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ungrate ful people
by sudhir suri on Apr 17, 2008 06:45 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

India gave asylum to Tibetans. They left no stones unturned to embarrass India.100 tibetans have held a population of one crore at ransom. India subsidizes food grains to feeds Kashmiris . They want to go to Pakistan.India gives shelters to Bangla Desh immigrants . They contribute to terrorists activities . This indicate the sense of ungratefulness among the aliens.. Instead of feeding hungry Indians ,the successive governments have been feeding the ungrateful lot. Whether it is for winning Nobel prize or vote bank policies . The new rulers must take into account all these activities. All these people should be send to Andaman Nicobar islands The Indian intelligentsia must unite and create a public opinion .

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RE:ungrate ful people
by siva sankar on Apr 17, 2008 06:49 PM  Permalink
brother hindu unity is the need of the hour to take on such ungratefulpeople but hindus are running behind caste the congress knows it so it uses religion for muslims and cate for hindus

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RE:ungrate ful people
by pravin sarode on Apr 17, 2008 06:55 PM  Permalink
in 1964 china took illegal possation of 64000 square kilometers of land that india got from british rulers in 1947 so we if cooperate china then there has to some sence of shame that the brave soldiers who lost their lives in 1964 is
easily forgotten by the murderes of democracy. we have sympathy for nalini who is proved to be guilty for rajiv gandhi murder plot but we have no sympathy for our home less dalai lama is true

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RE:ungrate ful people
by sri on Apr 17, 2008 06:56 PM  Permalink
What nonsense! Tibetans are not trying to embarass India - they are trying to get their country back. It is unfortunate they have to depend on the sympathies of people like you but getting their country back should not have to depend on others sense (or lack of it) of the situation.

The Bangladeshi problem is different and the kahmiris are our people - why do you talk of them as the 'other' and then say Kashmir is ours??? Dont lump all of them into one group- they are different issues, different people needing different solutions.

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RE:ungrate ful people
by Rajeet Rajan on Apr 17, 2008 07:21 PM  Permalink
very well said i agree to you, This Netas are at merge of Ruinedin india, this wh*re communist y dont they go and get settled in china atleast we youngsters can do thousand time better then this OLDIES Buddhe....Scary bunch of tree

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communist are patriots like muslims
by siva sankar on Apr 17, 2008 06:40 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

indian communists are always patriotic and had love for the nation (china)like that of indianmuuslims to their nation (pakistan)

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RE:communist are patriots like muslims
by Bharatkumar on Apr 17, 2008 06:41 PM  Permalink
sahi bhola beedu

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RE:communist are patriots like muslims
by Rajeet Rajan on Apr 17, 2008 07:26 PM  Permalink
In mumbai in Bandra East u'll find pakistan's Flag from stations bridge, is that possible to do samething in pakistan by hindus??????/

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tibetan torch/movement
by on Apr 17, 2008 06:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is most shameful that india started crawling even in case like this when bending itself is not required.
Tibetans attracted world attention against chinese govt oppression. The communist government does not spare even chinese citizens who revolted in tinamun square.
china should accept 1.autonomy to Tibet just like our kashmir with free democratic elections 1.non permission to chinese to acquie properties in the region. 2. The administration/democratic set up should be just like Hongcong with free permission for foreigners to invest/ tour.
To achieve the above, Tibetan should agitate for non usage of chinse goods in USA , Europe, india and gulf/africa/south America/canada
/australia etc.once this is done chinese economy will crash and it will have no other option but to discuss with Dalai lama and solve the tibetan issue.Tibetans should hold demonstrations at MNC corporate offices all over the world as well as at portsof entry of chinese goods / sub assemblies/ components.

china will bend once USA , canada , europe , australia governments put pressure and threaten to impose ban chinese goods unless tibetan autonomy considered.

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RE:tibetan torch/movement
by Bharatkumar on Apr 17, 2008 06:40 PM  Permalink
bahut lambi story hai

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RE:RE:tibetan torch/movement
by tridib roy on Apr 17, 2008 06:56 PM  Permalink
dont cry saying tibet tibet...it is a strong step india gove has taken today...

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RE:tibetan torch/movement
by Dream Boy on Apr 17, 2008 06:39 PM  Permalink
guddha gaallaaraa, sulli gaalaaraa i salute your moddas

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RE:tibetan torch/movement
by Sicilian on Apr 17, 2008 06:38 PM  Permalink
why blame politicians when the people of India itself do not have the spine to refrain form participating. At least government has diplomacy to play , but why did these celebrities participate?

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RE:RE:tibetan torch/movement
by sri on Apr 17, 2008 06:49 PM  Permalink
Very good point. We are very risk-averse people satisfied with philosophy and daily upkeep. That is why it took so long to get independence - people were quite satisfied with their condition bad it may have been. We Indians are not easily swayed except by minor/trivial issues which irritate the ego- everything else has to wait until it becomes a conflagration and we HAVE to do something about it. The petty, abusive, substance-lacking quarrels here on Rediff are one example of our personalities and character. Between Gandhi-ism, and communism and now recently faced also with a type of capitalism, we Indians are paralyzed in the absence of ideals, vision and depth of thought.

