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RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:55 PM  Permalink
One needs a mass movement from the muslims against those who ruin you in the name of your scriptures.
khalistan died the day it lost support from the sikhs of punjab. you see it very clearly that they are misusing your koran, no one insults islam the way the jihadis have insulted.

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Fried Yakov on Feb 11, 2008 12:08 AM  Permalink
Hey Paki, no Hindu suports the LTTE, nor do Christians support Hitler. Infact the IPKF fought the LTTE in Sri Lanka, and Hitler was defeated by a consortium of largely Christian nations. Do the Naxalites profess any religious agenda? Does any Hindu organisation support naxals? American actions though caused initial suffering in Japan, they also provided Japan with succour after WWII and helped it to grow without any religious agenda. About the Serbian Christians- how does their action affect India? That is unless you are thinking of the Islamic Ummah? Then why do the Hamas regularly bomb the Israelites? Infact Jerusalem is the 'promised land' for Jews- why do the Muslims want to meddle there when Jews were there much before murderous Islam was dreamt of? What do you want to question about the authenticity of HInduism? It is a way of life, polytheistic in nature and reveres the gifts of nature. What has monotheistic Islam done? Increased the population and contributed to global warming, degraded the environment without any respect for nature. Islam is intolerant of other faiths unlike Hinduism. Has any Hindu called any Christian a terrorist? Simply because there has been no incidence of Chritian terrorism in India. Islam spread by the sword and threatens others with the sword. So it must be dealt with the sword.

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RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 12:46 AM  Permalink
tell me a instant where islam is spread by sword?

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 12:51 AM  Permalink

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RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 12:31 AM  Permalink
First of all Hindu have created more population than muslims and polluted rivers and caused global warming, dont come up wiht such stupid testimonies. who told u no hindu support LTTE, in south india almost every political party is involved in it. Hitler killed many jews it is true, although not in name of religioin but he killed or not, have anyone blamed then christianity for it. then how come u blame muslims then, in Afganistan many arabs contributed against terror and even people of afganistan and same in Iraq too, which US done for no reason on that poor nation. If u keep on blaming such things on muslims, this will ultimately dissappoint them and in that rage they do these kind of things. Who is the real cause for it?

Who told u Israel is of jews, after world war I and before world war II, jews from around the world who were driven from their nations and especially from germany with the help of british and US were settled in after arabs gave them some land. Israel was a land of Palestanians and they were driven from their own land and home by these jews? If they are not justified to attack Israel, then y u people fight for independce against British? It means we are all also terrorist

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by friend friend on Feb 10, 2008 11:58 PM  Permalink
( u have written everything correct except raising ur Qs abt Hinduism Mr Francis. I dont want to say much abt it but you can find them if u actually want to know abt India from anyone in true spirits)
why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
We were SONE KI CHIDIYA once upon a time..parantu..Sadiyon se hi bharat desh par aatankiyon ke aatank hote rahe hain...
While British Rule is considered to be ghulaami..the mughal period is considered to be a golden period?? why??? any anwers to it..
The HIND has been attacked, divided, looted since centuries..
Still the cancer and scars exists in our divided country...
& in the modern times too ..we are surrounded by more number of hostile coutries ..(nepal bhi kabhi kabhi aankhen dikha hi deta hai ) rather than friends inspite of our Universal brotherhood policy...

I do not know what is the solution until and unless we all unite as an Indian only and i reiterate Indian only shedding the regionalism, religionism, casteism & just say INDIA INDIA INDIA..
& no one should be spared spreading terrorism. It is the bad people who spread te bad things..chahe wo kisi bhi dharm ka mazhab ke hon..

& this fight of Dharm- ADAHRM, SATYA- ASATYA continues always..

but yet again..i would like to conclude by the GEETA SLOKA..
paritranaya sadhunam, vinashay cha dushkratam, abhyut-thanam adharmasya..sambhavami uge uge..


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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 12:21 AM  Permalink
it feels good by listening to your thoughts, but unfortunately there are really very much less people like u in this country. u r right we should unite together, but if such case happens then suddenly someone blames other or whole religion. This creates more dissappointment amongst them. I am not applauder of terrorists or Pak, killing innocent is strictly prohibited in Islam even if they r non-muslims, but many people dont knew it even muslims and they bring harm to the religion.

