The catholic church is one of the best institution run by satan. the catholic priests including pope are satanic messengers. they teach things out of the HOLY BIBLE and they told people NOT to read BIBLE in the past. They have murdered BIBLE BELIEVERS all over the world. They have abused boys and girls sexually and the head of the evil - the pope is going around the world and apologizing for the shame. hitler who slaughtered 6000000 jews ( most of the wemen , children and elderly people because they can not work) had the blessings of pope of that time. hitler himself was a satanic cathlic. what this evil priest does in kerala is the new thing from devil
I just hope they don't quote some Indian scripture to show that the world was created no more than 6000 years old and the sun a mere 4 days earlier !!!
RE:Oh Hell
by ramaswamy sunderrajan on Aug 05, 2008 01:03 PM Permalink
Rest assured that the effort will be only towards that end. It will be a subtle attempt to show that Christianity preceeded other religions. I have heard of the story of an Archibishop funding a pretending Bishop to establish that Thiruvalluvar,the great Tamil poet was a Christian
It is a fact christianity is loosing out in europian countries and ITALY / vatican is worried. so where else they can turn their guns except INDIA? sonia had been given an assignment to convert 1 million hindus into christians (though they are from SC/ST/OBC and are still untouchable to "khandani" christians ), the number has to increase as per the "ORDERS" OF VATICAN
therefore it is nothing but a smoke screen for conversion by luring with money and other facilities. it is a pity KERALITES are taking it "lying down".
but it will have severe repurcussion for the whole country and the demography of INDIA will change soon. so pls.wake up and stop this attrocity on illitrate keralites.
by karuppu on Aug 05, 2008 01:27 PM Permalink
kerala was 100% literate in the past ,but what is the present condition.pls. go thro,govt gezette before opening your hole. i may agree with you about the spelling and grammer,since i studied in a missionary school and christian college ! thanx for the special mention,pray,tell me who is going to mention it! instead of seeing a pschychologist, i am thinking of visiting the nearest church since it has got more psychiatric cases there,who would be able to give me "better" advice and counselling !
by saif ali on Aug 05, 2008 12:58 PM Permalink
Can you please tell me how in European Countries Crisatinty is lossing its grounds.
This is really a welcome developement.This will give an opportunity to the Christians an opportunity to learn and appreciate the 'Vedas'.At the same time it also opens the doors to non-christians to learn for themselves what the Bible teaches with reference to what the 'Vedas'opine.This should be approached with an open mind and a sense of curiosity to learn than foreclose the mind because of prejudice and preconceived and biased notions.
RE:Indianised BIBLE
by karuppu on Aug 05, 2008 01:01 PM Permalink
dear moses., may god bless you for your rationale approach to a sensitive issue. but unfortunayely INDIA is full of religeios fanatics who do not see logic or rational in their thought and deeds. result is convert by HOOK OR CROOK ,the objective being "increase the number".. otherwise why should kerala priests preach for producing more children in christian families and birth control is not followed by christians.
therefore your voiews that it is going to give an opportunity for both the communities to "LEARN" more about each other may not hold water for a logical conclusion,since these facilities were and are available even now without using a smoke screen.
This is called Indian Christians ??? Let church cut the link with Vatican and show its unity to India.. Let them stop light chemical candles and start using herbal chirath for praying. Let them stop inject western culture to there youth and start teaching Vivekananda in there schools. And at least stop creating regional issues in eastern part of our country and start teaching United India concept
RE:Truth is one
by abhay krishnadas on Aug 05, 2008 01:03 PM Permalink
Best things...Please read Srila Prabhupada's book and be happy. Chant Hare Krishna Maha mantra and be happy.
Bible says"thou shall not be killed" but Most christian people thinks that god has meant only for human beings and not for animals. I says now how much God will be more specific.thou shall not kill means u shouldnt kill including animals. So such interpretaion of Bhagvadgita wont make any difference in Bible. They should(christian) first understand bible properly .
Soul harvesting should be banned in India. This really divides people. We need to have a nationalist agenda which occupies at least 80% of our mindspace.
20% may be allocated to personal preferences and prayers etc. Hindu festivals should also be reduced. More importance should be given to building national pride
RE:Soul harvesting
by Amit Prasad on Aug 05, 2008 12:53 PM Permalink
Hindu aur hindu festivals ke baare mein kuch bhi bolna nahi. Why in the hell Hindu festivals be reduced ..u pork eater
even neo-hinduism is using the practices of christians to promote their religion. Like conducting meetings in the place of the followers, group meetings, registering marriages, receptions etc.