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Hard to believe
by Attatar Yena on Feb 11, 2008 11:00 PM

It is very hard to believe that Pak soldiers in their civilian clothes had inadverently crossed the border. What were they doing in their civilian clothes near border??. Looks like they were trying to sneak in to commit terrorist acts in India. Terrorists do not carry weapons when they cross border contrary to common belief.The way BSF handed them over to Rangers raises lots of doubts in my mind including the obvious one that money must have changed hands. I am saying this on the basis of facts told to me by my relatives in BSF. Captured militants are sometimes released for money ( before legal formalities are entered into) by BSF if the 'price' is right. Same goes for allowing illegal Bangladeshis into India. It is no laughing matter when BSF officers fight tooth and nail to get posting along Indo Bangladesh border... This incident calls for official enquiry..

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BSF hands over 3 soldiers to Pak