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Indo nepal treaty
by Ram swamy on Apr 24, 2008 07:18 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If at all the new Maoist Government think that a new treaty is to be drafted or to be amended in the exhisting Treaty then India should be cautious and alert and not bow down to any of the demands which are arbitrary and lead to chaos in both countries. Simultaneously India should not be flexible. The poor economic growth and unemployment were created by the Maoist themselves during their a decade long insurgency. It is also advisable that India restricts its assistance to Nepal in the course of time as I have been residing in Nepal since more then 7 years the attitude of Nepalese towards India and Indians has always remained sour. Due to the Maoists trade union policy many of the Indian industries are on the verge of closure. Although the exhisting nepal india treaty clearly states that both country's people can work in either countries but the Maoists have threatened many of the indian industries to remove the Indian workmen and as a result some of the companies are still facing problems. If this attitude of Maoist continue after heading the Govt. then there is no doubt Raj Thackrey leader of Maharashtra Nav Nirman sena will drive away the nepalese working in Maharashtra just as the shiv sena did to Bangladeshis. Trade policy border issues have to be viewed seriously so that the new treaty will require no fresh amendments every now and then to suit the Nepal. indian industries also has to flourish and therefore, the Ministry of Commerce and Industries should take a positiv

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RE:Indo nepal treaty
by Ankur on Apr 24, 2008 07:54 PM  Permalink
I totally agree with you Ram swamy

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Re: Indo nepal treaty
by David on Mar 21, 2009 04:00 PM  Permalink
hey ram swamy think twice as to what you say. ..... Nepalese are treated no better in India. i'm neither a Indian nor a nepali. PPL have sour feelings for each other in both the countries and it is because of ppl lie Ankur, ram, namraj and all those racist here on this blog who have added fuel to this hate thing between indians and Nepalis, let me tell you "racist" ppl from both side are doing lowly jobs in each other country. so remove the perception that you are superior than the other. As humans we are all equal. Racists have no place in both Nepal and India.

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RE:Indo nepal treaty
by Namraj Joshi on Apr 24, 2008 07:31 PM  Permalink
I think Indians have flourished enough in Nepal. Now it is high time Nepal shrugs off the fake concern shown by India and Indians towards Nepal and build the nation from scratch. For yor information the feeling of animosity is mutual on both the sides and maybe this has something to do with the wrong attitude of india towards its neighbours. India did no favor to Bangladesh. It was only to bleed Pakistan that India helped theBangladeshis.
Bangladeshis are still there and so will Nepalese remain here. The Thackerays are seasoned politicians and they shout at times when their chips are low .I think we need to be practical and not biased.

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RE:Indo nepal treaty
by indresh uniyal on Apr 24, 2008 08:30 PM  Permalink
indo - Nepal treaty should be renewed as it was too old and things changed with the time.
What r u saying Indians flourished enough in Nepal? what a joke. Nepalees are here to earn their bread butter. Nepaless here I talked with them they are also against the new Govt of Nepal. They are happy here, getting good education, jobs and earning handsome money. A generation worked hard and nest generation came at par with Indians.
Why r u worried about Bangladesh?

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Not a good news..
by pk on Apr 24, 2008 07:15 PM  Permalink 

Not a good decison... By this single man
Every treaty meant for the nation not for any individual.. If they scrap dont proceed for new deal in different format.. Until the earlier treaty didnt hurt both the nation in anyform

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India should not bow down to the Maoist tantrums
by Niraj Pareek on Apr 24, 2008 07:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The whole Nepalese economy runs on Indian aid, still they are showing signs of getting closer to China. This is a perfect exapmle of how ungreatful these guys can be. Take note, this is another Bangladesh in the making. Bangladesh owes its birth to India and still they train terrorsits and encourage insurgency on our borders

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RE:India should not bow down to the Maoist tantrums
by Namraj Joshi on Apr 24, 2008 07:32 PM  Permalink
I think Indians have flourished enough in Nepal. Now it is high time Nepal shrugs off the fake concern shown by India and Indians towards Nepal and build the nation from scratch. For yor information the feeling of animosity is mutual on both the sides and maybe this has something to do with the wrong attitude of india towards its neighbours. India did no favor to Bangladesh. It was only to bleed Pakistan that India helped theBangladeshis.
Bangladeshis are still there and so will Nepalese remain here. The Thackerays are seasoned politicians and they shout at times when their chips are low .I think we need to be practical and not biased

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RE:India should not bow down to the Maoist tantrums
by A P on Apr 24, 2008 08:13 PM  Permalink
India created Bangladesh because of 10 million refugees that had entered India. Imagine if half the number had entered Nepal.

Now I am sure that you are either a Chinese propaganda artist/ISI or a maoist agent.

