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by karuppu on Aug 05, 2008 12:52 PM

It is a fact christianity is loosing out in europian countries and ITALY / vatican is worried. so where else they can turn their guns except INDIA? sonia had been given an assignment to convert 1 million hindus into christians (though they are from SC/ST/OBC and are still untouchable to "khandani" christians ), the number has to increase as per the "ORDERS" OF VATICAN

therefore it is nothing but a smoke screen for conversion by luring with money and other facilities. it is a pity KERALITES are taking it "lying down".

but it will have severe repurcussion for the whole country and the demography of INDIA will change soon. so pls.wake up and stop this attrocity on illitrate keralites.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures