RE:Hey moti shut yr mouth!!
by ashish tiwari on Apr 20, 2008 12:18 PM Permalink
Maybe Mayawati has a bad character but no one knows and it is her personal matter. Do you know how many times Rahul Baba has slept with other women when he was in US?. But at least she is not a traitor like Sonia and Marxists or a drama expert like Rahul
RE:Hey moti shut yr mouth!!
by sanjay bhargava on Apr 20, 2008 12:31 PM Permalink
What do you call spending crores of Rs. on memorials of herself and her mentor instead of education and food
No knowledge is better than "half knowledge". Taking only what one wants from mythology is very dangerous. I am sure, if one scans the Bible and the Quran, one can find things which are abhorent in this modern world. If my memory is right, the 5 Pandavas did not cohabit with Draupadi on a day to day basis. Similarly, the war was on account of Kauravas refusal even to give 5 villages for Pandavas. What's America doing the world over, fighting wars? Why are they not helping the Tibetians, like they are doing in Iraq? Isn't it because Iraq has oil and was weak, when compared to China.
RE:Response to
by murli nair on Apr 21, 2008 06:53 PM Permalink
What is wrong with that. Why should they help Tibet ? Every country does anything for their own benefit.
I am Indian and live in USA, I am witnessing an unprecedented price rise in groceries for the last 6 months. I have cut down a lot of my expenses due to this unprecedented price rise. The price of petrol/gasoline is almost touching $4.0 which was $2.10 just a year ago. This price rise of commodities is hitting everybody across the world. This is mainly attributed to the diversion of crops like corn, sugarcane etc to produce biofuels in USA and other advanced countries and the war in iraq. What I mean to say is that the present government in India is not fully responsible for the hardship caused by price rise of food products but this happening everywhere.
RE:Price rise a Global Phenomena
by ashish tiwari on Apr 20, 2008 12:21 PM Permalink
Price rise is an Indian phenomena because it is not that the prices of Oil has been raised in is because Congress always takes bribes from hoarders who then get the license to increast prices. Whenever there is a Congress govt (except Narsimha Rao) there has been a price rise.
RE:Price rise a Global Phenomena
by naresh kaushik on Apr 20, 2008 11:01 AM Permalink
Jhon Jacob, Price rise ok, even if it is a world wide phenomena, what about the real estate prices, should real estate prices also a global phenomenon, this govt is hand in glove with black marketeers,builders mafia,power brokers etc, Sitting in America & getting cosy dollars, shall not make you understand the poor indians sufferings,more than 50 percent of these poor Indians, earn less than a dollar a day,poor farmers have taken a step to end their life burdened with loans, even the recent election loan waiver can only benefit 12 percent of the total loan seekers,more than 50 years of congress rule has not eradicated the illeteracy,or poverty, what they have given India so far is hi-fi slogans like, garibi hatao,aam-aadmi, etc etc, Please be in India to know India better.
RE:Price rise a Global Phenomena
by AARVEE RAMKI on Apr 20, 2008 12:04 PM Permalink
I live in Singapore. The price of rice has increased by 60-70% in the last six months. This is the case in other groceries also. Also the monthly grocery bill has increased by atleast 30%. Govt. is arranging to feed the poor and low income group people
RE:Price rise a Global Phenomena
by Ram Sharma on Apr 20, 2008 11:05 AM Permalink
what is the meaning of repeating the same message again and again blocking lot of space?
U r also wrong in saying that inflation in USA is same as in INdia. What is the inflation in USA? It will definitely not b more than 2% against more than 7% here.
RE:Price rise a Global Phenomena
by mumbai on Apr 20, 2008 11:02 AM Permalink
Does bush agree your reason for price hike? so your point is to say that root cause is petrol and extremism? Do you think it is wrong to develop fuel from ethenol? How long you are going to depend on the oil?