My opinion is same as ur. all sit together, discuss their problems, have a open-debate and have uniform law keeping in mind all religions.

I have studied Islamic scripture, and they are really the best from my view. Its just the people who dont understand it and bring disrepute to it. i too condemn killing of innocent people in name of religion or any such thing, but still some people blame the entire religion without having the knowledge and speaks out anti-religistic terms, which really annoys me.

I am sure that many people who are named as terrorists are really good people, but they are fighting for some cause or their mind have been washed away by anti-social elements. We need to find out the cause for it, it will ultimately result in tackling terrorism. We(Indians) have also done some wrong and unjustice with some people (all kinds). we have to first correct it, terrorist will automatically be solved as in Punjab in my opinion

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 12:24 AM  Permalink

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 12:53 AM  Permalink
Koranic is not satanic, but gita and ramayan

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RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 01:40 AM  Permalink
why someone is reporting my posts for abuse. dont have a gut to listen more about hindiusm and its stupid and false preaching

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RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by someone on Feb 11, 2008 02:08 AM  Permalink
U R so Moronic, U can't speak right...Great to see the Effects of Satanic Koran....wait and see by 2120-2150 what happens to your Mad Religion, U would be cleaned by yor own people...what a Great Madness Mohammed had created.

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Hari on Feb 11, 2008 01:21 AM  Permalink
Koran is not Satanic or pure.
Ask American soldiers who used it properly in Iraq. :-)

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 12:58 AM  Permalink
Your responses show your mentality clearly, so do not waste time in false fights, lies and arguments. Anyway, I am sure you are also not a very happy and successful person in life. Just do not go ahead and blow yourself up.

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 01:06 AM  Permalink
dont bother about me confused mind? first try to come out of confusion and dont go and drink cow urine and eat cow's shit

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RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 12:45 AM  Permalink
mind your language? dont tell me who has done what madness

i can tell u more of your religion then what worst it has brought to world and what harm they have done to mankind

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by someone on Feb 11, 2008 02:04 AM  Permalink
U R right....Yoga has done a great harm to U Mad People..U should never perform Yoga, rather than eat Beef with Ghee etc 4 times a day...and see the result. Believe me why do Yoga to feel good when U can eat Beef with Ghee and rape women as mandated in your Satanic Koran.

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by sourav banerjee on Feb 11, 2008 12:30 AM  Permalink
All muslims are not terrorist but why all terrorist are muslims??? I dont know what is their in your religion but one cannot deny that because of this one religion the entire world is suffering.

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RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 12:35 AM  Permalink
u feel this, i explain u not all terrorist are muslims? WHo are LTTE, who were phoenix group, who are BODO militants? who are naxalities? WHo are those who killed millions of jews? Who were who killed millions in Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq? there are many more

So if it is feed in ur mind that just muslims are terrorist, then it seems that u have made your mind against muslims. that is why u dont see others but u just see muslims

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RE:RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 12:37 AM  Permalink
In fact, these people have killed much more people than islamic terrorists?

but u have made ur mind anti-islamic, thats y u can see just islamic terrorists and not others.. there are much more terrorists in world than islamic, but who questions or thinks about them? Every one is just focussed on islam. Why?

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Sameer on Feb 11, 2008 01:19 AM  Permalink
are you a member of al-quida, taliban, Let ....etc
the more you kill people the more this world will become anti islam. if you really love your religion then try to win people heart with love and see how people will respect islam. but if you dont leave the habit of killing people then one day you will be out of the civilized world.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 01:48 AM  Permalink
ya that's y shiva went with parvati for kamvasna that lasted for 10,000 years and krishna we all know who was it. Martrydom in islam is for paradise and not sexual gratifiations. in fact in hinduism it is, your god indra and his courtyards are always in the pool of Apsaras and sexual acts.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 01:27 AM  Permalink
some guys asked me about islamic thoughts and about terrorism and i was explaining that and u think that i am from those group which i hate.

this clearly implies that u dont want to know the truth

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 01:26 AM  Permalink
I was just explaing my friends that there r not just islamic terrorists, but there are terrorists in every religion. dont blame a single religion for that. No religion teaches to kill innocents, but we all do the same. All religion teach to respect others religion, but are we really doing it?

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 01:02 AM  Permalink
Your responses show your mentality clearly, so do not waste time in false fights, lies and arguments. Anyway, I am sure you are also not a very happy and successful person in life. Just do not go ahead and blow yourself up.

