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We lack this education system
by Sreee on Aug 05, 2008 01:14 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I had friend who had converted to christian not very long before. He told me about the confusions in "so called hindu" practices. and the clarity in bible about the things. We spoke about the values in hinduism(as they call it) as he realized, he never bothered to explore it and find out more. The biggest problem is we do not have institutions who teach our dharma, even though we have some, they differ in their teachings. Unless govt brings formal education about hinduism and its sacred books into the national curriculam atleast as optional, this great learnings will be lost in time.

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RE:We lack this education system
by sanjay verma on Aug 05, 2008 01:32 PM  Permalink
Why should we look towards the govt , we should organise ourselves. Christanity tHrives on fear. Fear that humans are sinners .Fear that if u are not cristian u will go to hell.However such fear is not there in hinduism. as per hindus you are previlaged to have been born as humans because only a human has the intellect to reach god. for us hindus all paths lead to the same ultimate truth. Once you expend all your KARMAS you are bound to unite with the almighty.so salvation is the birth right of every living thing on this earth. Even the soul residing in animals will evolve as humans and ultimately unite with the almighty & the time frame depends on their KARMA. And this is the knowledge of our forefathers living 5000 years agao. This shows how evolved we hindus were at the time when the fore fathers of jesus were hanging from the trees.hence we have to organise ourselves & educate our poor masses about the deciet of the cristian church who are using their m,oney power to convert.

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RE:We lack this education system
by siva krishna on Aug 05, 2008 01:21 PM  Permalink


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by Balakumaran on Aug 05, 2008 01:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

as per jewish calture one has to be qualified to teach if not they will be humiliated and killed as jesus was not qualified to preach he was doing that illegaly and got killed fr that, so missionaries realx

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by Naradmuni on Aug 05, 2008 01:22 PM  Permalink
does knowledge comes with qualification?

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Indian bible
by RRAMESH on Aug 05, 2008 01:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Jesus has lived in India for eight years in india and learned Yoga under indian yogis (Hindu yogis).Catholic church is hiding this fact.They dont have the courage to accept the the truth,as then it will imply that Christ himselh is a Hindu.This attempt of indian bible I believe is to make conversions an easier job,but ultimately will end in absorbing christianity into hindu fold.

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RE:Indian bible
by Naradmuni on Aug 05, 2008 01:23 PM  Permalink
so why to protest against conversion to christian faith as christinity is Indian?

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by Balakumaran on Aug 05, 2008 01:08 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

is baba ram dev is less god than jesus

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by Naradmuni on Aug 05, 2008 01:24 PM  Permalink
Baba Ram Deo is a Millionare Baba like Maharshi Yogi.

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RE:Bible in the form of Hindu Scriptures
by sathya prakash on Aug 05, 2008 01:12 PM  Permalink
We can counter this trend by releasing Gita / Ramayan and other scriptures in the style of Bible in Rome.. will Pope object this?

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RE:Bible in the form of Hindu Scriptures
by Balakumaran on Aug 05, 2008 01:10 PM  Permalink
if they start writing then jesus will have n nuber of wives and cucubens and they have to prove that he slept with 6yr old its very difficult

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when did works of gandhi and tagore became scriptures
by siva krishna on Aug 05, 2008 01:07 PM  Permalink 


i am surprised to learn that these catholics does not know what is the difference between a scripture and a bookwork by a mundane human.

scripture is god given (directly or by inspiration).

the proof of scripture is that...it is practicable and it produces the stated results.

bible can deliver a person if strictly followed.

but not the works of gandhi and tagore.

in the modern world...please see the book written by srila prabhupada (BBT publications). all those books are written with out deviation from vedas.

therefore they are getting sold in huge numbers and people who are following are seeing the result of what stated.

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Divided path to heaven
by H N on Aug 05, 2008 01:07 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

palestine problem, ram janma bhoomi, terrorist bombings, crusades, massacre in goa in 6th century on popes order, Mandaikadu, ireland problem, recent Balkan wards, Chechenya, kashmir, iraq, afganistan, pakistan and the list goes on. I am not sure what have religions provided except an imaginary promise to heaven that is only achievable upon ones death. is religion part of solution or the problem ?

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RE:Divided path to heaven
by today on Aug 05, 2008 01:29 PM  Permalink
Forgot Gujrat Genocide.

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Catholic ashrams
by rgopi on Aug 05, 2008 01:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is the basis of christian ashrams, the aim is to:
1. Prove that christianity is not an imported creed and it has a claim to entire India as stated by the previous poop (oops sorry pope)

2. Christianity which is dying a definite demise in its homeland seeking safer pastures and the stupid secular indians are ideal targets

3. The tenets of xianism being questioned leads to awakening, now to appease the majority it is garbed in a hindu clothing and movies like the ST.Thomas fiction being produced

4. Catholic or mormon or pentecostal the tenet of christianity is the same and end result the destructoin of civilization

5. Gospels contain anything but the truth.

6. The conception of christ has been lifted out of sacred texts of other pagan world orders like mithraism, krishna etc.

7. Christ in general indicates a spiritually evolved person and just jesus in question. It is one has the values of enlightenment. Jesus was never evolved and the old testaement conceieved 4 centuries post jesus. Xianism made the official religion because the bigot constantine preffered to act like the current congress govt of appeasement, further it led to destruction of the most spiritual and healthy pagan civilizations through europe and the mid east.

8. Every ancient church including the santhome church has been built on pagan temple ruins through out the world

Rediff should publish the enlightening truth rather than deleting it. Guys be open minded that is the job ethics of journalism.

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RE:Catholic ashrams
by today on Aug 05, 2008 01:32 PM  Permalink
Christianity came to reform pagans and give a blow to the devil.....islam came to reform christianity and do the job what was left by jesus.....but again ultimately both faiths agree that SATAN is the cause of paganism.

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RE:RE:Indian bible
by chaddi wala on Aug 05, 2008 01:22 PM  Permalink
he he

do you have any proof?
no no and no. Discovery and National Geo chaneel proved that nothing was happened like this. again funny hindu claim.

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RE:Indian bible
by RRAMESH on Aug 05, 2008 01:24 PM  Permalink
Swami Sivananda ,has written that Christ was in india for 8 years under indian-hindu gurus.There is no problem with christ but conversion by chruch is also like terrorism of muslims

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RE:Indian bible
by rgopi on Aug 05, 2008 01:20 PM  Permalink
typical christian tirade which comes out of dogmatism

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Indian bible
by RRAMESH on Aug 05, 2008 01:01 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Jesus has lived in India for eight years in india and learned Yoga under indian yogis (Hindu yogis).Catholic church is hiding this fact.They dont have the courage to accept the the truth,as then it will imply that Christ himselh is a Hindu.This attempt of indian bible I believe is to make conversions an easier job,but ultimately will end in absorbing christianity into hindu fold.

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RE:Indian bible
by vivek nair on Aug 05, 2008 01:07 PM  Permalink
u r rgt,infact many more truths r 2 b revealed

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