RE:Price rise a Global Phenomena
by Mohd Saifuddin on Apr 20, 2008 10:53 AM Permalink
i am 100% agree with you inflation is not a part of india the world is faceing problem and people injoy on net you may join UNEP (united nation enveron. prog.)
am Indian and live in USA, I am witnessing an unprecedented price rise in groceries for the last 6 months. I have cut down a lot of my expenses due to this unprecedented price rise. The price of petrol/gasoline is almost touching $4.0 which was $2.10 just a year ago. This price rise of commodities is hitting everybody across the world. This is mainly attributed to the diversion of crops like corn, sugarcane etc to produce biofuels in USA and other advanced countries and the war in iraq. What I mean to say is that the present government in India is not fully responsible for the hardship caused by price rise of food products but this happening everywhere.
RE:Price rise a Global Phenomena
by Ram Sharma on Apr 20, 2008 11:17 AM Permalink
what is the meaning of repeating the same message again and again blocking lot of space?
U r also wrong in saying that inflation in USA is same as in India. What is the inflation in USA? It will definitely not b more than 2% against more than 7% here.
RE:Price rise a Global Phenomena
by ashish tiwari on Apr 20, 2008 12:25 PM Permalink
Has Sonia paid you for writing this comment or you are a Christian missornay? Do not try to fool us. We know that as elections are coming the Congress is trying to collect bribes from the traders who then get a license to increase prices and loot the public
I am Indian and live in USA, I am witnessing an unprecedented price rise in groceries for the last 6 months. I have cut down a lot of my expenses due to this unprecedented price rise. The price of petrol/gasoline is almost touching $4.0 which was $2.10 just a year ago. This price rise of commodities is hitting everybody across the world. This is mainly attributed to the diversion of crops like corn, sugarcane etc to produce biofuels in USA and other advanced countries and the war in iraq. What I mean to say is that the present government in India is not fully responsible for the hardship caused by price rise of food products but this happening everywhere.
RE:Price rise a Global Phenomena
by Ram Sharma on Apr 20, 2008 11:06 AM Permalink
what is the meaning of repeating the same message again and again blocking lot of space?
U r also wrong in saying that inflation in USA is same as in INdia. What is the inflation in USA? It will definitely not b more than 2% against more than 7% here.
I live in USA, I am witnessing an unprecedented price rise in groceries for the last 6 months. I have cut down a lot of my expenses due to this unprecedented price rise. The price of petrol/gasoline is almost touching $4.0 which was $2.10 just a year ago. This price rise of commodities is hitting everybody across the world. This is mainly attributed to the diversion of crops like corn, sugarcane etc to produce biofuels in USA and other advanced countries and the war in iraq. What I mean to say is that the present government in India is not fully responsible for the hardship caused by price rise of food products but this happening everywhere.
RE:Price rise is Global phenomena
by Ram Sharma on Apr 20, 2008 11:07 AM Permalink
what is the meaning of repeating the same message again and again blocking lot of space?
U r also wrong in saying that inflation in USA is same as in India. What is the inflation in USA? It will definitely not b more than 2% against more than 7% here.
RE:Price rise is Global phenomena
by srinivas katuri on Apr 20, 2008 09:55 AM Permalink
i live in the same us of a, apart from gasoline, none of the other prices are rising. so urs n cnn ibn's support to upa govt. doesnt really help save the govt. the nda govt shud come back.
Kaangress is kept in power with the support of such pals of conveneince as Maya, Karat, Lalu, Karuna et al - pals who are continually threatening to withdraw support but somehow never do. Empty vessels make the most noise, as the saying goes and Maya is nothing if not totally empty - vacant!
by ashish tiwari on Apr 20, 2008 12:37 PM Permalink
Rahul is a naive prince..India should make him the King only if he stops this drama and shows guts to ask his mom a simple question.
"Mom, I have visited so many poor Dalits and slept in their houses. They have nothing to eat no water to drink, no roads, no electricity. Why is their condition so bad?Why are farmers commiting sucide? What has our family done for them? My grand-grand father ruled for 17 years. My grand mother ruled for 20 years. My dad ruled for 5 years and for past 4 years you are ruling this country through clowns named Manmohan and Chidambram.Both of them and you claim to be with poor but it seems you want everyone to become more poor so that you can ask for their votes.I cant ask Dalits to vote for Congress. Instead I am asking them to vote for Mayawati.maybe she can do something. Maybe I will join BSP in future.