Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Ghajiabad, Faridabad is full of crime. Our great politian and adminstrators aware of this, still nobody want to stop it. Hope several other cases, Like kidney scam, are going to be revealed in near future.
by ratnajayant gudavally on Feb 02, 2008 08:15 AM Permalink
by Fab Reens on Feb 01, 2008 05:53 PM Permalink
Isn't it enough that we have to live with such politicians? Now you want people carrying their parts in their bodies too? Mera joota hai BSP, yeh patloon Congresswali, sar pe lal topi leftists ki, aur dil hai BJP wali!!!
RE:Is donating kidney illegal?
by arungopal agarwal on Feb 01, 2008 05:15 PM Permalink
If a poor fellow(due to Govt. apathy) is selling his kidney, basically he is giving life to one fellow, without much affecting his life.As he can life with one kidney.
Unable to understand, what crime - he has done. He must have completed all the papers before taking kidney of a poor. After all-it is taken after kidnapping or forcibily. He has taken the advantage of the poverty/miseries of the people, for which our Govt. had been utter failure to eradicate the poverty in last 60 years. Otherwise-if kidney is donated, it is legal, if purchased-illegal. what a joke.
RE:Dr. Kidney Kumar
by Renuka Sharma on Feb 01, 2008 05:08 PM Permalink
Agreed that people sell their kidneys for money... But this Scam also indlcuded victims, who were taken on a pretext of medical examination and had their kidneys removed without their knowledge or permission.
RE:Politicians Involved
by Jojo on Feb 01, 2008 04:41 PM Permalink
very true - such a big racket cannot be handled single handedly. everthing would be happening right under the noses of the police - but yeh india : sab chalta hai. after some days this incidence will be forgotten as usual.
last but not the least as the scam had reached its ultimate and hence it was blown otherwise it would ahve carried on for some more time - this goes without saying.
by vinay thakur on Feb 01, 2008 08:31 PM Permalink
Aur Jaab Advani aisa bolenge to Hamare PM ki raaton ki neend ud jayegi..bolenge..BJP Maut ke saudagar hain..Muslims is country men victims hai blah blah blah
It seems most of us is not at all aware of kidney and the kidney transplant . Kidney transplat is not so simple that one can get a kidney fr anyone and put it in someone.A lot of tests and tissue matching is required.Thedonors are always aware of that they r donating kidney .Life is not easy for a person even if he gets a kidney transplat , he has to be on medicine worth Rs 20,000 / month. to keep it going . No one takes a kidney for fun , or to eat , its to save his life . Doctors have provved that one kidney is extra in body and can be donated safely . As in india we dont want to donate anything so we sell . Donating kidneys does not creat any prob for the person donating it and a life is saved . Tell me anyone here knows any case where a person has died because he is on one kidney . Every body is having a body part is his her body which can give me 2-3 lakhs if Rs without harming the health. I suggest for a prcedure for donating sorry selling kidney : - Everyone who wanna sell his kidney shd go to a recognised hospital and get his/her name registered , that i wanna sell me kidney at this price . The doctors will match it tissu with kidney patients and tell the receipient you have topay so much amount . For life one has to pay . Then the transplant can be done and no one will feel cheated . and both party will gain . I am just sharing pain of kidney patients , aboout 2,00,000 kidney patients r becoming everyyr with only abt 3-4000 transplants . so freinds save life.
Doctors are supposed to have knowledge that one kidney can serve the purpose of human body. Just how many Doctors have donated or sold their kidnies in India and abroad. I think, just not one.
RE:RE:Kidney Racket
by indian on Feb 01, 2008 05:45 PM Permalink
Khursheed we all know blodd canbe donated safely . How many of us donate blood, Its not the question of who is donating and who is not . One kidney is enough for body thats prooved. As we cant donate so the selling must be allowed in a legal way .
It is generally seen the poor are parting their kidnies to the affluents, who needs it, not even their blood relations and offsprings. No doubt, a life is saved. But should'nt we have a social responsibility to take care of the poor, who is forced to sell his kidney out of his needs.
RE:Kidney Racket
by indian on Feb 01, 2008 06:10 PM Permalink
Khursheed this is being populist , what all one will take care , prostituion , begger etc all r result of poverty . atleast here the person is selling what he has ,and fora good cause , not begging around , and or selling the body for someone fun ..
It is nothing populist. People are selling their kidnies out of their miseries and prostitution, begging etc are the resultants of this evil. But if we see the things vice verse, a poor needs a kidney transplantation with no resources, it is also a social responsibility. I think, every citizen of our country enjoy the same rights. Unless, we realize this kind of evilness, we can not make a lawful society.
RE:Kidney Racket
by Jojo on Feb 01, 2008 04:45 PM Permalink
my dear indian - what are you talking about -this, removing of kidnies is chori and they are removed [ unknowingly from these innocent people ] which does not need much of test to be done. only those who want one to get fitted with one of the donated kidnies in them - will go in for these checks.
RE:Kidney Racket
by indian on Feb 01, 2008 05:40 PM Permalink
jojo its not like , a doctor is removing the kidney then going fro buyer to buyer , a removed kidney is to be transplated within few hrs otherise its of no use .without test no one will remove kidney.
RE:Kidney Racket
by mohd faizi ata on Feb 01, 2008 04:53 PM Permalink
But my dera friend it is very true but question arise that the donor dont get that amount and middle person take away majority of share out of that. The innocent people have been cheated during all this process. Try to understand those guy were not running NGO for Kidney transplantion otherwise they would not have gone underground. Got it dear..pls chk both side of the coin before commeting anything....
RE:Kidney Racket
by vinay thakur on Feb 01, 2008 04:39 PM Permalink
I know some people who need Kidney's to survive rest of their lives. Can you please sell your Kidney..You seems to be an very educated and intelligent person.Please let me know if your have more members in your family!
RE:RE:Kidney Racket
by indian on Feb 01, 2008 05:43 PM Permalink
u r rite Vinay . I wannna sell not donate my kidney , as its extra in body and can fetch me 2-3 lakhs plus life to a person. but cant do as per currect laws . This is true for u too . One kidney is extra no one has died by giving one.
RE:First catch the cops and security people
by p on Feb 01, 2008 04:00 PM Permalink
Kidney of a "Top Brass" politician should be removed , then only some action would happen or else duff ears !!! Democracy , why you cry so badly .this has become a routine in "Gods Own country".