NCP leader Sharad Pawar is biggest Chor of Nation.
He has dumped millions of public money, huge property in his name. He is ruling entire sugar industry with his mafia gangs at Maharashtra. He is not allowing any private firms like Reliance and others to create competative market of Sugar to Indians.
He was responsible to creat 1992 riots at Mumbai to topple Sudhakar Rao Naik govt.
This kind of Chor politicians change the party like how we change our dress.
No etics, dividing people in name of religion, creating muslim vote banks and dumping hard earned public money in their pocket or at swiss accounts.
Through out NCP and Congress and make win BJP all across India.
RE:Pawar is corrupted
by Galaxy Star on Jan 06, 2008 05:46 AM Permalink
Mr.Dharmesh Vyas, you are entirely right. Where are these people hiding such multi millions? How are they easily escaping from the much talking Finance Minister's hand throgu various Tax and other agencies under Finance Minister? How many glaring nottorius such politicians are known to public but Finance Minister and His agencies are totally blind! Why?
RE:Pawar is corrupted
by Demo-crazy on Jan 05, 2008 10:59 PM Permalink
And, still, they continue to RULE over us! Who is to be blamed? Aren't, we, the voters, the fools?
Murali son of Karunakaran is a gentleman to the core.I know him well and really surprised by his gentle and humble behaviour even when he was MP and state PCC President.I support NCP ONLY FOR HIM.
by wani kumar bhardwaj on Jan 05, 2008 03:57 PM Permalink | Hide replies
We don't know how people or readers of this message will understand the etchics and moral rights of Mr. Sharard Pawar who himself comes under the catgeory of one of the most corrupted lot of Politicians in India. Indian Political Class running the GREAT INDIAN DEMOCRATIC CIRCUS is the rotten lot and most of the political bigwigs from the level of Panchyat Member / Corporation Member is in the habit of looting the public money and instigating wrong propoganda in the name of religion/casteist / linguistic and trying to divide the country and its people saying he is communal and he is secular wherein all is doing SIMILAR JOB, LOOT THE PUBLIC MONEY and BARK TO THE PEOPLE ON EVERY PLACE THEY WANT TO MAKE THE PROBLEM INDIANS ARE FACING. People of India wants peace and economic prosperity with good living conditions, but due to these corrupted politicans existence, Indians are living in the poor conditions. People of India are well aware about his prime ministerial ambitions and once he and his members wanted to come to the BJP side as well.
The likes of pawar, karunakaran cannot live without left congress critisising sonia and again made friendship with congress as a junior partener for sake of power.these leaders know that they have no chrishma to attact voters. they are limited to regional politics only. the reason being they were not groomed as national leaders by indira,nehru clan to keep their intrests in mind.even the present indira clan also can no longer make the voters fool and make them to vote for congress , which is evident from recent poll results.the people are becoming smarter and are understanding thegimmics of congess party and gandhi family.
Pawar is most corrupt politician of india He saw thrashing win of BJP in Gujrat and himachal so He is fearing from his future once he missed from Maharastra what he will do thats why he is including himself with idiot like lefts. You can understand man how much pawar is feared from the BJP becoz he is also loosing ground in maharastra.... ha ha ha talking about all parties vs BJP esa hi to ho raha hai aaj tak isme nayi kon si baat hai but its new that mind of voter is changing bcause they dont believe in pseudosecularist..... Jai Hind.... long live BJP .....vijayi bhav!!!!
In my view congeress is not at all a ignorent party. this party has & had very good leader who was from ground reality like rajesh piolat, madhav rav sindhiya, P.v. Narsimha rao, & now like navin jindal, jitin prasad, kamal nath etc. but these leader have no position in congress . these days congress is running by rajmata soniya devi, his foooool son & there chamchas like kapil sibble, abhishek singhvi, ambika soni montek singh, p chidmbram etc. & they dont have any public intrection. so for sake of INDIA congress shold be free from rajmata , his fooooooool son & there chamchas . strong congress & BJP can lead bater this contry to devlop nation.
RE:congress is not ignorent
by MANISH MITTAL on Jan 05, 2008 02:00 PM Permalink
mr ramanatha i think i am 100 % practical because local parties & you so called Comunist will take this contry in to deeeeeep blue sea
RE:congress is not ignorent
by Ramanath Babu on Jan 05, 2008 02:43 PM Permalink
If you feel congress will discard Sonia, you are mentally regarded. Nothing else.
RE:congress is not ignorent
by MANISH MITTAL on Jan 05, 2008 03:01 PM Permalink
you are 100% right. but this is the main problemwhich i want to describe.
RE:RE:congress is not ignorent
by MANISH MITTAL on Jan 05, 2008 03:03 PM Permalink
congress cant leave soniya mata & rahul baba,& chunnu munnu gandi & this is the durbhgya of our india