sarath pawar is a corrupt man with no policy.he allowed multinational firms in wholesale trading in india besides in importing of wheat and took big money.pawar also supported sugar lobby in import of raw sugar killing farmers in maharashtra.similarly sarath pawar cancelled contract of wheat by stc at usd 280 pmt and re-enterted a fresh contract at usd 328 pmt again for 5 million tonnes bigger quantity.where are the price differences?.pawar allowed commodities exchanges on forward future trading to make big money along with corrupt chidrambara finance minister to trade on paper to make big money in paper trading of wheat/pulses. now prices of wheat/dhall increased locally is due to corrupt pawar and chidrambaram.upa are the bunch of looters in respective department. PMK chief ram das says he will not allign with BJP again due to its communal policy.last time he supported BJP but could not earn money becouse NDA govt never obliged to its partners corrupt practices.sonia/manmohan do not care for tax payers money of indians becouse of their souls are in europe/usa always.