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Re: India should not bow down to the Maoist tantrums
by David on Mar 21, 2009 04:11 PM  Permalink
hey niraj.... first of all get your basics right. dont just blindly blog just for the sake of it.... nepal economy does not run only on Indian aid and dont tkae pride in it. What India contributes is Just an insignificant 0.25% aid of the total aid. And kargil would never have been won if the nepalis had not helped. first learn to fight your own wars.

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Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by Namraj Joshi on Apr 24, 2008 07:10 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Well done Comrade Prachanda, the treaty is one-sided and needs to be made on equal terms and mutually beneficial to both the nations.

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RE:RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by tamal sarkar on Apr 24, 2008 07:19 PM  Permalink
Yes India remembers Nepal as that was a Biig Mistake to undermine chinese might but thses time they will Not make that Mistake and one should always remember that If China or Maoist Ruled Country is invaded then the biggest supporter will be US and it will force to break the Unholy Nexus slowly developing between between Nepal and china to come at a Stand Still.

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RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by Namraj Joshi on Apr 24, 2008 07:24 PM  Permalink
Darjeeling and sikkim may probably be given back to nepal.

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RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by Sunanda Kunda on Apr 24, 2008 07:48 PM  Permalink
namrarj joshi,
you red communist idiot. I live in Sikkim and am proud to be an Indian first and then a free Nepali in independent India. Independent india, I reassert because that is what we feel in India. Unlike in Nepal, where your so called leaders have raped the country and its citizen. Also I think your country should first learn to manafacture even a small thing like a shaving blade and then talk about progress. As to your suggestion of Sikkim and Darjeeling joining Nepal, thanks but no thanks you jerk. We are happy with mother India.

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RE:RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by Namraj Joshi on Apr 24, 2008 08:03 PM  Permalink
Sunada Kunda, I appreciate your feelings.And your thoughts are justified because Sikkim enjoys the benefit of special status. Sikkimese pay no tax to India. I did not state that Sikkim and Darjeeling would join India. Who knows history always repeats in India. You are the only state in the North East which is pampered. Enjoy till it lasts. My best wishes. And let me correct you I may be an idiot as you have claimed but certainly not a communist. And India is my country as much as it is yours.

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RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by Namraj Joshi on Apr 24, 2008 08:20 PM  Permalink

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RE:RE:RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by A P on Apr 24, 2008 08:09 PM  Permalink
You may not be a communist but you certainly are an idiot. No difference,

No you can not be an Indian while cursing India all the time. You are a Nepalese liar.

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RE:RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by A P on Apr 24, 2008 07:52 PM  Permalink
Well said.You are right. If these idiots are up to any mischief, we will together teach them a lesson of their lives.

These people have lost their pride.

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RE:RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by A P on Apr 24, 2008 07:50 PM  Permalink
Given back? Why? What? How?

Nepalis are talking like Pakis now. you people are better off adopting communism or islam as religion.

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RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by Dipak Bose on Apr 25, 2008 12:49 PM  Permalink
Darjeeling was never a part of Nepal. British got it leased from Sikkim.
Sikkims was never a part of Nepal either. People of Sikkim was Lepcha, and Bhutia Buddhists, not at all Gurkha Nepalis. However, because of this bloody treaty Nehru signed Nepalis took over Sikkim and about to take over North Bengal as well. Nepalese are foreign citizens. India must declare it so and try to get rid of them from Sikkim, Darjeeling and other parts of India.
Otherwise they will turn India into another Nepal and KathMundu( means Heads Cut Off). they are violent people. They should be shown the door to Nepal.

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RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by on Apr 28, 2008 02:24 PM  Permalink
haha!! dipak. you are been a dumb ass this whole time. look at the culture of people and language of people and then decide what is the % that has indian culture and % that has nepalese culture in darjelling. which will prove where was darjelling before..

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RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by A P on Apr 24, 2008 07:47 PM  Permalink
It is indeed one sided.
Nepalese can do any job in India including Govt. jobs but Indians need work permit to work in Nepal.

Now that Nepal has adopted godless maoist ideology, it should enjoy friendship of China just as Tibet is doing now.

We do not need ex Hindus as friends.

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RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by Namraj Joshi on Apr 24, 2008 07:58 PM  Permalink

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RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by KMR Overseas on Apr 24, 2008 08:58 PM  Permalink
Namraj Joshi a terror muslim in disguise name

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RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by A P on Apr 24, 2008 08:04 PM  Permalink
Well then.. I am eager to hear the new Chinese/Muslim names of Nepalis.

It would feel great to see the progress of Nepali people as Muslims & Chinese.

BTW SC/ST/OBC(due to 'dirty' ideologies')get 50% reservation in India. How much reservations do Nepalese SC/ST/OBC's get u Red fool?

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RE:RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by on Apr 28, 2008 02:27 PM  Permalink
ap secular is always better than to be a hindu country.. you were an hindu country too.. HINDUstan.. but you are secular.. wtf is wrong with you when other country want to be secular and not one particular religion?

