Refugees should not abuse the hospitality of the Host Government,should be well understood. We Indians know better, take example of refugees from east pakistan,today many of the refugees are creating problems for the government and the government of banglaDesh has no friendly attitude who are nurturing terrorists of NE India.
Indians got the freedom from British fighting inside India.Even Gandiji/Nehrus/others fought for freedom from India facing all sorts of inhuman reprisals from British. If the Tibetians want freedom they should go to Lhasa ,fill the jails there ,make sacrifices and get freedom.Majority of the Tibetians who protest were born in the comfort of Democratic India,who had to resort to unparalled security because of incidents at London/US/France etc. Pseudo intellects/opposition politicians/would like to derive max mileage out of such situations especially in an year when elections are going to be held.India as a country did not boycott Moscow olympics nor the Los Angeles Olympics.Hence India has been consistant in their approach,which todays media especially electronic media do not want reflect,fbest known to them.
RE:Olympic torch relay
by sharadaprasad munikoti on Apr 18, 2008 01:10 PM Permalink
RE:Olympic torch relay
by Sahadevan KK on Apr 18, 2008 01:46 PM Permalink
A lot of media try to pacify our people from price rise, by telling lies / omitting truth:
Left leaders are going to take lunch with PM or Sonia. Aamir Khan does not participate Olympic torch relay. Sachin refused to participate Olympic torch (omitted he is injured). Pranab and Arjun Singh are trying to become for Prime Minister. Priyanka met Nalini in vellore jail (omitted there is no entry in jail register). Lama is another Gandhi.
RE:Olympic torch relay
by BlueBoy on Apr 18, 2008 12:34 PM Permalink
Do you understand the difference between British and Chinese? It's the same as the difference between Democracy and Communist.
RE:Olympic torch relay
by Manjula A on Apr 18, 2008 01:03 PM Permalink
There is really no big difference between the Brits and the Han Chinese. Both are racist, imperialist genociders and looters.
RE:Olympic torch relay
by chaitanya s on Apr 18, 2008 06:47 PM Permalink
I feel Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela in SA finally achieved their aim (freedom) since they protested in their own country while under foreign rule. I feel if Dalai Lama needs to protest, he should do it living in Tibet rather than in India. Just as Gandhi went to England for the round table conference, the Dalai Lama should go to China and work something out.
Causing inconvenience to genuine sports lovers across the world is not the right way. Especially when they are hosting you in their country.
A torch kept the capital to ransom. Don't remember if such number of police was ever deployed for security of Delhiites ever. Since no one was allowed to watch the torch or its bearer, may be they could have held this drama in an indoor stadium. People spent hours waiting on roads due to jams last evening.
RE:To Tibetans
by A Bc on Apr 18, 2008 12:41 PM Permalink
You know what - say you support the free Tibet movement - fine. But who the F are you to pretend to speak on behalf of all Indians. I'm Indian, and I don't support the free Tibet movement. So, keep it to yourself - ok..
In October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China launched an armed invasion of Tibet.The Chinese army of 40,000 men routed the unprepared defending Tibetan army of only 5,000 near the city of Chamdo.
Democracy is best system for currupt politician, elite class, greedy & currupt top Burrocracy, induslerlist, and most useful for MINIRORTY (Muslim ). why? Explained: 1). In India Type Democracy ( Different from USA & europe - pro Nationalist and awareness of national interest) is useful to fullfill you only own interest like making money and misuse system if you have money and power. 2). If U muslim then u can fullfill u hidden relegious agenda (silent agenda who is drafted in their masjid and in their communities)to promot their power and population. 3). rich people can use system according to their interset and play with them. ex- Nanda case etc. 4) most degenerous effect is country main culture - hindu great culture and ethos is badly damage and spoiled slowely slowely by vote system.
RE:hi frnds
by Dangerous on Apr 18, 2008 11:40 AM Permalink
Madam sonia ...this is not a marketing platform...stop posting such nonsense as noone is interseted in ur offer
We Indians will support your fight against Chinese...We will fight from our keyboards and drawing rooms till we are 80 and drop dead...we will turn our ears deaf when you are called chinkies and turn our eyes blind when you are physically assaulted, molested and raped in by lanes of Delhi like your northeast counterparts...but will always respect you courage.... and continue our brave lip support because in doing so we can at least console ourselves that we are 'fighting' against China...
Slavery is in our blood...For centuries we were under Mughals,then under British and finally surrendered ourselves to the Chinese devils...The entire security around the torch reflected our eagerness to please the Chinese establishment...Unaramed Tibetans were being chased nd thrashed by police as if India was not a democratic country but a totalitarian regime...I can understand that India cannnot afford to deteriorate diplomatic ties with a country of China stature but in the process we have shown storng traits of a slave...In the first place India should not have been part of the torch relay nd if did it should have allowed common people to be part of the event...Blame it on Nehru who committed a great folly by appeasing China...Present congress govt seem to be repeating the same mistake
RE:Slavery in our blood
by alien on Apr 18, 2008 11:50 AM Permalink
u well said. now i do not see any one leader who fought only for hindu interest and culture. no any one. some hope from relegious side but picture is not clear.still the leader who clean our india MADE BHARAT NOT INDIA. I DREAM FOR BHARAT NOT FOR INDIA.
We Indians will support you always Tibetains and help you in your fight against Chinese...We will fight from our keyboards and drawing rooms till we are 80 and drop dead...we will turn our ears deaf when you are called chinkies and turn our eyes blind when you are physically assulated, molested and raped in bylanes of Delhi like your northeast counterparts...but will always respect you courage.... and continue our brave lip support becasue in doing so we can atleast console oursleves that we are 'fighting' against China...