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Sameer on Feb 11, 2008 01:10 AM  Permalink
do you want to justify that muslims are not doing any thing wrong by killing others when others have done the same.
first improve yourself and make yourself civilized then blame others.

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 01:23 AM  Permalink
you have not read my posts properly above, I said that i am strongly oppose to killing of innocent people in name of religion or any such thing. But i am telling that when all do the same y only muslims single are to be blamed, we all should be blamed and we all need to improve ourself instead of blaming on each other

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 01:14 AM  Permalink
Religion is One. Organized religion is organized madness. Nobody is supporting any religion. We want unity of all religions, with one-law and uniform civil code. All are eager to change. Ideas can come from any book, any scriptures. We want open debate, open discussion, we want to adopt the best practices and drop the worst without an "Us" vs "Them" mentality. This where the difference between Muslims and the rest come in.

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 12:39 AM  Permalink
Who divided India ? Who conducts State sponsored terrorism based on religion ? What is their basis ?

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Tarun on Feb 11, 2008 12:44 AM  Permalink

Stupid, stupid fool!

The people you named aren't killing in the name of religion.

Islamic terrorists are, will and have been killing in, for and because of their religion, since the very beginning.

Choosing a Christian-sounding name doesn't mean that we can't smell a Muslim in you. Idiot.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 12:50 AM  Permalink
tell me from when the beginning?

yes, nowadays i admit that some people do and i strongly oppose them

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 12:58 AM  Permalink
What America is doing then? It is just labeling war on terror but has it attacked China for spreading terrorism in Taiwan and Burma. Has it attacked parts of south india where LTTE terror training camps are going on?

Has it attacked Serbia, who carried out mass killing of mulims and killed thousand of them?

u fool dont say that no one do the same as muslims do? It reflects from their act that they are anti-muslim and everyone knows it better. They just label it something else but they carry out for the same purpose

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 01:02 AM  Permalink
why everyone queit there?

Now enough of asking about islam. i will ask some questions of Hinduims

In hinduism, there is god for each and everything, for food, for life, for power, for money, for sex, for music, etc... but why there is no god for PEACE?

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 01:43 AM  Permalink
that's y in Ram's era ravana and ram war took place accoriding to hindus which was deadliest.

Why did ram kill Bali from behind, was he coward?

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 12:37 AM  Permalink
Who divided India ? Who conducts State sponsored terrorism based on religion ? What is their basis ?

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RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 12:42 AM  Permalink
Everybody knows who divided India? The people who killed Gandhi are still ruling in India. state sponsored terrorism based on religion is because of us and Pakistan, we both for our selfishness took thousands of lives in Kashmir(yes even indian military have raped, looted, killed kashmir people if u go there and listen to the fact) When it was decided that kashmir people will decide if they want to be in India, pakistan or to remain independent, before division and independance of india, then y both of us(ind and pak) are fighting each other for it.

apart from that nowaday u can see who is doing state sponsored terrorism in maharasthra, in Assam.

need more explanation?

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 12:48 AM  Permalink

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by viswanatha seshadri on Feb 11, 2008 12:20 AM  Permalink
Please note that the LTTE is mainly a christian tamil group, they have killed lots of hindu tamil celonese, beside the hindu Rajiv. Their main adviser was Anton Balasingham.

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Tarun on Feb 11, 2008 12:12 AM  Permalink

You idiot, the LTTE is not fighting in the name of religion. They are mostly Hindus and Christians.

The chief strategist of the LTTE was Anton Balasingham.

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RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 12:32 AM  Permalink
No matter whose strategy it is but it seems u r not aware of the fact that many south indian political parties support LTTE, and there are training camps in tamil nadu of LTTE. First get ur facts right

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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Tarun on Feb 11, 2008 12:42 AM  Permalink

Those same south Indian politicians (DMK, etc ) are extremely Atheist, and anti-Hindu.

I guess your momma never got you a good education.


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RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:54 PM  Permalink
Religion is One. Organized religion is organized madness. Nobody is supporting any religion. We want unity of all religions, with one-law and uniform civil code. All are eager to change. Ideas can come from any book, any scriptures. We want open debate, open discussion, we want to adopt the best practices and drop the worst without an "Us" vs "Them" mentality. This where the difference between Muslims and the rest come in.

