India with all its caste and social divisions, economic inequalities and myriad differences is a very fertile ground for the neo-conservative / evangelical Christians missionary organizations.
They are very active in the north-east and south of the Indian peninsula and have successfully penetrated these areas. Slowly and quietly they continue to chisel way the traditional beliefs and religious practices of the Indians. Nagaland is just the tip of the iceberg.
Islam with its rational approach towards belief and relationship between man and God, its message of peace and brotherhood has withstood their entire onslaught since centuries and is the biggest obstruction in their efforts to the propagation and fulfillment of their goals and agendas all over the world.
They de-humanize and demonize Islam. They create hatred and enmity between the Hindus and the Muslims, they let them continue quarreling among themselves on petty matters. The monkey gets to keep the major portion of the bread while the two cats fight.