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by ashish tiwari on Apr 20, 2008 12:37 PM

Rahul is a naive prince..India should make him the King only if he stops this drama and shows guts to ask his mom a simple question.

"Mom, I have visited so many poor Dalits and slept in their houses. They have nothing to eat no water to drink, no roads, no electricity. Why is their condition so bad?Why are farmers commiting sucide? What has our family done for them? My grand-grand father ruled for 17 years. My grand mother ruled for 20 years. My dad ruled for 5 years and for past 4 years you are ruling this country through clowns named Manmohan and Chidambram.Both of them and you claim to be with poor but it seems you want everyone to become more poor so that you can ask for their votes.I cant ask Dalits to vote for Congress. Instead I am asking them to vote for Mayawati.maybe she can do something. Maybe I will join BSP in future.

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