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RE:RE:Why to just blame muslims?
by viswanatha seshadri on Feb 11, 2008 12:25 AM  Permalink
Your mind does not seem to be confused at all.

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why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by friend friend on Feb 10, 2008 11:17 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
We were SONE KI CHIDIYA once upon a time..parantu..Sadiyon se hi bharat desh par aatankiyon ke aatank hote rahe hain...
While British Rule is considered to be ghulaami..the mughal period is considered to be a golden period?? why??? any anwers to it..
The HIND has been attacked, divided, looted since centuries..
Still the cancer and scars exists in our divided country...
& in the modern times too ..we are surrounded by more number of hostile coutries ..(nepal bhi kabhi kabhi aankhen dikha hi deta hai ) rather than friends inspite of our Universal brotherhood policy...

I do not know what is the solution until and unless we all unite as an Indian only and i reiterate Indian only shedding the regionalism, religionism, casteism & just say INDIA INDIA INDIA..
& no one should be spared spreading terrorism. It is the bad people who spread te bad things..chahe wo kisi bhi dharm ka mazhab ke hon..

& this fight of Dharm- ADAHRM, SATYA- ASATYA continues always..

but yet again..i would like to conclude by the GEETA SLOKA..
paritranaya sadhunam, vinashay cha dushkratam, abhyut-thanam adharmasya..sambhavami uge uge..


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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:25 PM  Permalink
According to Mere (Mother, Aurobindo), all the dark forces of nature are in play in India. When India awakens a new light will dawn the world.

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:27 PM  Permalink
Don't loose perspective of reality and get into poetic talk. I know very from where your ideas are coming from as I have been involved with many such organization. Get result and action-oriented.

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:41 PM  Permalink
yes, that does not mean my ideas are original.

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by friend friend on Feb 10, 2008 11:45 PM  Permalink
whatever be the path of truth..but the truth must unite NOW...& stop fighting amongst ourselves..its true that we have disintegrated in terms of land but our ideas, values, virtues, morals still surivives & we need to build on them to fight against all ODDS...
SO INDIANS have to come forward now & beware of dirty politicians..

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:38 PM  Permalink
i only quoted someone, i do not belong to any organization, i am against centralizing power. dont you think we face every single problem the world faces ? every single problem the world faces we face (that is dark forces, for the non poetic). we have dealt with situations much better than any other civilization has, we have survived what egypt and greeks could not and we have shown the world how to do it. recently the way we won our freedom showed the black americans the way in their civil right movement. i am not loosing sight of reality, you are loosing penetrability
because of bias.

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:43 PM  Permalink
I understand what you are talking about. And I have also written extensively about why Indian civilization has survived. Here is a brief. Secularism & democracy are the foundations of Hinduism. Caste saved India from dark days by providing some basic purpose in life. Religion is One and should be limited to Human Character and Human Values with One Common Law encouraging people to develop their Body and Mind, Emotions and Intellect, Creativity and Consciousness. The caste is a scientific concept but has been abused and distorted by confused people. It basically means that to live life intelligently we need to effectively balance the 4-forces within - Thinker, Protector, Economist, Worker - and also while governing society. This is all based on natural human intelligence. The roots of the ancient Indian philosophy which goes by the name Hinduism is actually secular, logical and universal. The idols symbolize objectives in life: Shiva (freedom), Durga (Strength), Saraswati (Knowledge), Lakshmi (Wealth), Ganesh (Wisdom). Life is God. These Goddesses are not really goddesses per se but symbolize the objectives of the pursuit of human life. All civilized societies in the world practice this in principle as it is the natural & true meaning of 'secularism' & 'humanism' followed by all. Check out, A Religion Called 'Human', for more details. Things are simple, we complicate.

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:47 PM  Permalink
yes, read "god without religion" by sankara saranam. you will like it, from what i read from your posts.

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:20 PM  Permalink
Having Uniform Civil Code and one-law for all irrespective of religion will make all equal and civilized. But Muslims will never agree to this even if the whole world does. Let's not waste time just keep lies, arguments and bombings going forever. All this talk about Sufism and all is waste of time. Instead of thinking big we have to go so low down.

