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by Grahastan on Aug 05, 2008 02:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There has been no famous christian freedom fighters in our history....

When Gandhiji, nehruji, maulana azad or be it anyone when they fought against britishers they were united in getting freedom for indians as a whole they didn't fight for freedom for hindus and muslims this is a world known fact.

Whereas now the situation has changed now...............

King Asoka
King prithiviraj
Pallava,maurya, Chera, Choloa, Pandya & moghul dynasty

All of us are aware of indian history can any one add few christian dynasty in india befor EAST INDIA comPANY came into existence

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by Rohit Singh on Aug 05, 2008 02:25 PM  Permalink
Indian National Congress was Founded in 1885 by Umesh Chandra Banerjee, Surendranath Banerjee, Man Mohan Ghosh, Allan Octavian Hume, William Wedderburn, Dadabhai Naoroji and Dinshaw Wacha.

Dear Grahastan,

I think you should read this also... when you don't know history don't make any comment..

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by true tamilan on Aug 05, 2008 02:27 PM  Permalink
That was a good joke. So you mean Congress has become dynasty now. It was a serious omission.

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by Grahastan on Aug 05, 2008 02:26 PM  Permalink
My question was befor EAST INDIA comPANY ?

Kindly read my message fully

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by true tamilan on Aug 05, 2008 02:17 PM  Permalink
I dont whether he healed or not. But his god transferred lot of money from gullible poor people to his hands. He owns so many institutions in TN. It looks like evangelism really pays. Look at one Lijo Matthew in this forum.

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by MalluBellu on Aug 05, 2008 02:25 PM  Permalink
It is all "Money" and "Honey" Making !!! Preaching is easy but following it is another thing... which is not in their personal bible. "Join and enjoy the life"

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by Swamiji on Aug 05, 2008 02:25 PM  Permalink
dinakaran is no God dear, he is just a servant of God. Do you mean to say that when hindus die their one of the million Gods come and rescue them,

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by Madhu Anand on Aug 05, 2008 02:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

its another smart ways to coversion poor hindus
to stupid xianties. true do not belive the
fusion of reglion.

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by true tamilan on Aug 05, 2008 02:20 PM  Permalink
Your white masters came and made Hindus poor swamiji. They built some missionary schools and hospitals while killing millions of Indians. You are one of the by products of such schools and hospitals.

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by true tamilan on Aug 05, 2008 02:14 PM  Permalink

God in Bible says I am an angry and jealous god. If you worship any other god, I will punish you. As a christian, you can have only Christ as the saviour and you tend to look down upon other human being's beliefs.

Hindu believes that there are different ways to attain salvation. My way is not the only way. I accept and respect others beliefs. I do not try to convert and brainwash people to accept my way of reaching salvation. For example, I may worship Lord Muruga or Goddess Mariamma. But I will not look down upon somebody worshipping Ayyappa or somebody worhsipping Vaishno Devi. If I go to other temples, I worship there also. Hinduism is an inclusive religion. While abrahmin religions excludes, rejects and look down upon others beliefs

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RE:RE:A call to people who worship millions of Gods including Monkeys and Cow dung
by alice springs on Aug 05, 2008 02:21 PM  Permalink
ha ha ha ..another poor xtain scape goat trying his level best to lick his masters boots ..LOL

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will they accept it?
by rgv on Aug 05, 2008 02:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There is a belief that Christ came to india and practiced meditation and vedas, which influenced him while making his own religion. The unfolded years in his life also suggests that.
But christians in india will not accept it. I know many who have a bitter attitude to hindu culture, Bhagavat gita, hindu gods etc. will they accept this bible? they like to think that their roots are in the west (even the converted ones). If somebody says them that you actually born to an american or europian, they will feel very proud of it.

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RE:will they accept it?
by Kvins on Aug 05, 2008 02:12 PM  Permalink
Actually modern Indian hasn't contributed anything except in terms of population .. while ancient India has contributed all the vedas, mathematics, meditation , yoga , Marshal arts ( remember that buddha dharam originated from India ) , peace, Gita updesh and ofcourse the theory of Karma ... So while no one would except it that is actually the truth..

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RE:will they accept it?
by tamil on Aug 05, 2008 02:06 PM  Permalink
Om Sree Bhrammaputhraya nama.
Oh Thou Who art the Son of God I worship you.

Om Sree Umathaya nama.
Oh Thou Who art conceived by the Holy Spirit, I worship you.

Om Sree Kanya Suthaya nama.
Oh Thou Who art born of a virgin, I worship you.

Om Sree Sipilistaya nama.
Oh Thou Who art circumcised, I worship you.

Om Sreee Darithiranarayana nama,
Oh Thou Who became the poorest of the poor, I worship you.

Om Sree Vrikshasoola aruthaya nama.
Oh Thou Who offered His body on the branch of a tree, I worship you.

Om Sree Panchakaya nama.
Oh Thou Who has five different kinds of wounds in His body, I worship

Om Sree Mrithyumjaya nama.
Oh Thou rose victoriously from the dead I worship you.

Om Sree Dakshinamoorthy nama.
Oh Thou to Whom the power to rule the world is given, I worship you.

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RE:will they accept it?
by true tamilan on Aug 05, 2008 02:13 PM  Permalink
Tamil, I am sure you dont know sanskrit. Translation or interpretation of this I can guarantee you is wrong.

This is just like archbishop of madras funding some poor brahmin from Srirangam to interpret Hindu scriptures to show agasthiyar, vyaasar and another sage were the ones who visited Christ as 3 wise men.

If you can see thru this. It is better for u. Otherwise, u will look down upon the glorious tamil culture and praise ur white masters.

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