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RE:who care what happens to these black tamil scum.
by Innocent on Jan 03, 2008 07:46 PM  Permalink
Keep this message posted and help poor dying people.

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Say NO to Terrorist
by DumpIndian on Jan 03, 2008 05:15 PM  Permalink 

Indians are peace loving people (like sambar & masalvada) and are firm to stand senseless (like a buffallo) even if someone hurts them and their people. The 2 sides should resolve the war by talks (like.....

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by OM on Jan 03, 2008 04:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

But those who are intruding in our territory(POK, Aksai Chin), they have to be fought out..
If we had made aggressive decisions, then 100% Kashmir would have been ours alongwith Tibet as well including parts of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka..

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by Tataghata Mukherjee on Jan 03, 2008 04:45 PM  Permalink
Have some head on your soulder, before commenting, why do you want entended territories, first make the country men happier with what ever territory India has, India is unable to make justice to its own people with what ever geog boundaries it has how it will be able to do any good with extended territories. Also India doesnot believe in extending its territories, let it only protect its boundaries and should not be supportive of any break away groups who are using violent means.

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by Tataghata Mukherjee on Jan 03, 2008 04:52 PM  Permalink
Also remember

Al Qaida & Taliban is bigger enemy of Islam, Muslims than that of India. They kill more muslims everywhere in the world.

Similarly LTTE is bigger enemy of Tamilians then the SL, they have killed more peaceful tamilians the SL govt.

A similarity both LTT & Al Qaida are/were funded by USA and Taliban was indirectly funded by USA through Pakistan and now pakistan is facing the music of its own creations

India has some chit put attacks but they are negligible to no. of road accident deaths, which is a greater kiler of people of India then Islamic or Maoist bombs.

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by Freedom on Jan 03, 2008 05:07 PM  Permalink
Beleived to be Tataghata Mukherjee, go and check with a doctor.

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by sorna mani on Jan 03, 2008 05:02 PM  Permalink
Dont talk like rubbish bang.........
LTTE is not enemies for Tamilians in SL and in India......

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Sri Lanka does not know what is in store for them
by sss on Jan 03, 2008 04:32 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The Srilankan military was running away from LTTE a couple of years back and now when the LTTE is silent they are they are thinking that the LTTE has gone weak.
Poor srilankans...they do not know that they are fighting against one of the strongest gurreila group in the world who can fight the army , navy and the Airforce.They have all the three departments .
I do not support LTTE but see them going to hit back and that will be the end of Sri Lanka

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RE:Sri Lanka does not know what is in store for them
by national madraasi on Jan 03, 2008 04:39 PM  Permalink
dear tamilian brother,, dont get carried away by LTTE. LTTE is no more a deprived orgn. It has started drug trade and child soldiers. It has killed more tamilians than the SL govt. Lakshman kadirgamar who was a tamil was to take over as the Gen Secy after kofi annan. The LTTE killed him and killed peace for SL tamils. LTTE knew that if Laksham won it would mean the end of LTTE.. GOd save tamilians from SL and LTTE> .. jai hind

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RE:RE:Sri Lanka does not know what is in store for them
by arp on Jan 03, 2008 04:51 PM  Permalink
dear national madrasi said the truth.look in pak ,aggan iraq,lebnon,syria,yemen terrorist killed whom,naxals in india nepal and in srilanka killed hindu mostly.all are only criminals.

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RE:Sri Lanka does not know what is in store for them
by Sivaprasad on Jan 04, 2008 12:49 PM  Permalink
no self respecting tamil will call himself epithets like madrasi.

you national madrasi is a bjp wallah.period.

