It is very hard to believe that Pak soldiers in their civilian clothes had inadverently crossed the border. What were they doing in their civilian clothes near border??. Looks like they were trying to sneak in to commit terrorist acts in India. Terrorists do not carry weapons when they cross border contrary to common belief. We also know that Pakistanis are known to use army regulars to commit acts of terrorism in India. The way BSF handed them over to Rangers raises lots of doubts in my mind including the obvious one that money must have changed hands. After all what was the reason to hand over the tresspassers in such a hurry ?? They could have 'enjoyed' our 'sarkari hospitality' ( jail term till it is established that their motives were 'noble'). I am saying this on the basis of facts told to me by my relatives in BSF. Captured militants are sometimes released for money ( before legal formalities are entered into) by BSF if the 'price' is right. Same goes for allowing illegal Bangladeshis into India. It is no laughing matter when BSF officers fight tooth and nail to get posting along Indo Bangladesh border... This incident calls for official enquiry..
RE:Daal mey Kucch Kala Hai !! Ya puri Dal hi kaali hai ??
by lancer on Feb 11, 2008 11:57 PM Permalink
Bsf might have verified their antecedents through proper channels, if they r regulars who has inadverantly crossed ,they r to be handed over.
It is very hard to believe that Pak soldiers in their civilian clothes had inadverently crossed the border. What were they doing in their civilian clothes near border??. Looks like they were trying to sneak in to commit terrorist acts in India. Terrorists do not carry weapons when they cross border contrary to common belief.The way BSF handed them over to Rangers raises lots of doubts in my mind including the obvious one that money must have changed hands. I am saying this on the basis of facts told to me by my relatives in BSF. Captured militants are sometimes released for money ( before legal formalities are entered into) by BSF if the 'price' is right. Same goes for allowing illegal Bangladeshis into India. It is no laughing matter when BSF officers fight tooth and nail to get posting along Indo Bangladesh border... This incident calls for official enquiry..
they are one terrorist group with different outfits....When Paki soldier wear civilian dress he becomes ISI (as Mushrraf?), when wear Turban and grows beard the same person becomes Taliban..
RE:Pakistan army soldiers or ISI or Taliban, call them as you like but...
by Singh on Feb 11, 2008 11:35 PM Permalink
I agree my friend.. BUT if we had killed these soldiers then whats the difference between these savages and us. We will kill them when they attack us (directly or indirectly) but in this case these soldiers might have been innocent
It seems the BSF seems to have forgotten how maltreated were the BSF soldiers at the hannds of the BDR, and how badly the Pakis treat the hapless captured Indian soldiers. Being civilised with uncivilised people is a crime against humanity and civilisation, and those uncivilised scums across the border should have been taugh the lesson in their own way. I am sure that these returned soldiers will one day fire upon and kill the very same BSF soldiers and officers, who so mercifully returned them, while providing cover fire to some infiltrating terrorists or if these BSF men ever happen to 'indvertently cross the border'.
by Fried Yakov on Feb 12, 2008 12:16 AM Permalink
We will see what happens in the future if any of our security men inadvertently cross the border.
by exit on Feb 11, 2008 10:36 PM Permalink
Do u guys think that just killing these soilders would make us safe and happy, them i think tht u r a kid, u dont even know aboy the image iadia carry in the world, u call our ministers what ever u want but, because of them and our soilders u r safe in ur bed, u think u can go and fight at border, do u even no what is a peace process.
RE:selective Amnesia
by Singh on Feb 11, 2008 10:02 PM Permalink
We are progressing much more than these 2 countries(which are actually regressing) is because we are civilised (at least compared to these 2).... I will be rather be a dignified winner than a uncivilised loser
RE:selective Amnesia
by Singh on Feb 11, 2008 10:08 PM Permalink
i said "Winner" you be that by winning wars... let them come in war and we will slaughter them like lambs...
RE:selective Amnesia
by Singh on Feb 11, 2008 10:24 PM Permalink
It is unfortunately true.. soldiers are always scapegoats.. most of them get into army to feed theor families and this is true for all countries. As someone once said "Wars change but soldiers stay the same". .. in Iraq American soldiers who have families back home are getting killed because Bush wants Oil for Haliburton.. In Sri Lanka LTTE makes children fight as soldiers for them... the people who cause these wars live grand lives and soldiers die..