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Re: RE:Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty
by David on Mar 21, 2009 04:17 PM  Permalink
sorry my friend indians do not need work permit in India .... get your basics right first before blogging.

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Time to Invade Nepal
by Akhil on Apr 24, 2008 07:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It's time to invade Nepal. That will make road clear for further invasion of china..

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RE:Time to Invade Nepal
by on Apr 28, 2008 02:30 PM  Permalink
i hope you are kidding akhil.
or else you are the greatest dumbfuck i have ever heard.

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RE:Time to Invade Nepal
by Suresh John on Apr 24, 2008 07:15 PM  Permalink
looks like you're addicted to video-games!

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RE:Time to Invade Nepal
by Namraj Joshi on Apr 24, 2008 07:12 PM  Permalink
I think India needs to remember 1962. And don't forget Kargil.

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RE:RE:Time to Invade Nepal
by A P on Apr 24, 2008 08:06 PM  Permalink
1962? Our then friends(like u
) the Chinese attacked a poor and unprepared country.
Kargil? I do not see any Indian defeat. We retain all the area your brothers(Pakis) captured

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Re: RE:RE:Time to Invade Nepal
by David on Mar 21, 2009 04:23 PM  Permalink
Ap you have got all your information wrong.... i suggest you first do a lot of information updates then blog. Cause when i read your blog it gets me on my nerve. what information you have provided in the blog is all crap. When China Attacked India it was from kashmir side and not from Nepal where they attacked India and well they are still occupying kashmir, and well you have to be thankful to the Nepalis who saved your ass up there in kargil or else you would have lost that too... i dont mean to support only India or nepal but please please AP or who ever you are get your basic right and then speak.

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RE:Time to Invade Nepal
by kancj on Apr 24, 2008 07:12 PM  Permalink
good luck

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China Effect
by sun mon on Apr 24, 2008 07:08 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think China is playing behind scene.India should be more cautious now.

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RE:China Effect
by Namraj Joshi on Apr 24, 2008 07:18 PM  Permalink
India has a habit on nailing it's own coffin. God bless us if Nepal smiles at China. Maybe then the world would realize the importance of nepal and Nepalese.

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RE:China Effect
by A P on Apr 24, 2008 08:07 PM  Permalink
We Indians realize the importance of Nepalese very much.
We can clean our toilets without Nepalese

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RE:RE:China Effect
by A P on Apr 24, 2008 08:10 PM  Permalink
sorry can not clean

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Re: RE:RE:China Effect
by David on Mar 21, 2009 04:27 PM  Permalink
hey racist why dont you take a taste of your won medicine. i'm an american living in India and i have indians cleaning my toilet. does that mean indians have no self dignity. Get that racist thing off your head cause one day you are goin to pay for it.

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RE:RE:RE:China Effect
by Namraj Joshi on Apr 24, 2008 08:22 PM  Permalink

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RE:China Effect
by on Apr 28, 2008 02:33 PM  Permalink
Hey A P .. are u inhuman, insane .. i have a indian boy who cleans my toilet. Does that equalize us.

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Who cares?
by Palakkadan on Apr 24, 2008 07:08 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

That lollu country doesn't make place in any international media at all..... Whatever they say or do, who cares?

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RE:RE:Who cares?
by shikhar pant on Apr 24, 2008 07:15 PM  Permalink
my friend .. Nepal is one of our friendly neighbors and our relations with Nepal are not just important because of its strategic position (concerning China) but also of our foreign policy which is based on bilateral relations with all peace loving countries. India shares hundreds of miles of borderline with Nepal and it is very important for us to know and understand what they have to say or do. Hope you understand.

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RE:Who cares?
by Namraj Joshi on Apr 24, 2008 07:16 PM  Permalink
If only India is considered International then probably you are right.I wonder what was Jimmy Carter, the Un and the wole world media doing in Nepal?
Very soon everyone in India will be on their toes and probabably te time is come when nepal wouldn't care.

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RE:Who cares?
by Prakash Choudhury on Apr 24, 2008 07:57 PM  Permalink
Who cares ,whether nepal cares about India or not...dont compare an elephant to an ant..Nepal is dependant on India and not vice versa..You should recall the time in the late 80's when the treaty was broken by rajiv gandhi nepalease had no Cooking gas ,petrol,diesel and even no SALT..you wont be able to import anything form anywhere as you have to use indian soil for that too..or perhaps you can use aircrafts to import Salt too

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RE:Who cares?
by Namraj Joshi on Apr 24, 2008 08:17 PM  Permalink

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RE:Who cares?
by AashishK Manucha on Apr 24, 2008 07:27 PM  Permalink
By itself it doesn't, but we all know that the maoists are funded China to stir up trouble and do propaganda, just like it does in north-east and bangladesh. India is unfortunate to have such a neighbour. Our govt. is too slow to react, they will sit and wait till Nepal turns into another Tibet.

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