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wat's story?
by anu modh on Apr 17, 2008 06:32 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

can any one explain y is the fight between china and tibet?wat happ??

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RE:wat's story?
by Ramakrishnan J on Apr 17, 2008 06:39 PM  Permalink
Long long ago.... so long ago... there lived a king called .....

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RE:wat's story?
by a g on Apr 17, 2008 06:42 PM  Permalink
Anu, you woke up a bit too late!!! lot of things have happened...plz continue sleeping!!!

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Kudos to Karat - a featured PM
by Gopala Sethuraman on Apr 17, 2008 06:25 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Karat has shown his immense power once again.. ensured his neighbourhood brother's wishes are met..

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RE:Kudos to Karat - a featured PM
by Priyadarshan on Apr 17, 2008 06:32 PM  Permalink
Karat PM !!!!!!!!!!!???????????
hu hu hu hu

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RE:Kudos to Karat - a featured PM
by Jimmy Sharma on Apr 17, 2008 06:56 PM  Permalink
karat is all about china. he will give arunachal to china if he becomes PM.

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begani shadi me abdulla deewana
by Priyadarshan on Apr 17, 2008 06:22 PM  Permalink 

indian commies part in this function like this

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by mrjoko on Apr 17, 2008 06:18 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Now we will get a pat on our back by Chinese.

Do we have any self respect??

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by Priyadarshan on Apr 17, 2008 06:23 PM  Permalink
better question
ask to our politicians

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by Sicilian on Apr 17, 2008 06:32 PM  Permalink
Or the people of India and all these celebrities who took part , why blame politicians when the people of India itself do not have the spine to refrain form participating. At least government has diplomacy to play , but why did these celebrities participate?

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by sagar patel on Apr 17, 2008 06:28 PM  Permalink
so u wanted a pat on the back from Tibet?

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Run Successful
by Kaushik Basu on Apr 17, 2008 06:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think this is a perfect win situation for the supporters of free Tibet. The Indian government had to protect the torch and it did, it would have been the same irrespective of what party would have been in the power. But this whole episode had win a huge win for the people of Tibet. Their motive was to attract World attention towards Tibet and not just to blow off a torch. They succeeded in that big time. Now they are in the headlines. Only problem is that no other goverments in the world is officially supporting them, most are even silent on the China's human right situation in Tibet. This is actually a very sorry state, nobody want to be in the bad books of China even if it means compromising with the ethos of their nation, be it US, UK, France, Germany, Russia etc. India would anyway avoid any confrontation with China all alone specially when China can not only hurt it direct but indirectly as well, i.e. through NE militants, Maoists of India and Nepal and Pakistan. Lets see how the things unfold in the future.

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RE:Run Successful
by narayan on Apr 17, 2008 06:17 PM  Permalink
hahahahahahaha...i cannot stop laughing....

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RE:Run Successful
by Priyadarshan on Apr 17, 2008 06:21 PM  Permalink
begani shadi me abdulla deewana !!!!
ho ho ho ho

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RE:Run Successful
by guk on Apr 17, 2008 06:19 PM  Permalink
You cant stop laughing after watching the torch relay?

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RE:Run Successful
by guk on Apr 17, 2008 06:30 PM  Permalink
You were watching the Olympic torch relay organised by Chinese communist party sponsored by Pepsi

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RE:Run Successful
by gac on Apr 17, 2008 06:16 PM  Permalink
kaushik u must be really ignorant if u r thinking, only after this episode the world leaders knows abt the situation of tibet.

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RE:Run Successful
by gac on Apr 17, 2008 06:19 PM  Permalink
this drama meant for ppl like u n some dumb celbs in order to generate more financial support for their cause.

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RE:Olympic torch
by anirban chakraborty on Apr 17, 2008 06:16 PM  Permalink
what is "our country"? Our country is not bricks, stones, concretes. It is the poeople that a country is made of.
Once you realize this, you will not mind the disruption. People have the right to protest in a peaceful manner, which they did.

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RE:Olympic torch
by vybhav shetty on Apr 17, 2008 06:22 PM  Permalink
u are an idiot, there is no international event in our country

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RE:Olympic torch
by Navratan Sethia on Apr 17, 2008 06:24 PM  Permalink
you are speaking the language of karat-yechury gang.at first ask them about their country?only living & eating in my country they could not be indian if they do not respect indian people, indian ideology, indian icon,indian tradition.tibetian are living in this country they are from differnt country but after all they respect indian & indian tradition.do you any comrade you may call him indian.

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RE:RE:Olympic torch
by Navratan Sethia on Apr 17, 2008 06:26 PM  Permalink
true indian never be comrade & a comrade never be indian.

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