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:22 PM  Permalink
Freedom with proper "Self" and universal responsibility and some common-sense in keeping one's focus into life affirmative values is enough religion for all. You will notice that only mediocre and confused people talk all the time about God. Which is basically an escapist idea and hiding their own incompetency. That is why we see all developed countries in the world are 'secular' to keep these religious people on the fringes, and excel in life, sports and work. Others take people straight towards psychiatric treatment. India is doing better because majority of people believe in this. The more people believe in this more change will happen.

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by someone on Feb 10, 2008 11:44 PM  Permalink
Hello Friend,
"While British Rule is considered to be ghulaami..the mughal period is considered to be a golden period?? why??? any anwers to it.."
If U believe that then U R doomed.... Mughals/Pathans destroyed India, and British rule gave us the English Language and the Western Education, so that we can produce Brilliant Desis anywhere in the world, and look at Desis in San Jose, CA how Indians are doing....
The ONLY solution to our Jehadi problem is to have a Leader like Modiji who can fix things, as he has shown in Gujarat.
Wake up, don't wait for a Leader, our Leader is already here, help him to be the PM, and save our beloved Sanatansthan.
And don't say Hind was attacked and looted...this has been happening after the Mad Culture appeared in the Camelsthan, as the Prophet himself looted everyone there.
Nobody looted India before 700 AD. Persians, Greeks, Kushans built India as they loved this culture, even though all of them had different religions. It's the Mad Culture which destroyed Iran, India and Central Asia.
Finally Mohammed Gandhi divided India to create a Long Lasting problem, as his Master British wanted.

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:52 PM  Permalink
you should be quite a moron to think the british were more useful to us than the muslims. the muslims integrated with india and our culture, the bristish never did. the muslims made india there home, the british never did. not all was good for the hindus when we were ruled by mulims, but not all was good for the hindus when we were ruled by hindus either. no civilization falls unless it has already decayed within, muslims were only an excuse to rule over the decay and ofcourse we decyed further under them.

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:57 PM  Permalink
Thank the British for the reinstating the ideas of education, democracy, secularism and industrialization inspite of many other negatives. When our own value system is wrong one one has to last by playing manipulative games and preventing one fall from another -- and thus drag on life like a 'worn-out' coat just to survive with false ego boost and clever tricks.

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by stav on Feb 11, 2008 12:02 AM  Permalink
democracy and secularism from the bristish, what are you talking about ?

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RE:RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by someone on Feb 11, 2008 12:30 AM  Permalink
I think U r right 100% in the negative direction, that the Mad Culture from Camelsthan, also known as Islam gave us Democracy, Secularism, Education, Sharia etc. As Islam mandates, Mo is the Last Prophet, which definitely proves the case for Democracy.
Also note the fact that we as Bengalees conspired with the British, persuaded them to invade Sirauj's Army and win via a mock fight, only to save India from the ever-lasting Darkness, which came upon us since 1100 AD.

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by friend friend on Feb 10, 2008 11:53 PM  Permalink
Mr someone,
i know ur feelings are similar to that what many feel.
But what I have written initially is what is there in the Govt books & journals provided by our govt of India.

But, my message again is that we must now uNITe..against the evil..bahut politics h chuki hai..ab bas..COME ON INDIA

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RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by someone on Feb 11, 2008 12:21 AM  Permalink
We R united, I have Muslims as friends who love India as their Motherland, and are ready to die for India, but they R not Islamic, they R very very secular and also practical, unlike the Bakra known as Zakir Naik. Netaji also showed us how to unite and organise masses by uttering Jai Hind. Muslims should realize that they R misusing the free Unaccounted Saudi Money, and just looking at Pak we see it is backfiring on them. We can only hope that Muslims should kill each other little faster so that we can live peacefully. And it is not Pak, Iraq is doing the same thing. In Iran also general public is totally fed up with Mullahs. My prediction is by 2120-2150 Islam will be history. The real cause of terrorism is the Saudi Money. Once this is stopped, terrorism would fade....

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Muslim Terrorist
by Ashwin on Feb 10, 2008 11:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There is no need to announce any arrests of these terrorists or suspects. Gather as much information as possible about other terrorists & their terrorist activities and kill whosoever is cought, immediately after gathering information. Police need not announce for the same of Police medals. They will create more problems than any solution and unnecessary crores of expenditure, in taking them around the courts, security & maintenance in jails etc.

