Why should we look towards the govt , we should organise ourselves. Christanity tHrives on fear. Fear that humans are sinners .Fear that if u are not cristian u will go to hell.However such fear is not there in hinduism. as per hindus you are previlaged to have been born as humans because only a human has the intellect to reach god. for us hindus all paths lead to the same ultimate truth. Once you expend all your KARMAS you are bound to unite with the almighty.so salvation is the birth right of every living thing on this earth. Even the soul residing in animals will evolve as humans and ultimately unite with the almighty & the time frame depends on their KARMA. And this is the knowledge of our forefathers living 5000 years agao. This shows how evolved we hindus were at the time when the fore fathers of jesus were hanging from the trees.hence we have to organise ourselves & educate our poor masses about the deciet of the cristian church who are using their m,oney power to convert.