National madraasi, (hope thats not oxymoron!!). Both religions communities lived peacefully for 1000s of years?. Have you heared of "MAHAVAMSA". A perusal of it shud convince you how "peacefully" both communities lived!. I know many of my classmates (educated in KV kind of school.. who luv hinduism but were opposing "Dravidian" politics. Since "D" ppl support LTTE u want to oppose it EVEN THO they r hindus. (i dont think KARUNA supports wholeheartedly. He does is ONLY for VOTES. He has a complaint against PRABHA that he is close to MGR and not HIM) Anyway, U sound more reasonable than many so called national madrasis. Thanks for the view. Peaceful talks?. See teh fate of TIBET and MYANMAR to know what will happen to those peaceful efforts. In EELAM peaceful methods were tried until 1980s!. Its only after 1983 (Google BLACK JULY!)militancy started. Kindly read more. True. PRABHA wants to be the sole custodian. He mite have learnt a lesson or two from the history of NETAJI. See what those so called "moderates" did to him after independence.