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by Jasad Dusty on Aug 13, 2008 04:48 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

India with all its caste and social divisions, economic inequalities and myriad differences is a very fertile ground for the neo-conservative / evangelical Christians missionary organizations.

They are very active in the north-east and south of the Indian peninsula and have successfully penetrated these areas. Slowly and quietly they continue to chisel way the traditional beliefs and religious practices of the Indians. Nagaland is just the tip of the iceberg.

Islam with its rational approach towards belief and relationship between man and God, its message of peace and brotherhood has withstood their entire onslaught since centuries and is the biggest obstruction in their efforts to the propagation and fulfillment of their goals and agendas all over the world.

They de-humanize and demonize Islam. They create hatred and enmity between the Hindus and the Muslims, they let them continue quarreling among themselves on petty matters. The monkey gets to keep the major portion of the bread while the two cats fight.

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by JGN on Aug 13, 2008 11:24 PM  Permalink
We can see that "message of peace" the world over day in and day out! No need of any elaboration!

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talking sense
by vox populi on Aug 12, 2008 03:30 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

these morons are talking sense for the first time in their miserable lives

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RE:talking sense
by Jasad Dusty on Aug 12, 2008 07:22 PM  Permalink
If this is the case, we Indian should actively support Al Qaeda and help them with man, money and material.

RSS should immediatley send out instructions to the entire Sangh Parivar to immediately collobrate with Al-Qaeda and help them achive their mission.

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RE:talking sense
by Pat Thakur on Aug 12, 2008 07:42 PM  Permalink
Instead, it is we who should follow suit & declare war against all these Jehadi Outfits & all the Muslim Nations patronising them.

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RE:talking sense
by Jasad Dusty on Aug 13, 2008 05:07 PM  Permalink
Do you have balls.....to do this. Go ahead what are you waiting for

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RE:talking sense
by JGN on Aug 13, 2008 11:25 PM  Permalink
We have already divided Pak into two. Nobody could do anything at that time.

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Atleast this a good proposal after long time from Al Qaeda...Good luck Al Qaeda
by KMR Overseas on Aug 12, 2008 03:17 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

hope Jihad wipes-out Pakistan too...lol
Let the world be in PEACE !!!

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RE:Atleast this a good proposal after long time from Al Qaeda...Good luck Al Qaeda
by Pat Thakur on Aug 12, 2008 07:45 PM  Permalink
In this matter, even if Pakistan is wiped out, Al- Qaeda will still remain. How do you expect PEACE with the Jehadis around? Better crush all these pests i.e. Jehadis & Muslim Nations together, once & for all.

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RE:Atleast this a good proposal after long time from Al Qaeda...Good luck Al Qaeda
by Jasad Dusty on Aug 13, 2008 04:58 PM  Permalink
They have been trying to do this since the last 1500 years without success. Why don't come on to the field and and try to do it yourself instead of sitting on your rotton ash and writting such bull sing.

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RE:Al Qaida should kill more pakistanis.........as they r americans in disguise.......well done Al Qaida......
by konedila venkat on Aug 12, 2008 04:34 PM  Permalink
better concentrate on all the muslim countries and bring peace to others

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RE:RE:Al Qaida should kill more pakistanis.........as they r americans in disguise.......well done Al Qaida......
by Jasad Dusty on Aug 13, 2008 05:04 PM  Permalink
America should leave Iraq, go back to their country and ask Al-Qaeda to do their job, may be they will do a better work

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Its a welcome move by al qaeda
by bunty on Aug 12, 2008 01:10 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Its a welcome move by al qaeda

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RE:Its a welcome move by al qaeda
by Cutlet Gravy on Aug 12, 2008 01:23 PM  Permalink

Yes indeed.

Thanks, Rediff, for keeping comments on this board open.

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RE:Its a welcome move by al qaeda
by Jasad Dusty on Aug 13, 2008 05:09 PM  Permalink
Who do you think will be next.....

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Al Qaeda calls for jihad against Pakistan
by bahmophet on Aug 12, 2008 12:50 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

arre yaar, wont they run out of HOURIS?

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RE:Al Qaeda calls for jihad against Pakistan
by Jasad Dusty on Aug 12, 2008 07:12 PM  Permalink
In that case they will come after you.

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Jihad against Musharaf not Pakistan
by H S on Aug 12, 2008 10:08 AM  Permalink 

If it is genuine then it means only Jihad against Musharaf not against Pakisatn and it is an attempt to imotionally blakmailing and dividing People of Pakistan in order to gain support for AL Qaeda 's interestes. divided Pakistanis will be one supporting AL Qaeda and other not. it can be a dangeros situation for not only pakistan but for INDIA too.

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Jihad against Musharaf not Pakistan
by H S on Aug 12, 2008 09:47 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If it is genuine then it means only Jihad against Musharaf not against Pakisatn and it is an attempt to imotionally blakmailing and dividing People of Pakistan in order to gain support for AL Qaeda 's interestes. divided Pakistanis will be one supporting AL Qaeda and other not. it can be a dangeros situation for not only pakistan but for INDIA too.

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RE:Jihad against Musharaf not Pakistan
by Cutlet Gravy on Aug 12, 2008 01:35 PM  Permalink

Wonder why this Ayman-Al-Zawahiri waited nearly seven (7) years to make this stupid pronouncement

... and that too in English.

Perhaps Al Qaeda would like us to know that President Pervez Musharraf did not share a slice of the American Pie with OBL.

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RE:Jihad against Musharaf not Pakistan
by bunty on Aug 12, 2008 05:05 PM  Permalink
yeah it him 7 years to learn english. i mean spoken english

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RE:Jihad against Musharaf not Pakistan
by Jasad Dusty on Aug 12, 2008 07:26 PM  Permalink
Stupid ! it is so simple, Musharaff like his dogs, does not understand Arabic, he only knows American English.

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RE:Jihad against Musharaf not Pakistan
by JGN on Aug 12, 2008 10:18 PM  Permalink
Jasad Dusty, Sindhi and Punjabi are the language the majority of people in Pak speak. Why the hell should Musharaff learn Arabic?

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RE:Jihad against Musharaf not Pakistan
by Jasad Dusty on Aug 13, 2008 05:12 PM  Permalink
Wonder why this Ayman-Al-Zawahiri waited nearly seven (7) years to make this stupid pronouncement

... and that too in English.

I was replying to the above comments, while you were shaking you balls....

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Jihad against Musharaf not Pakistan
by H S on Aug 12, 2008 09:44 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If it is genuine then it means only Jihad against Musharaf not against Pakisatn and it is an attempt to imotionally blakmailing and dividing People of Pakistan in order to gain support for AL Qaeda 's interestes. divided Pakistanis will be one supporting AL Qaeda and other not. it can be a dangeros situation for not only pakistan but for INDIA too.

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RE:Jihad against Musharaf not Pakistan
by Jasad Dusty on Aug 12, 2008 07:34 PM  Permalink
Only about 10% of the Hindus are militant and support the Sangh Parivar. The rest are noble and peacful.

Similarly only 10% of the Pakistanies are militant and support Al-Qaeda and the Talabans.

Al-Qaeda should avoid fighting India, they should know this that the Indians have always fought well amonge themselves since centuries.

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Jihad against Musharaf not Pakistan
by H S on Aug 12, 2008 09:43 AM  Permalink 

If it is genuine then it means only Jihad against Musharaf not against Pakisatn and it is an attempt to imotionally blakmailing and dividing People of Pakistan in order to gain support for AL Qaeda 's interestes. divided Pakistanis will be one supporting AL Qaeda and other not. it can be a dangeros situation for not only pakistan but for INDIA too.

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