stabbing us in Kargil.
- Slept in deep slumber when Pakis were infiltrating Kashmir.
- Did not have the courage to enter POK during the Kargil conflict leading to massive loss of life for our army men. If we had entered POK our loss of lives would have been 25% of what it was eventually.
- Called Musharaff to Agra & treated him as state guest.
- Goes to Pakistan & calls Jinnah an epitome of world leader.
- Has personal friendship with a Paki leader (Benazir) so much that they exchange books & notes. Yet cant do much about terrorism.
- Accompanies Hijackers to drop them home.
- Doesnt support the government in its most needed moment .. read 1971 Bangladesh war.
Going by these examples .. .. its a difficult choice.

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RE:Rabid Anti Congressism!!
by galilio on Jan 05, 2008 11:52 AM  Permalink
dear contractor, people will not vote for congress due to its corrupt economic policy on following which made our cost of living dearer.
a)allowing multinational cos to operate in local
commodities market in wholesale trading.
b)allowing multinational cos to import and export of all commodites.for example both cargill and australian wheat board are exporting
from india yellow maize to south east asia in big quantity which pushed up local prices of maize.similarly on wheat/wheatflour/edibleoils/
c)allowing commodities forward future trading
exchanges like share market to trade only essential commodities as satta business which pushed up local prices to equate with international prices to help multinationals.
d)both cargill/awb are holding huge stocks of wheat in north as hoarding.govt do not care for this becouse they pay money to ministers.
e)govt do not tax profits of I T software cos
which made our inflation rate to shoot up high.
globalisation is not suitable to indian condition.salt which was sold at rs 3 per kg is now sold at rs 10 per kg becouse it is now marketed locally by corporate/multinational cos
similarly on wheat flour/edible oil ect.
multinationals make money-corrupt upa govt ministers like pawar/chidambaram make money.
compare this situation during NDA govt- they never allowed multinational cos to operate in local/wholesale market and kept local prices under check.becouse of UPA govt policy,many traders are wiped out of business leaving all operat

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RE:Rabid Anti Congressism!!
by viswanatha seshadri on Jan 05, 2008 09:47 AM  Permalink
You are right. BJP should have separated Jammu into a separate Jamuna State and Ladakh as another separate state, of the indian union, outside of J&K and article 370. Srinagar should be a separate city state, devoted to tourism, along with kulu valley, funded for development from the centre to become the real switzerland of the east. Kashmiris will get busy making money out of tourism, the money they get from pak ISI for terrorism will look small. Youngsters should be recruited into the army in ;large numbers and posted in Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur. They will see the largeness and variety of the India they belong to.

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RE:RE:Rabid Anti Congressism!!
by Patrick on Jan 05, 2008 09:57 AM  Permalink
I some how think islam can never appreciate a melting pot. It understands only a homogenous crowd that is forced into submission for the most part. You may want to try a different approach towards national integration

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RE:Rabid Anti Congressism!!
by amar on Jan 05, 2008 11:02 AM  Permalink
You dog barked again

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Hold primary elections in states for congress, bjp leadership
by viswanatha seshadri on Jan 05, 2008 09:11 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

National parties like congress and bjp should not leave the choice of state-level leadership decisions to the Sonia family or the RSS 'pariwar' respectively. Instead, they should hold 'primary' intra-party elections, like the primaries being held in USA among prospective democratic and republican candidates. They could take the organizational help of the EC for conducting such primaries, either as part of its normal work or on special payments collected for the services. Popular will should be reflected in the choice of leaderships in centre and states of the national parties for propective posiitions of CMs and PM, also.

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RE:Hold primary elections in states for congress, bjp leadership
by Sahadevan KK on Jan 05, 2008 09:55 AM  Permalink
Mainstream Congress leaders, low level activists nobody today for people. They have no business than America. Inflation, unemployment, loot, rape, killing, everything is going on... In inflation everything gets more valuable except money.

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RE:Hold primary elections in states for congress, bjp leadership
by Tamal Das on Jan 05, 2008 11:35 AM  Permalink
Accoring to Com Subash Chkroborty "95% CPM are illliterate and 4% are half literate"
They are going through brain wash session in various LCs that why they made funny, baseless, irrelevent remarks

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RE:RE:Hold primary elections in states for congress, bjp leadership
by deepak on Jan 05, 2008 12:03 PM  Permalink
Commies completely destroyed Bengal...not just the economy but the Bengali spirit is gone...today, the Bengali has neither religion, nor language, nor any territorial allegiance heritage..Bengalis hv become the most boring people in India...

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by atul patil on Jan 05, 2008 09:04 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

every oone should shut up their mouths.listen...Mayawatiji is going to be next prime Minister of India.She is ruling Brahmin dominated utter Pradesh.These all pawars,modis,sonias will be defeated in next election and only Mayawatiji will be at the top.Dalit Ab Pure Desh Par Raaj Karenga.....Shankh koun bajayenga?

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by Srinivas Hebbar on Jan 05, 2008 09:08 AM  Permalink
Wohi bajayegi.....malum kaha se?

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by ravindra on Jan 05, 2008 09:08 AM  Permalink
i think u r child in the politics

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by ashutosh jha on Jan 05, 2008 09:09 AM  Permalink
re kukurmute ki santaan ye likhne se pehle ye tere ko sochna tha ki wo waha tak brahmin(Satish Chandra Mishra) ki wajah se pahuchi. aur aage jaane ke liye use Brahmin ke hi sharan mein aana para aur aana parega.

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by Arokiaraj J on Jan 05, 2008 10:42 AM  Permalink
The section of people who call them selves dalit is swelling.Even the oppressors of SCs are calling them selves Dalits now a days for political power and reservations. In stead of falling pray to people like Maya who holds a forune under her seat people should try to compete and grow up. Observe so called upper castes ..only the people in power,their friends of all hues and their realtions and close circle develop leaving other behind.But they too grow by competing and performing. Follow the model of worka nd progress to make Indian free of Dalits( the people who are oppressed,means no oppression for ever).

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