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RE:Muslim Terrorist
by Fried Yakov on Feb 10, 2008 11:28 PM  Permalink
Their should be a policy for all terrorists killed in encounters, or awarded the death sentence to be buried along with the head / body of slaughterd swine. This will have a psychological deterrent effect of those wishing to be jihadis. Just like the ravaging islamic armies of the middle ages who used to drive flocks of cattle ahead of them to thwart the response of the Hindu armies thay were attacking, the India security forces should develop a method of using flocks of hugry swine / boars to charge at hidden terrorists when they are engaged in an encounter with them. The boar / swine shall force the terrorists out of their enclosure making them sitting prey to the bullets of the security forces.

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RE:Muslim Terrorist
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:15 PM  Permalink
though your proposal is very tempting, but being a civilized comes with a burden, the burden of justice, a justice which is transparent.

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by lancer on Feb 10, 2008 11:00 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

muslims , muslims n more muslims , why do this religion produces antinational and mass killers ? any abosolute reply ?

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by Fried Yakov on Feb 10, 2008 11:29 PM  Permalink
There should be a policy for all terrorists killed in encounters to be buried along with the head / body of slaughterd swine. This will have a psychological deterrent effect of those wishing to be jihadis. Just like the ravaging islamic armies of the middle ages who used to drive flocks of cattle ahead of them to thwart the response of the Hindu armies thay were attacking, the India security forces should develop a method of using flocks of hugry swine / boars to charge at hidden terrorists when they are engaged in an encounter with them. The boar / swine shall force the terrorists out of their enclosure making them sitting prey to the bullets of the security forces.

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by someone on Feb 11, 2008 12:05 AM  Permalink
My Friend Yakov,
Interesting ideas...but Modiji has already shown that in Gujarat by killing Sohrabuddin, that there is no comprise with Terrorists. We must kill them first before they kill us. But our Dhamna PM had disagreed on that, so what can U do, unless this Dhamna is replaced.

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by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:05 PM  Permalink
When you do not have an vision for excellence, or passion to push yourself into higher levels, and you want to legalize lower values, then you can create a cult which glorifies "goondaism" as that is the only way you can survive? By holding other people at ransom, and blaming them for your miseries. That is what kidnappers do. Don't they? The funny part, is that they do not have the common sense to understand that if majority of people become like them, what will happen?

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by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:08 PM  Permalink
There are many versions of islam, india had the Sufi version and it is a sublime religion. The version we see today which is propagated is the wahabi version, that si because of petro dollars.
we need to keep the wahabi version out, people like zakir naik and other fundamentalist have to be kept in check.

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by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:15 PM  Permalink
Having Uniform Civil Code and one-law for all irrespective of religion will make all equal and civilized. But Muslims will never agree to this even if the whole world does. Let's not waste time just keep lies, arguments and bombings going forever. All this talk about Sufism and all is waste of time. It is just that many Muslims countries are more distorted and say music and dance is banned in Islam which is basically considered a part of Sufism. Instead of thinking big we have to go so low down.

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by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:19 PM  Permalink
if one cannot think progressivel and big, one should not make decisions, that appart, yes one should have uniform civil code and the people who will benefit from are muslims and ofcourse Sufism is should take the place of wahabism, that is the solution to exteremism from certain quarters.

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Hang Them
by Kamal on Feb 10, 2008 10:49 PM  Permalink 

Hang them immediately. Otherwise, Terrorists will adopt n number of ways to get them released.

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SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Feb 10, 2008 10:42 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977- it got inspiration from fundamentalist Shah Wahiullah who invited Afghans to invade India in early 18th century to restore Muslim Rule in India.

Who founded SIMI is now associated with Library of Harvard, who occassionally confuse people.

Congress asked to find out Muslims in Indian Army because of him.

Imagine a situation if Muslims were 20% of Indian Army !

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RE:SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977
by Fried Yakov on Feb 10, 2008 10:55 PM  Permalink
That is OK, but do you realise that unless India firmly and fast decides that the cancer that affects 20 % of its populace now is to be treated with radical surgical measures, the cancer is going to grow and engulf the whole of India very soon, and we shall soon see re-establishment of Mughal rule in India. Even countries like France and Germany are facing similar problems, though they are camouflaged with socioeconomic issues. Cancer grows fast unless treated surgically.

