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RE:Treating militants...
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 10:05 PM

One who understands reality, understands that nobody in this world is doing a favor to anybody. This starts from our home itself. Everything is based on enlightened self-interest as we can pursue various professions for interdependencies for our own survival and better life. Many citizens of the Gulf are having a cozy life as oil is needed by all and all are silently tolerating their antics. And they instead try to project themselves as if it has something to do with Islam. And Islamic countries without oil and money hallucinate and get into suicide bombings and violence. Unless they change and try to meet international standards of talent, performance and productivity they will vanish in next 20 years. This applies to all who waste too much time in religion, talk, arguments and lies rather than doing practical things to excel in life, work and sports. Meaningful action and constant expansion of knowledge for the betterment of the body and mind for majority of people with proper priorities in the form of economics is real religion. Prayers and Pilgrimages, Fasting and Feasting, Rituals and Astrologers are waste of time and lowering one's own self-esteem and sometimes this degenerates to violence caused by romantic ideas and hallucinations.

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Militants in IISc, CRPF attacks held