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SL, LTTE and the future
by national madraasi on Jan 03, 2008 04:31 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am a tamilian and have been noticing the recent movements in SL. its high time the LTTE And SL govt start talking to each other directly without any help from norway.
too many true secular people LTTE(hindu) and SL forces(buddhits and hindus) have been killed in this conflict.
Both the religious communities have been living peacfully for the past 1000s of years. There was no LTTE is inte 1980s. Durin this period the buddhist clergy became strong and demanded a better citizenship for themselves and the tamils were marginalised. Thus LTTE was formed.
The name LTTE was misused by some dravidian politicians like Karu, vaiko etc to get political mileage. The love which karuna and vaiko have for tamilians was proved when they were silent and hiding for muslim votes when tamils(better known as HINDRAF hindus) were being kicked. Karuna does not love tamils. he loves his empire.
The SL govt on its part treated their tamil brothers badly and Rajiv gandhi was also the part of the problem.
Like indi gan created khalistan, LTTE was also thier product. both indi and rajiv met their fate for killin our sikh and tamil brothers.
.LTTE is an anti muslim ethnic terrorist orgn which has lost its goal and has become a demon. it kills tamilians who oppose violence. LTTE wants it to be the sole custodian of tamils.
LTTE and SL govt please talk and resolve before Commies(china) , secular, and pakis ruin both hindus and buddhists.

JAi hind..

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RE:SL, LTTE and the future
by Tataghata Mukherjee on Jan 03, 2008 04:39 PM  Permalink
It would be better to wipe out the violent people from Srilanka instead of engaging them in talks, they are criminals of international repute funded by United States of America, to destabilise the sub continent

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RE:SL, LTTE and the future
by national madraasi on Jan 03, 2008 04:41 PM  Permalink
dear Thatagath,

Violence has not solved the problem for the last 25 years.. give talks a chance. The LTTE is weak and can be forced to come to elections.. weapons should be surrendered.. Please keep India(Karuna, congress) and norway(christian mission american base) out..

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RE:SL, LTTE and the future
by Tataghata Mukherjee on Jan 03, 2008 04:59 PM  Permalink
LTTE people are paid to spread violence and not for talks, their job is to spread violence and kill people so that the arm sales of USA increases...put that in your head that USA needs to sell its arms to other countries so its funds sectarian groups to spread violence so that the affected countries purchase more arms...Learn the truth behind all violences in the world.

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RE:SL, LTTE and the future
by yaaro on Jan 03, 2008 05:42 PM  Permalink
National madraasi, (hope thats not oxymoron!!). Both religions communities lived peacefully for 1000s of years?. Have you heared of "MAHAVAMSA". A perusal of it shud convince you how "peacefully" both communities lived!.
I know many of my classmates (educated in KV kind of school.. who luv hinduism but were opposing "Dravidian" politics. Since "D" ppl support LTTE u want to oppose it EVEN THO they r hindus. (i dont think KARUNA supports wholeheartedly. He does is ONLY for VOTES. He has a complaint against PRABHA that he is close to MGR and not HIM)
Anyway, U sound more reasonable than many so called national madrasis. Thanks for the view.
Peaceful talks?. See teh fate of TIBET and MYANMAR to know what will happen to those peaceful efforts.
In EELAM peaceful methods were tried until 1980s!. Its only after 1983 (Google BLACK JULY!)militancy started.
Kindly read more.
True. PRABHA wants to be the sole custodian. He mite have learnt a lesson or two from the history of NETAJI. See what those so called "moderates" did to him after independence.

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RE:SL, LTTE and the future
by pranam on Jan 03, 2008 04:59 PM  Permalink
National madarassi I respect u r opinion but u r statement that LTTE was a creation of Indira gandhi I beg to differ.IG did not create LTTE.It was encouraged along with other groups like TELO,PLOTE,EPRLF that is all Lot of difference between creation and support

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RE:RE:RE:Good decision
by umesh mishra on Jan 03, 2008 04:31 PM  Permalink
yaaa iam agree with this

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RE:Good decision
by on Jan 03, 2008 07:44 PM  Permalink
Day dreaming........

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Don't meddle in lanka
by softouch on Jan 03, 2008 04:22 PM  Permalink 

Don't think Sonia is as foolish as Rajiv. She'll do well to adopt a hands off policy.

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