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RE:SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:04 PM  Permalink
i think we have been able to integrate with the muslims far better than the west. Germany and France and others are unable to integrate, well there is no compulsion to integrate and they need to find a way out. in our case muslms and hindus have no economic gradient as in the west. we have done a good job till date, lets not ruin it by taking there example. the richest muslim entrepreneur is indian that shows we can integrate well and still prosper. what needs to be handled well is the wahabi and extremist islam.

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RE:SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:08 PM  Permalink
They have integrated because 80% of Indians are non-Muslims. Do not compare, Azim Premji or Abdul Kalam to Muslims? They are just born in that religion but are totally different people. They are enlightened global citizens.

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RE:SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977
by someone on Feb 11, 2008 12:45 AM  Permalink
For your information Abdul Kalam is the ONLY Muslim I know who is a Vegetarian, and lead a very spiritual life. Vegetarianism is against Islam, this Mad Culture mandates the Qurbaani type of killing of animals to make Halal Meat.

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RE:SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977
by recalcitrant on Feb 11, 2008 01:34 AM  Permalink
someone - mind your language. Islam doesn't say you HAVE to eat non-veg to become Muslim. Holy Quran prohibits eating certain type of meat, including pork. Read for yourself before you share your immature thoughts.

For argument sake, I can quote numerous examples to say your religion is MAD. But Islam promotes harmony and encourages to respect other religions and people. So, as a Muslim, I can't stoop down to your level.

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RE:SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:12 PM  Permalink
what makes you think other muslims cannot be global citizens, becoming a global citizen requires you to look beyond one little boundaries and conditioning and that does not come with a tag
of any religion, one can be as closed minded even if one is a hindu or christian.

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by Albert Adibadla on Feb 10, 2008 10:39 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies





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by stav on Feb 10, 2008 10:42 PM  Permalink
you have been seeing too many bollywood movies.

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Treating militants...
by Chandra Prakash on Feb 10, 2008 09:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Now we must treat these militants by offering garam garam dhosha made of RDX and chatni made of gun powder, daily with love.

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RE:Treating militants...
by addu khan on Feb 10, 2008 10:11 PM  Permalink

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RE:RE:Treating militants...
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 10:57 PM  Permalink
"hmmmmm" is this the silent support of an "educated" person? it is difficult to see. becareful and constantly censoring my post only proves it further, you are quite a moron indeed.

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RE:Treating militants...
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 10:05 PM  Permalink
One who understands reality, understands that nobody in this world is doing a favor to anybody. This starts from our home itself. Everything is based on enlightened self-interest as we can pursue various professions for interdependencies for our own survival and better life. Many citizens of the Gulf are having a cozy life as oil is needed by all and all are silently tolerating their antics. And they instead try to project themselves as if it has something to do with Islam. And Islamic countries without oil and money hallucinate and get into suicide bombings and violence. Unless they change and try to meet international standards of talent, performance and productivity they will vanish in next 20 years. This applies to all who waste too much time in religion, talk, arguments and lies rather than doing practical things to excel in life, work and sports. Meaningful action and constant expansion of knowledge for the betterment of the body and mind for majority of people with proper priorities in the form of economics is real religion. Prayers and Pilgrimages, Fasting and Feasting, Rituals and Astrologers are waste of time and lowering one's own self-esteem and sometimes this degenerates to violence caused by romantic ideas and hallucinations.

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RE:RE:Treating militants...
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 10:27 PM  Permalink
how does fasting reduce ones self esteem, i wonder ?

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RE:Treating militants...
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 10:29 PM  Permalink
Fasting by choice to get rid of body's toxins with full awareness, that fasting like mechanical robots. It is the logic and intention that makes all the difference.

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RE:Treating militants...
by Vijay B on Feb 10, 2008 10:19 PM  Permalink
You started off ok, but then went a bit too far. Don't trash prayers, pilgrimages, fasting, rituals, and even astrology (astrologers are different from astrology though) as a waste of time, if you don't really understand their significance. If you know all about them, then talk. But its impossible for you or anyone to know all about such stuff.

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RE:Treating militants...
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 10:27 PM  Permalink
Freedom with proper "Self" and universal responsibility and some common-sense in keeping one's focus into life affirmative values is enough religion for all. You will notice that only mediocre and confused people talk all the time about God. Which is basically an escapist idea and hiding their own incompetency. That is why we see all developed countries in the world are 'secular' to keep these religious people on the fringes, and excel in life, sports and work. Others take people straight towards psychiatric treatment. India is also excelling because majority of people believe in this.

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