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Olympic torch relay
by sharadaprasad munikoti on Apr 18, 2008 12:06 PM

Refugees should not abuse the hospitality of the Host Government,should be well understood.
We Indians know better, take example of refugees from east pakistan,today many of the refugees are creating problems for the government and the government of banglaDesh has no friendly attitude who are nurturing terrorists of NE India.

Indians got the freedom from British fighting inside India.Even Gandiji/Nehrus/others fought for freedom from India facing all sorts of inhuman reprisals from British.
If the Tibetians want freedom they should go to Lhasa ,fill the jails there ,make sacrifices and get freedom.Majority of the Tibetians who protest were born in the comfort of Democratic India,who had to resort to unparalled security because of incidents at London/US/France etc. Pseudo intellects/opposition politicians/would like to derive max mileage out of such situations especially in an year when elections are going to be held.India as a country did not boycott Moscow olympics nor the Los Angeles Olympics.Hence India has been consistant in their approach,which todays media especially electronic media do not want reflect,fbest known to them.

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