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congress is not ignorent
by MANISH MITTAL on Jan 05, 2008 12:47 PM

In my view congeress is not at all a ignorent party. this party has & had very good leader who was from ground reality like rajesh piolat, madhav rav sindhiya, P.v. Narsimha rao, & now like navin jindal, jitin prasad, kamal nath etc. but these leader have no position in congress . these days congress is running by rajmata soniya devi, his foooool son & there chamchas like kapil sibble, abhishek singhvi, ambika soni montek singh, p chidmbram etc. & they dont have any public intrection. so for sake of INDIA congress shold be free from rajmata , his fooooooool son & there chamchas . strong congress & BJP can lead bater this contry to devlop nation.

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Congress ignorant of realities: Pawar