It seems most of us is not at all aware of kidney and the kidney transplant . Kidney transplat is not so simple that one can get a kidney fr anyone and put it in someone.A lot of tests and tissue matching is required.Thedonors are always aware of that they r donating kidney .Life is not easy for a person even if he gets a kidney transplat , he has to be on medicine worth Rs 20,000 / month. to keep it going . No one takes a kidney for fun , or to eat , its to save his life . Doctors have provved that one kidney is extra in body and can be donated safely . As in india we dont want to donate anything so we sell . Donating kidneys does not creat any prob for the person donating it and a life is saved . Tell me anyone here knows any case where a person has died because he is on one kidney . Every body is having a body part is his her body which can give me 2-3 lakhs if Rs without harming the health. I suggest for a prcedure for donating sorry selling kidney : - Everyone who wanna sell his kidney shd go to a recognised hospital and get his/her name registered , that i wanna sell me kidney at this price . The doctors will match it tissu with kidney patients and tell the receipient you have topay so much amount . For life one has to pay . Then the transplant can be done and no one will feel cheated . and both party will gain . I am just sharing pain of kidney patients , aboout 2,00,000 kidney patients r becoming everyyr with only abt 3-4000 transplants . so freinds save life.